

The sound of sirens could be heard through the street. Two kids rushed on stretchers as officers and arrive paramedics arrive on scene.


"Broken wrist, dislocated shoulder, cracked skull. Seemingly retrograde amnesia. And the other one?"

"B-Broken arm and another skull facture. He still seems to be having a hard time recalling what happened to this day and is still very distraught."

"Well I would guess so... Anyways why are you bring up this case again?"

The detective in the chair manage to sigh out.

"Well because he's paying big money to try and say he 'didn't do it'."

An uptight man in a suit said taking a sip from his cup.

"Everyone knows he did it, and tried to do a bit more. Even if he didn't the news and public wont let him off even with the life sentence he has now. What makes him think he can still live his life once he gets out?"

The detective continues pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head slightly.

"He got off with first degree manslaughter because the defense argued he was enraged to find his daughter was found shirtless and in that state... But in the end he attacked a child after killing his two parents what gives? Anyone can see that's a bit much there."

"Come on sir, you know how business is... I also feel their might be more then there is to this. In questioning he most of his habits pointed to him be a little bit innocent and the lie detector also showed that he wasn't lying for some of it...

...even if it can't be used in court...

...It still proves that he doesn't believe he did it."

The man trailed off again as the detective got up and approached a large window...

...one-way glass.

"Well if you trust the lie detector you'll find he beat his own daughter from time to time so I don't think his lawyers would be happy with that either."

Behind it, two children, 11 years old, black hair. Sitting next to each other. The girl, grasping his arm, a stuffed animal in her other hand. The boy, gazing, his face blank.

The detective waved his hand, "Just let the two kids be, you'll be bad for their recovery. I may not be a psychologist or a therapist but even I get the feeling, they're not well."

Just a prologue so likeeeeeee... keep reading please :sob:

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