
Same goes for you, Jerk!

Next Day : At School

Mia wanted to talk to Lucas earlier in the day but didn't get a chance so, she eventually headed to the basketball court to find him.

As she arrived she saw the other guys were leaving after their practice of the day and Lucas was standing at the side putting his stuff in his gym bag. She walked towards Lucas; they were the only ones left in the gym.

As soon as Lucas noticed her he started to walk away but Mia was quick in action as she got a hold of him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lucas sneered.

Mia ignored his tone & the look in his eyes of pure disgust as she said hurriedly before he could cut her off like last time,

"Just listen to me OK. You have misunderstood everything. I wasn't going to talk to you about your parent's divorce the other day, I had no clue about it so far. So, I'm sorry for slapping you I know I shouldn't have done that."

As the word 'divorce' fell into his ears he scoffed at Mia in a harsh tone, "Really... then how come I'm getting looked down by someone like you right at my face. You like this don't you Johnson?"

It was like he didn't hear a word except for 'divorce' from what Mia said.

"What?" Mia asked.

"Being nice & innocent infront of everyone, hiding your sly nature all along, showing pity to others...then let me backfire your act on you instead... I'm sure everyone would love to show some pity to your 'family'."

Mia was shocked wondering how someone can be so stubborn & naive.

It took all of her energy to hold back her urge to slap this stubborn brat in front her again.

But she knew any effort from her to clear this situation will go down the drain as the other person is not willing to accept his fault so, she calmed herself down and said,

"Fine. I've nothing else to say to you anymore just leave my family out of this and let's end this here."

"Then Fuck Off and Don't Ever Cross Me Again." Lucas said coldly.

"Same goes for you, Jerk!" Mia scoffed & walked away leaving Lucas filled with hate & disgust towards her.

But Mia was unaffected by the opinion that Lucas had of her in his mind.

She always knew what everyone (except some) thought about her, she can see it in their eyes.

They thought Mia pretends to not care but little did they knew she really didn't care.

For Mia the only people whose opinions mattered were her Mom and Rachel, her bestfriend.

As for everyone else they can think whatever they want she doesn't give a Damn!

So, what do you think... was Mia right to give a chance to Lucas and trying to clear the situation?

CrazyStupidMiacreators' thoughts