
Crazy In Love (Alpha and Omega) original

When a she-wolf turns 21, they can finally find their mates, while males find theirs at the age of 20. Amari is the omega of a pack with no alpha at the moment, Mångata Pack. She's turning 21 the next two days and was about to finally find her mate. When the awaited Alpha arrived after ten years of waiting, he did an unthinkable mistake to Amari. Was it really by mistake or on purpose? When Amari finds herself pregnant, will the Alpha admit his mistake? - - - - - Dive into an unending reveal of secrets and past. Hold your horses and don't jump to conclusions. it's full of confusion and explanations. - - - - - "I love you yesterday, today, and tomorrow." "Unexplainable statics when our skin touch." * * * * * Written by: Cyrie Jovanni (that is me) A boy's name? Yes, it is. I created several covers. Finally, opted on which one to pick.

PrincessLady · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

| 20 - A Boy and A Girl


✒Author's P. O. V.✒

"Uma, my dear?" Amari heard a voice and someone is shaking her gently. "Wake up now, dear."

She flutters her eyes open to see Eva waking her up.

"Good morning, Uma!" Eva greeted with a teasing smile. "Did the baby wear you out?"

"Hi, Eva, good morning!"

"Be ready and head downstairs. Alpha will bring you to the doctor."

Amari's eyes widen. Alpha Andres will bring me to the hospital? I thought he was mad at me for slapping him, she thought.

"Yes, he's bringing you to the doctor," Eva laughed. "I made you breakfast. Come downstairs."

Amari nodded her head, and Eva left the room, but not before winking at her. She only shook her head.

After taking a warm bath, she wore a long dress and a cardigan over it. She wore a pair of flats and walked downstairs nervously.

She reached the dining room to see Alpha Andres sitting on the head chair with a newspaper in his hand...she instantly felt nervous and a little scared when she realized they are alone. The foods are placed and there's nothing much to place there.

"Uh, go-good mo-morning, Alpha Andres" she stuttered.

Alpha Andres folds the newspaper and removes his reading glasses. He motioned for Amari to take the seat near him and she sat with a gulp.

Alpha Andres examined her face and held her hand that is on the table. To her surprise, he placed a small kiss on it and...smiled?

What! He's not mad? Amari wondered with wide eyes. What's going on?

"Eat, My love."

Once they finish eating in silence, they went outside and entered a new sports car.

Alpha Andres came close to Amari and helped her with the seatbelt. She didn't notice his face is only a millimeter away from hers.

Amari pushed her head away as Alpha Andres leaned forward. She closed her eyes tightly causing him to lean even closer. When she was about to turn her head away, she felt soft lips at the corner of her lips. It lingered there for a few seconds before Alpha Andres pulled a bit with reluctance.

Alpha Andres stares at her longingly and tried to contain himself. He places his hand on her cheek to caress it.

Amari's eyes fluttered open at the same time Alpha Andres leaned in for a kiss. Their lips touched causing electricity to erupt. His mouth began to move, while Amari doesn't know what to do.

The kiss started slowly and turn to rough. It is something Amari doesn't like. She whirled her head side to side causing Alpha Andres to kiss her cheek instead.

"Please do-don't--"

Alpha Andres sighed in disappointment and leaned his forehead to her cheek. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I got carried away...I didn't mean to...I'm so sorry!"

I tear rolled down Amari's cheeks and she pushed him away.

Alpha Andres sighed dejectedly and banged the steering wheel. After a few minutes, he began the ignition and ride the car outside the territory.

"Umm, Alpha Andres?"


"I, uh, nothing," she dismissed.

Alpha Andres pulled up to the side of the road and turned to Amari. "Hey, what's wrong? What do you need? Is there something wrong.?" he breathed out.

"Nothing's wrong," Amari answered. "I'm just a little curious about what you expect the baby would turn out to be."

He smirked and shook his head. "Oh, if I were to decide, I want it to be a baby girl. Though, I don't really care what the gender might be. I will love him or her because I am the father, no other man. Only I get to touch you, Mia Amore...How about you?"

"I feel like, it's going to turn out a boy," answered Amari.

Alpha Andres smiled and afterward, chuckled. "Mother's instinct," he teased.

Amari's face heated at his words, so she lower my head down. She doesn't even know why she blushed. If it's even possible, it only made Alpha Andres laugh.

° ° °

Amari shivered at the cold gel on her belly being applied by Doctor Baker.

Doctor Baker began to roll the probe on be belly bump. Amari tried not to giggle at how ticklish it is.

"Wa-wait!" Amari called out. "Can we not know the gender of the baby yet? I want it to be a surprise."

Alpha Andres looks puzzled.

He leaned into her and whispered, "Is there something wrong, My love?"

Amari shook her head. "Wouldn't it be a surprise if none of us know until the day of birth?" she hoped.

Alpha looks between the doctor and Amari. Doctor Baker smiled at him.

"Whatever you like, Amore," he whispered and kisses the top of her head.

"Don't worry," Doctor Baker began. "I'm going to give you a printout of the sonogram and seal the result instead. What do you say?"

Amari nodded her head and Alpha Andres helped her to sit up.

They bid goodbye to the Doctor and entered the car.

"Where to?"


Alpha Andres laughed. "What I mean to say, where do you want to go next?"

"Oh." Amari looked down embarrassed. "Uh, park?"

"As you wish, m'lady." Alpha Andres winked.

"Don't call me that!" complained Amari.

"How about, princess?"

Amari rolled her eyes with a smile and tried to hide her blushing cheeks.

"I like the fact that I made you blush," he stated without looking at her.

Amari only huffed in reply with even redder cheeks.

They reached the park and sat on one of the benches. Amari tripped but was caught by Alpha Andres who mumbled 'Clumsy as ever.'

She glared at him only for him to wink at her.


"But hot-"


"Nothing, My love," he lied.


They sat next to each other with Alpha Andres holding her by her waist. He sighed in contentment.

After a while, a little girl is running in front of them with a boy, older than her, running after her.

"Maya!" the boy called and held the girl's arm.

"Why?" the little girl sniffled.

The boy then crouched down at the girl's level. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you'll get mad."

The girl only cried even louder.

"Shhh, please don't cry," the boy cooed. "I won't leave you again...I-I-I lo-love yo-you! Just don't tell your mom."

The girl beamed at him. "You do?"

The boy chuckled. "Yes!"

They watched the interaction between the two and Alpha Andres couldn't help the pang in his heart as he remembers their past.

"Amari! Come back here!"


"Baby, please. I'm sorry," he pleaded.

He pulled her back making them fall on top of each other.

"Baby..." he trailed. Amari tried to stand, but he pinned her to the grass.

"Let me go!"

"No!" he said with sternness. "I want you to listen to me first!"

"I said, let me go!" she tried again.

He leaned and buried his face towards her and loses his control. In an instant, he is kissing her neck roughly.

She cried in protest but he doesn't seem to realize. "N-n-no! I don't want this, please!"

He continued until she accidentally kneed him by his region. He loosened his grip and Amari was able to crawl away and sit up. She put her hands over her mouth and sobbed harder.

Richard's eyes widen as realization hit him. He realized what he had just done. He just assaulted a little girl. He licked his lips and stood up, constantly running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Love," he sighed and couched down to her level. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to do it...It's just--"

She hit him by his chest with her tiny fists. "You are bad! You're hurting me! You are bad, Mr. Alpha!"

He wiped her tears and cradled her as she continued to hit him. He whispered sweet nothing to her ear and apologized constantly until she fell asleep.

Alpha Andres turned only to see Amari had fallen asleep with her head leaning on him. She didn't reach the top of his shoulder because of the height difference.

He kissed her gently on the forehead and carefully carried her bridal style into the car.

Once near the gate, his ears picked up three voices arguing through mind-link.

'What's going on!' he roared through the link.

'Al-alpha, you're back.'

Nervous laughter erupted.

'Yes, I am. Now, what are you bickering about?'

'Alpha, they finally come to know,' Xander informed.

Alpha Andres cursed through the mind-link. 'Chase!'

'Yes, Alpha! The warriors will be in position.'

'Good! The rest of you be prepared. They might come at any moment.'

"If they want war, I'll gladly grant them their early death wish!" he snarled.

'Meet me at my study in five," he mind-link.

'Yes, Alpha!'

'Yes, Sire!'

'Yes, Mr. Alpha!" someone snorted in a girly voice.

'I'll grant your death wish, Xand!' Alpha Andres growled, which caused the two to snigger.

Alpha Andres cut the mind link.

'Be ready, Xanders,' Chase mocked.

'Your death is tonight, Jackson,' Jedrick snickered.

'You better shut, bastards!'

Once Alpha was able to tuck Amari into bed, not before kissing her head and tummy and saying 'I love you,' to her and their baby, he left the room.

* * * * *