
Contract Marriage: The Forgotten Promise

Vivian Reese was a renowned figure in the business world. A true example of beauty with brains who had everything a girl could ever desire in the palm of her hand. Zade Warner was a devil in disguise. A beautiful dream that women clung to fulfill and a nightmare that enemies wished they never had. The only emotion that connected them together was the legacy passed down to them from the generations of their rival families - Hatred. But fate played a cruel joke on them as Vivian and Zade were forced to be bound to each other by not just their hatred but by marriage too. To not lose their position in the company, they had to sign a deal. The two sworn enemies came to live under the same roof with sparks of hostility flying everywhere. But things changed one day as they came across a deception that had happened years ago and made them loathe each other - the death of their siblings who were precious to them more than anybody else. What was supposed to be a simple car accident turned out to be a lie shrouded in mystery. They found themselves in a web of deceit and betrayal. Will Vivian and Zade be able to let go of their hatred to bring out the truth? Will this temporary promise of marriage find its way to a love that would bind them in a sweet forever? ________ Excerpt: Vivian: "Even if I kill you infinite times, it won't quench my hatred." Zade: "Baby, infinity is still less. My hatred for you goes beyond that. That's my promise to you." Vivian: "Stop calling me baby. It sounds so disgusting coming from you." Zade: "Awww…. Are you getting goosebumps? Do I turn you on?"

Shiny_Star5683 · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

I'll Kill Her

I'll Kill Her

"Mom, I am not going to eat that horrible and bitter medicine," Vivian whined. Veering her head in the opposite direction.

"What do you mean huh? I don't care if you like the taste or not. You have to eat it." Amelia asserted and Vivian knew better than to argue with her mother.

'Only Dad can save me.' Her eyes lit up when this thought struck her.

"Dad-" She spoke up in a cute voice.

"Don't even think that he can save you from this. You are going to take this medicine right this moment."

Amelia cut off her daughter's protests and glared at her husband, "It's all your fault. You are the one who spoiled her to the core. Now she doesn't care to listen to me."

Vivian heard her mother's complaints about her and how her father is the one to be blamed for that.

Then she heard the weeping of her mother. She turned back and the sight before her eyes broke her heart into pieces.

But it was crushed later when her mother said, "I don't want to lose you too. I can't afford to lose you, Vivian, my baby. If anything would have happened to you, I would have died too."

She saw her mother breaking down right in front of her eyes. She wanted to hug and assure her that she isn't going to leave her ever. It made her realize how her impulsive and reckless decisions have hurt her parents.

'I want to hug her but I can't because of these stupid injuries. Why did he have to shoot me in my leg? I can't move at all. I had to stay in bed for days. I hate him so much! Ugh'

Vivian gritted her teeth and said furiously, "I'll kill him."

"Amelia, shhh. My dear wife, don't cry. I can't survive seeing you cry. Our daughter won't leave us.

Also, when she gets married, I'll make sure the guy agrees to live with us after the marriage. This way, our daughter will never leave us and stay with us all her life." Nathan put all his inner thoughts to the outside.

"Ouch….Why did you hit me?" He asked with a bewildered expression.

Amelia grimaced, observing the acting of her husband. She also noticed that her daughter was lost in her world.

She sighed, her face had tear streaks. Her cute button nose had also turned a little red.

"Mom, you look so adorable." Vivian gave out a compliment and received a scowl.

"Don't talk to me until you eat the medicine," Amelia stated.

Vivian pouted, realizing her doom, "Fine, give me that damn medicine."

Her mother instantly sprang to her feet and rushed to her daughter and gave a peck to her, "My lovely Viv, thank you, my baby. I love you so much."

"Yeah, I know you love me. I love me too. Now can I have that medicine and be done?" Vivian grumbled and frowned.

The nurse handed the medicine to Vivian and she swallowed it.

"Here, water." Amelia gave her injured daughter a glass of water.

"I could have taken it myself," Vivian told her mother, giving back the cup after drinking.

Nathan stared at the two most important people in his life, he couldn't be more grateful that his daughter is not in danger anymore.

"Sir, the patient needs to rest again." The nurse reminded Nathan as he came off to be lost in his thoughts.

He nodded and the nurse left from there.

Nathan walked closer to his daughter's bed and pecked her forehead.

"Don't scare us like this again. Your mother nearly fainted and I had almost killed the doctor who performed the surgery on you."

He held his daughter's hands and clutched at them.

Both of her parents hold onto her hands.

Vivian also clasped her hands around theirs tightly, "I am sorry." She didn't know what to say other than apologize to her parents.

She couldn't justify her actions and impulsiveness.

"At that moment, my mind was filled with only one thing, revenge. I was ready to die if it meant I could fulfill my promise." She revealed herself to her parents.

Amelia's hold went loose, "I'm so sorry. I was getting driven by my hatred and rage. I had turned blind. I thought killing him would free me from this guilt yet I was so wrong. No matter what happens, this loathing feeling for him will always stay with me.

Although, now I have realized, I don't have to kill him to get my revenge. I'll get my revenge but in another way."

Vivian laid out her troubles, plans, and everything bare to her parents.

By the end of her talk, the hesitation faded away from her voice. She appeared extremely confident in her plans.

Amelia and Nathan stole a glance at each other. They wanted to speak up about something but decided not to.

"Mom and Dad, I am aware that you both have been staying here at the hospital since yesterday. You both didn't eat anything either. Don't dare to lie." She warned her father when she saw him trying to speak.

Vivian knew her parents well enough.

"I have listened to you, Mom. I ate the medicine just as you asked for. Now, I want you guys to go back home and have some rest. Freshen up and eat something. You can come tomorrow morning. It's already evening."

Vivian advised her parents. She had noticed their sleepy eyes and the redness in them.

She saw her parents exchange a glance at each other and sighed, "Don't worry about me. Just tell Daisy to come by. Those bodyguards you have assigned outside my room will be here so don't fret too much. I'll be alright. So off you both."

Vivian shooed away her parents.

"Take care our angel." Her parents said before going out.

Vivian nodded her head, "You too."

"I should take a small nap until Daisy arrives," Vivian murmured.


"I'll kill her!" Zade roared as soon he regained his senses.

His parents scurried to his bed, "How are you, son?" Chloe asked skeptically.

He coughed out, "Water…"

His father quickly handed him water but only then he realized that his son had been shot on his right shoulder.

Zade took the glass using his left hand and gulped down the water hastily.

"Zee, slow down. You might choke." His mother reminded her son.

Zade gave up the empty glass back to his father.

"Can you both tell me what happened after my gunfight with Vivian?" Zade enquired his parents. He couldn't remember a single thing other than his fight with Vivian.

'How is she though? Dead or alive?'

The moment he contemplated this, he felt his heart clench.


Who will fall first?

Any guesses?

Also the hospital scene will end in next chap but we might be getting more hospital scenes *tch tch*

Don't forget to add the story in library.

Thank you!!!

Shiny_Star5683creators' thoughts