
crazy night

She is a beautiful young lady,24 years old with black hair and blue eyes,she was kind and charming but fate was cruel to her she was the the unfavoured daughter,the loser everyone mocked and despite the most.She came from a rich family but that never mattered to those who abused and bullied her,she thought she had faced the worse until that crazy night her former classmates had organized a get together,she had complete trust in them and they took advantage of that and drunked her.She spent that night with a complete stranger against her will. That night changed her completely and she decided to avenge herself but her nightmare was far from over she had gotten pregnant and worse she didn't know the father of her baby.Her parents had told her to get rid of the pregnancy or they will disown her,her brother had posted the news of her being pregnant on internet and her so called friends were celebrating her complete downfall calling her all kind of names but she wasn't going to let them get away with what they had done. Her parents hated her for that and they kicked her out of the house.She left hurt and betrayed by her own people but after two years she came back not as the weak and frail girl she was back then,she was now powerful and strong.A nightmare had began,the hunter was ready to hunt her prey..

phaynique · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs

Angry wife (chapter 57)

Jennie was done preparing herself,she kept looking in the drawers for her antenatal documents,she had forgotten where she kept the documents after her last check up,she opened the drawers one by one looking for the documents,opening the third drawer she saw the files neatly folded,she smiled and took them out sighing in relief,she sat on the bed and opened the documents but to her shock the documents weren't the one's she was looking for,she slowly unfolded the documents in her hands,going through the documents Jennie saw something fall on the floor,with her knees bend,she picked the photos and opened her eyes wide in shock,she felt like her chest was being hammered,there were photos of Lucas holding a woman in his hands,the lady was beautiful and both wore matching outfit,with a look one could tell they were a couple,there were alot of them, the lady sitting on his lap,both kissing in a place seemed to be a bar,swimming at the swimming pool,doing physical excise,holding guns in their hands,riding horses,there were many which were taken at a different time and place,they looked younger and seemed happy,one would agree they looked like a perfect couple that did funs things together,Lucas had never talked about his love life with her,he never told her that he once had a girlfriend and she never asked him,her dismay intensified when she saw a ring box,with shaking hands she slowly opened the box,there were a signet couple rings and after inspecting them she saw Lucas' initials and the ladie's craved on the rings,Jennie felt her chest tighten,with tears almost falling from her eyes she stared at them for a while,feeling a chocking feeling in her throat Jennie folded the documents and placed them where she had found them,she felt bitter and unhappy the sour feeling was intensifying making her feel nauseous,seeing Lucas have such good memories with that lady didn't settle well with her especially when she didn't have as much memories with him,who was she?why did they break up? were questions Jennie kept on thinking.

Lucas who sat at the living room glanced at his wrist watch and frowned,it had been more than ten minutes since she headed to their room to pick her documents,a couple of times when both were supposed to go for a check up,Jennie was often lazy and found it hard to wake up,Lucas had to wake her more than three times and if he left her for a few minutes he would find her already sleeping, thinking she was lazing around he smiled and stood up heading to their room,pushing the door open he called "wifey we're gonna be late" but the smile on his face quickly disappeared after seeing the expression on Jennie's face,he quickly walked towards her "what's wrong? feeling unwell?" he asked concerned,Jennie knew she had nothing to worry about,Lucas loved and treated her well and never had she seen him associating himself with other women apart from his friend Cecil,swallowing the bitter taste in her mouth she said "I'm fine just feeling lazy" she lied,Lucas not doubting her smiled "you're becoming more lazy nowadays but you will have to bear with it we can't miss your check up,have you found the documents?" he asked,Jennie shook her head "I'll look for them wait for me downstairs" he said and began looking for the documents,Jennie stared at him for a while before leaving.

Seated in the car,Jennie took her phone and began scrolling to distract herself but it wasn't working,everyone knows that your partner keeping photos of your ex lover meant one still held onto those memories and if one found them,the feeling was unbearable,does he still love her?why is he keeping their photos at a safe drawer,was he planning to propose to her before they broke up,why did they break up?why is he still keeping the rings? Jennie wondered her jealously slowly turning into anger,after a while Lucas got into the car holding the documents."You kept them in the wardrobe's drawer" he said but Jennie didn't respond,she seemed deep in thoughts that she didn't notice Lucas had got inside the car,Lucas stared at her,he could feel something was wrong but he couldn't tell what "wifey" he called softly,the call was able to pull Jennie out off her trance "are you sure you're okay?if you are feeling unwell we can postpone our appointment" he said but Jennie only shook her head and looked though the widow,Lucas started the car and at a low speed he drove heading to the hospital,he tried making conversation but each time Jennie would answer with a single word,she seemed uninterested and Lucas noticed that,he tried amking jokes but to his disappointment Jennie didn't find them funny,this further increased his suspicion that something was wrong,at first he thought she was feeling unwell but when she began humming he realised she looked really mad,humming unknown song while looking outside the window,Jennie was playing with her phone in her hands not sparing a glance at Lucas,Lucas tried thinking hard,he didn't recall doing something wrong that might have upset her,yesternight they were happily making out and slept cuddling,in the morning they were fine but she changed after going to pick her documents,after thinking for a while he couldn't figure the problem,her silent treatment made him feel anxious,each passing minute intensified his panick,he wanted to ask if by any chance he might have offended her but he was scared to anger her further.

Arriving at the private hospital,Lucas parked the car,without waiting for him Jennie got out of the car and headed inside,Lucas stared at her back and quickly followed her,he walked behind her like a puppy following it's master,he didn't dare say a world occasionally looking at her back,Jennie realised if they walked at the hospital like that people would notice something was wrong and they might attract unnecessary attention,they might think they had a fight,if one saw a couple one is walking infront while the other was following behind it was clear indication they had a fight,seeing that she was walking fast she slowed her steps,she was acting childish but she couldn't help it,Lucas walked next to her,looking at her peripheral vision Lucas couldn't guess what she was thinking about,after her medical examination they both headed to the doctor's office,the doctor held documents in his hand,studying them carefully,looking at the results the doctor smiled "you're both perfectly fine,I'll prescribe you some medications you should take during your last trimester" the doctor said,both Jennie and Lucas nodded their heads "also you should visit the nutritionist for your nutrion diet plan and book your next appointments for the next visit" he said "thanks doctor" Lucas said "mmnn...take good care of your wife last trimester isn't easy" he adviced and Lucas nodded his head,they both walked outside the doctor's office "do you need water?" he asked,Jennie wanted to refuse but she felt thirty she gently nodded her head,Jennie headed to the nearby sit and sat down,Lucas hurriedly left to book their next appointments and her nutrion diet,affer he was done he quickly walked heading to where she was with a bottle of water in his hands,he handed her the water "thanks" she said and Lucas smiled at her but Jennie looked away.

Driving back home,Lucas was trying his best to think of something to sooth and pamper his wife,Jennie sat looking through the window with a frown on her face not interested in having a conversation with him "how about we eat out?" he asked "no" come a quick reply "why not,it's almost lunch time,I'll take you to your favourite restaurant" he said "I'm tired I need to rest" she said,with his attempt failed Lucas sighed defeated,he couldn't handle her cold attitude towards him,he took his phone and secrectly sent a message.Arriving at home they found their friends waiting for them,Chris,Daniel and Cecil sat in the living room with glass of wine in their hands chatting happily,Jennie was suprised to see them and Lucas pretended to be suprised too "what are you guys doing here?" she asked and the three of them looked at her,that's when Jennie realised her questions wasn't right,embarrassed she cleared her throat " did you wait for long?" "no we just arrived,we planned to pay you a visit but when we arrived you weren't here" Cecil said "ooh","you should have told us you were coming" Lucas said,the three of the gave him a look that said 'are you serious'."I'll go quickly take a shower I'll join you soon" she said and walked upstairs,once she was gone the three looked at him "she seems mad....did you upset her?" Daniel asked "no,she was feeling down since morning" he lied "then why did you tell us to come?" asked Chris "to help me cheer her up" Lucas replied "I don't think she is feeling down,she seems angry if you ask me?" Cecil said,Lucas smirked wryly "you're overthinking" he said,after his attempt to sooth her failed,he had sent a message to his friends invinting them in his house,he wanted to cheer her up and lessen the tension between them then affer he was going to try and talk to her.