

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

A Path To Never Cross

"Alright! Ready to go Miko?" Akira asked.

"Mhm, let's head towards the group we saw not long ago, I feel like something's off about this dungeon floor and they might need us." Miko explained.

As Akira put out the fire he decided to leave the pot and bowls behind.

"Let's move on then."

As the 2 started to walk down the passage way.

Hour's later...

Miko and Akira got into another battle but quickly cleared the mob of monster's in a mere second.

"That was easy." Akira said as he went down to reach for a Mana crystal, but all of a sudden the Mana crystal shook.

"Huh?" Akira thought in his mind.

It was only then he realized that It wasn't just the Mana crystal shaking, but the entire dungeon floor was shaking.

"Miko! Something's heading our way!" Akira shouted as he assumed a battle stance.

Miko did the same and assumed a battle stance with her rapier out and in front of her.

Both of them stared down the dark passage way waiting for It to show It's self.

Within minutes later, they saw one of the dwarf's from the party earlier heavily injured, he was bleeding, blood was covering his left eye and his left shoulder was also bleeding.

He was walking slowly until he reached out with his right hand

"H-he-help us..." the Dwarf said as he fell to the ground, and as he did It revealed a giant monster behind him.

"What the hell is that?!" Akira thought in his mind.

It had giant skeleton body, but It had a scary face and hands with sharp fingers that acted like claws.

The skeleton was reaching out to the dwarf on the ground slowly with it's claw like hands.

Akira and Miko had fear in their eyes, but It didn't stop Akira as he took notice of the situation fast.

"Leave him ALONE!" Akira shouted as he quickly dashed towards the monster in a instant and went behind the creature.

But the skeleton reacted to Akira's speed and Akira was caught off guard and the Skeleton giant swung It's right arm at Akira.

Akira quickly blocked It's attack with his dagger but was launched far back into a wall of the dungeon and he spat out blood.

"Akira!" Miko yelled as she chanted her speed spell and rushed towards the giant skeleton, But before Miko could even strike It down the Skeleton giant already reacted to her speed as well and quickly swung It's left arm at her.

It scratched the back of her hand and she was launched backwards and was knocked out on the ground, the back of her hand started to bleed.

Akira gained his consciousness and he quickly pulled himself out of the wall.

He was trying to clear his head and as he did, he looked up and his vision cleared up.

"It's strong" Akira thought to himself as he pulled out his 2nd dagger from his sheath.

"I'll have to duel wield for this" Akira said to himself.

The giant skeleton slowly turned his head around at Akira as It was aiming for him.

Akira was trembling, he had never faced something this scary and huge.

But he gripped onto his 2 dagger handles tightly.

As Akira assumed a battle stance once more, he quickly analyzed the monster for a little.

After he finished Akira dashed towards It again, but Akira notice It already reacted to Akira moving even before Akira could get to It.

Akira quickly stopped himself from moving forward and threw the dagger in his left hand towards the beast's eye.

As the dagger was being thrown towards the Skeleton giant, It quickly grabbed It with It's left hand like it was nothing.

"LIGHTNING BOLT!" Akira shouted as he launched a lightning spell as It caught the dagger.

Akira threw out his spell with his left hand and a bolt of lightning came rushing towards the Skeleton beast.

Smoke started to appear in the battle field and Akira couldn't see anything.

Within minutes, the smoke started to clear up.

Akira noticed the beast didn't sustain any damage from the magic.

The Skeleton giant looked like It had enough and roared so loud that Akira covered both his ear's.

As It stopped the giant skeleton's red eyes glowed brighter then before.

Akira gasped as he notice It.

All of a sudden the giant skeleton formed sharp bone like projectiles in the palm of It's hands and he launched 5 of them with his left hand.

Akira quickly started to deflect them all back, slashing them left and right with his quick speed, as if thing weren't worse the giant skeleton was launching them continuously, non stop.

Akira was started to slowly get pierced by them everywhere, his cloak was also being ripped up as he wasn't able to keep up with the overwhelming amount of sharp projectiles being launched by the beast, blood started to pour out from his shoulder and chest area.

His face was covered with blood, most of it on the right side of his face.

A few seconds later the beast stopped and Akira was worn out after having to deflect the projectiles for a mere 10 seconds.

Akira started to cough out blood, his injuries were getting worse.

But moments later, Miko leaped into the air with her rapier and quickly thrusted her rapier at the top of the skull.

But Miko was to slow and the beast grabbed her whole body with It's right hand.

"Argh!" Miko grunted.

Within seconds the beast stabbed Miko through her chest with one of it's sharp claws, Miko spat out blood and was thrown across the dark passage way where Akira was.

Akira notice and quickly dropped his dagger and jumped up in the air and grabbed her and safely landed on the ground.

"Miko! Are you okay?!" Akira shouted as he notice Miko was seriously injured.

She didn't respond at all, but Akira could tell she was still alive, she was only knocked out.

Akira put Miko down gently as his hands was covered in Miko's blood.

Akira was pissed and slowly stood up like he had enough, he closed his eyes.

All of a sudden a strong aura started to surround him, his whole body was changing like It was transforming.

His black hair turned white, his left arm started to form a strange symbol on it and it was glowing. And his clothes transformed into a entire black outfit, He was wearing a black leather jacket with a hoodie and black leather pants as well.

He opened his eyes and his eye color even changed, It was a blonde color.

But his expression was different, It was a like Akira had completely changed his personality.

As the beast saw Akira's transformation, It threw the dagger Akira threw not to long ago towards him.

But Akira grabbed the tip of the blade with his thumb and index finger from his left hand.

"It's been awhile...since I've had this much fun." Akira said as his voice was echoing a little, he picked up his dagger he dropped after trying to save Miko.

Miko started to slowly open her eyes, but her vision was blurry but she notice Akira was in front of her, she closed her eyes again and she passed out.

Akira flipped the dagger in his left hand and held It where the handle was.

Akira leaned forward and in a instant he got behind the beast, the beast quickly turned around and struck It's left arm down on the ground.

But Akira flipped into the air and thrusted his dagger into the Skeleton's left eye. Before Akira was about to land he kicked it further in and back flipped off the dagger's handle and landed on the ground with style.

The beast roared in agony.

"Is that all? I expected more then this." Akira said.

Without giving a beast a second to pull the dagger out of it's eye, Akira slashed the elbow part of the left arm with all his strength and broke apart the entire giant's left hand with incredible speed and strength. It's entire left arm fell apart.

It was speed that even Miko's speed wasn't comparable, but as Akira landed on the ground after dealing massive damage to the skeleton, he leaped backwards to stay a little far from the beast to recover.

The beast was angry and roared at Akira, the soundwave was strong and was blowing Akira back only a little.

The beast started to rush towards Akira, Akira did the same and as Akira got in front of the beast first, the skeleton smashed the ground where Akira was with It's right hand but missed.

Akira stabbed his dagger in the skeleton's right hand as quickly as possible into the ground and pushed It in with his feet, jumping up into the air and quickly landing on the head of the skeleton.

He pulled out his left dagger out of the skeleton's eye and with his strength he kicked the skeleton's rib cage and managed to kick it so far back It crashed into a wall, ripping off it's right hand as well.

As the beast was about to stand back up with no hands left, Akira got in front of It's face.

"You're dead now" Akira said as he smashed the skeleton's skull so hard that he instantly killed it, the beast dropped a big mana crystal after it faded away.

All of a sudden Akira started to transform back into his original form and he passed out after the battle.

With little time he reached out to Miko with his right hand, he whispered.

"Miko..." Akira said as he slowly passed out not after seeing someone's leg's in front of him.

The aura inside Akira disappeared into vapor...

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