
Core: DB - A God Can Enjoy Manga?

Within an ancient and majestic mansion, located at the top of a mountain which seemingly pierced the heavens, an event was occurring.

Surprisingly, despite how grand and awe inspiring the mansion looked, not a soul could be seen within its halls.

This particular mansion housed no servants or caretakes.

Only two people currently resided within the house, yet that number was about to change.

Inside of a exquisitely decorated room, a woman rested upon a massive bed.

The woman was so beautiful that even the god's would have a hard time gazing at her.

Within this beautiful woman's arms, lay a child.

The newest addition to their small family.

"Illiam…my child. You at are destined for great things in life. And I, your mother, will support you through it all." The woman said as she gazed lovingly into her child's bright silver eyes before gently kissing his forehead.

"Ahh! No fair! I wanted to kiss him first! To think you would be so sneaky will I was showering."

Suddenly the side door within the bedroom flew open and an enchanting figure fluttered her way into the room.

Plopping herself next to the woman on the bed, the fairy like figure took the child into her arms before kissing his forehead as well.

"Besides, I'm the one that gave birth just now so why are you acting like you had just pushed a humanoid out of your lower end?!" The words which came out of the pure fairy like woman, were anything but saintly.

"Hehe come now my beautiful wife, you did an amazing job conceiving our child." The first woman said as she pulled the fairy into her arms before kissing her lips lovingly.

While the two were lost in their own emotions, a pair of silver glistening eyes looked around him with curiosity.

Seeing the two woman ignore him, tears slowly pooled in his eyes as he cried out…

"Mother don't ignore me!"

A young Illiam exclaimed as he trotted along behind his mother, Yumili.

"I told you already Illiam, no means no." Yumili said not turning her head around while she continued to walk down the enormous hall.

"But mom! It's almost been 5 centuries since I was born! When can I finally leave the mountain?" Illiam said.


Breathing out a long sigh, Yumili came to a sudden halt.

"Oof!" Colliding into the back of his mother, Illiam groaned slightly as he curiously looked up wondering why she had stopped so suddenly.

"Talk to your mother about it. If you can convince her to let you go then ill think about it." She said while looking back at her son.

"Really?!" Illiam cried out in surprise.

"Don't make me change my m…" Her words however were cut off as Illiam suddenly hugged her right left before running off.

"Thanks mom I love youuuuu…" His voice echoed within the hall as he got further and further away.

Laughing slightly Yumili thought to herself, 'Jeez, what am I going to do with that child…maybe I'm spoiling him to much'

"Mommy, Mommy!" Illiam called out in excitement as he nearly charged into his mother, Miri's bedroom.

The strange thing was that the bedroom didn't look like one at all.

Instead it was a massive forest with towering tree's which towered above Illiam in height.

"What's up Illi?" A voice called out as from within one of the massive tree's as a tiny fairy popped her head out.

Fluttering over, the small palm sized fairy suddenly grew to the size of an adult.

Despite her lack of clothing, neither of the two seemed to have paid attention to that as it was considered the norm within the household.

"Mommy!" Cried Illiam as he plunged into his mother's chest while hugging her tightly.

Although Illiam had to admit that hugging his mother Yumili was a lot nicer due to the added 'cushions', he always felt more warmth from his mother Miri's hugs even though she lacked certain…assets.

"Hehe! What's got you all excited sweetheart?" Miri asked while she wrapped her arms around her precious treasures back before lifting his tiny body off the ground.

Having a hold of Illiam, Miri spread her illusory wings before taking them both into the skies.

While they were fluttering between the tree, Illiam explained to his mother Miri about his deal with his other mother Yumili.

"Yay, I'm happy for you Illi, hehe. So do you have any plans yet as to where you want to go?" Miri asked.

Miri knew that her son had wanted to leave the house for quite a while now yet her wife Yumili was very much so against it.

It had taken her nearly 300 years or so of sweet talk and bedroom favors before Yumili had finally opened up to the idea.

"Hmmm…although I've been studying the surrounding planets which fall under mother's control, I still haven't found one that looked interesting…Do you have any ideas mommy?" Illiam asked.

"How about Earth? It's the first planet your mother created within her domain, and it's also where we get a lot of our décor idea's from. Those human's are quite skilled in the ways of art and fashion. I'm even subscribed to the magazine, 'Home Flavor: 101 Way's to spice up your love nest'." Miri said as she pulled out a colorful magazine from out of no where.

"Earth huh…Sound's fun!" Illiam said innocently as he enjoyed the rest of the day in the company of his mother Miri.

The next year Illiam was off on his adventure!

Leaving his house during the time of the first sun, Illiam waved goodbye to his two beautiful mother's who stood at the door watching him heading off.

Descending the mountain, Illiam soon came to a large pond.

Stepping onto the pond, he slowly made his way to the center before standing in place.


Thinking of Earth, Illiam completely releasing his control over his body which caused him to fall into the lake.

Soon however he managed to pass through and appeared at his destination.

Planet: Earth

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Looking around at the towering sky scrapers and the numerous colorful signs with illuminated the area even though it was day time, Illiam couldn't help himself from growing excited.

Running to and fro, Illiam who was nearly 500 years old, completely acted how he appeared.

Like a child.

He went from place to place, eating food and watching anything he found interesting.

The strange thing was that no one seemed to notice him, and even those who he took food from had no clue they were missing anything.

"Hmm? What's this?" Asked Illiam as he saw a flashy sign which stood out amongst all the others.

Walking towards the shop's doorway, he looked inside only to see a place that reminded him of the library within his house but much…MUCH… smaller.

"I've read over 5.8 million books yet I've don't think I've read anything like this before?" Mumbled Illiam as he paged through one of the books on the shelf.

"M…Mang? Manga? Is that what this is called? How fascinating…" Completely captivated with the strange new books, Illiam couldn't help himself as he slowly got lost in the sea of books.

"So cool! To think there was a such an mystical world where Mortal's could challenging God's?! Why did mother never tell me about this??" Illiam said as he grabbed every book from that series before sitting down on the ground.

On the top of one of the books the words…Dragon Ball…could be seen.

Unknowingly, Illiam spent months within that book store as he finished reading every single manga related to the Dragon Ball series as well as some others which he found strange.

"I have to talk to mother about this! I'll put my earth exploration on hold for now." Illiam thought to himself as he teleported back to his home.

Running towards his mother Yumili's room, Illiam didn't slow down as he swung open the doors.

"Mother you have to see thi…" Illiam paused as too did the overlapping figures on the bed.

"Ahh, I read about this too! it's called 'Sex' right?? Why did you lie and say it was training??" Said Illiam as he showed off his new found wisdom.

Hearing their son's words the two women didn't know what to say as Yumili wrapped the blanket around her body while Miri remained in the buff which wasn't that different.

"Where did you learn that word from mister?" Yumili chided with a stoic face.

"Illi did you have a fun trip?" Asked Miri as she floated over and embraced her son.

Ignoring the strange bodily fluids which were getting onto his clothes, Illiam quickly brought out his new 'treasure' and showed it to his mother.

"Mommy look at this! I found it on earth, it's about a world where mortal's were strong enough to challenge us God's!" Illiam said as he opened to book titled 'Dragon Ball Super' before showing it to Miri.

"What?!" Shouted Yumili as she hopped out of the bed accidently dropping the blanket she was using to cover herself, yet she paid it no heed.

The two women began to read this thing which their son called a 'manga' with serious faces as if they were ready for battle.

"Hmm interest, interesting." Yumili muttered.

"Waaa so cool! Honey, honey look! He was all like 'Woosh!' then 'Whamm!'" Miri exclaimed.

While off to the side, Illiam was nodding like a wise old sage.

"Mother! I would like to ask you to send me to this wonderous universe." Seeing that they were done reading, Illiam took this time to ask his mother what was on his mind.

"Let me check if it exists first before we talk about anything." Yumili said as she closed her eyes in concentration.

Watching his mother use her divinity, Illiam couldn't prevent his eyes from traveling downwards.

With his new knowledge regarding certain things, Illiam couldn't help but begin to see things in a different light.

Even though for some reason he felt like it was wrong to look at his mother that way, he couldn't seem to look away as he thought back to all those things he had seem.

"Is lil' Illi interested? If you want mommy can help you?" Miri said suddenly from the side snapping Illiam out of his trance.

"Eh? N..no…I was just…"

"Hehe calm down and take a deep breath." Miri said as she picked her son up before siting down on the bed and placing Illiam on her lap.

"I think its time we had a little talk." She continued with a serious look. Something which was rather rare when it came to her as her personality made her seem like she was always bubbly and innocent.

"What kind of talk?" Illiam asked.

"You see, your mother and I never brought this up as you were too young, however now that you are beginning to take interest in certain things, I think its about time.

You see Illi, God's and Mortal's are vastly different from one another as I'm sure you know.

Mortal's reproduce through an action known as 'sex'. It's widely considered a natural thing amongst their kind when they desire offspring.

God's however reproduce differently. You were born when your mother and I linked our souls together before interweaving our divinities around our combined souls. After a few days of being connected we would slowly break off a part of our combined souls before sealing it with a piece of our divinities which is also separated from us during the process.

After that we separate our seals and the seal is then placed within one of the two god's to prevent it from dissipating, in our case it was me. And after 1,000 years the soul and the divinities should have managed to merge together creating a new god. This infant god is then expelled from the lower end regardless of the carriers sex.

And bam! That's how babies are made." Miri said as she once more showed her trademark smile.

"I see…then what were you and mother doing just now?" Illiam asked innocently.

"We were having sex of course!" A certain shameless fairy said like it was a matter of fact.

"But I thought…"

"Indeed God's don't have sex to reproduce, however, you forget that your mother created Earth a long, long time ago. We would often take trips and watch over the humans in secret. One day I wanted to try out having sex and convinced YuYu to try it with me, and we got hooked hehe!" Miri said with a giggle.

"I found it!" Yumili said interrupting their conversation.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked seeing them on the bed.

"Sex!" Miri said with a bright smile.

"A…anyways…you found it mom??" Illiam said trying to move the topic in a different direction.

"Yeah, its on the outer rim but it should be the right one." Yumili said as she snapped her fingers causing the room to suddenly vanish.

Surrounding them now was the endless expanse of space, while below them was a world that looked just like the earth that existed in Yumili's domain.

Illiam was looking down at the planet when he saw his mother Miri lift he hand up as well.

Their vision began to blur as the events of the world began to play out like a sped up film.

Illiam could see the same characters which he had read about and how they fought off adversity after adversity.

He was captivated to say the least.

At the end of the events, everything began to fade as they were once more within their home.

"Mom! As I said can I please go there and train?? You said that training to become a qualified god was important right? Learning with mortals that were able to challenge the God's after not even a hundred years, wouldn't that be great training!" Illiam said in hopes that his mother agreed.

"I think we should let him go YuYu. It would be good for him to go off on his own ever once in a while after being cooped up inside for so long." The ever supportive Miri said in an attempted to persuade Yumili who looked like she was about to say no.

After hearing her wife's opinion on the matter Yumili swallowed the words she was going to say and thought about it.

"Pleaseeeeee" Pleaded Illiam.

"Pleaseeeeee" Pleaded Miri as well.

"Ughh! Fine, but you do understand the implications of me sending you there right Illiam?" Yumili said with a serious face.

"Yeah, and I'm okay with it." Illiam said confidently.

As a result of having been trained by both of his mothers in how to wield his incomplete divinity, which was a combination of his parents, he understood that his mother would only be able to send his soul to another universe and not his entire body.

This was due to the fact that every universe had a god that watched over it. Although his mother Yumili was considered to be a 'unique' existence even amongst the gods, she was still unable to bend certain rules.

"For the time being, while I'm setting up the transfer process, why don't you work on merging your incomplete divinity into your soul so you can at least utilize some of your god powers to protect yourself should you need to. Me and your mother will look after your divine body for you while you're there." Yumili said gently before sitting down on the ground and closing her eyes.

"Mmm." Nodded Illiam as he began to merge his divinity and soul together.

Due to him not being a 'true god' yet preforming this action required all of his concentration which meant that once he started, he couldn't stop until his mother finished on her end.

The reason he wasn't a 'true god' yet is because in order to be classified as one, you needed a completed divinity which he didn't have yet.

It didn't take long for Yumili to finish her preparations as she gently placed her hand onto Illiam's head.

The next second, a bright flash of silver light lite up the room before vanishing.

Along with the light, Illiam's body slumped to the floor before being supported by Miri.

"He's gone…' Miri said softly.

"Mmm…He will be back before you know it though…plus we can always watch over him from here." Yumili said as she gently hugged her wife.

Resting her head onto Yumili's shoulder, Miri thought back to all the time they spend together as a family while she gently hugged Illiam's now soulless body.

**This chapter has not been edited.**

If you see this message that means this chapter has not been edited and will be within the near future.

**This book is just for fun and it might not be for everyone.**

It may not all make sense now but I will be connecting everything later on down the line.

Blind_Sentinelcreators' thoughts