
Planning Through

I was falling, falling into darkness. Two purple eyes were looking at me from the bottomless place I was falling into. Now I saw it the eyes shot out a beam of lightning and then right before it hit me. I could see the sunrises light when I first opened my eyes. I saw my sister sleeping next to me. She looked like she was having a bad dream, mumbling, and shivering in her sleep. Well, it's not like I had a good night sleep either. I was still tired, but I didn't want to go through those nightmares again, so I decided to get out of bed. Carefully I lifted the covers to not wake up Maria. I went down the stairs and got out of the house to get some fresh air. I was thinking about our journey that was coming up. In this world there were 3 continents. There was our continent, Medirealm, and Ephoria, the Elven continent And Wengebund the Demon Continent, but it was seperated from our continents by the sea in the west so we did not get involved with it at all. Ephoria was in the South and was separated from Medirealm through mountains that go from the east of the continent all the way to the west. Magma Village was right next to the mountains where the volcano was located, and the last village in the east. Dreris, our destination was on the west side of Medirealm and a bit more in the north as well. The best way to get there was by walking along the mountains until we arrive at Glunden, the 2nd biggest city of the continent. It was famous for its great Adventurer Guild system, so that would be our first stop. After arriving there we would do a little rest because alone to get there we would walk about 3 to 4 months. From there on we would have to travel through the mountains to get to Ephoria. That is because if we would walk the way to Dreris on our side of the Mountains there would be a cave area. Cave areas are Areas where beast caves are located. Beastcaves are basically caves where magic beasts are created from mana anomalies. On the Elven continent there are Beastcaves too, but they are far away from where we are traveling. So after we cross the Moutains to Ephoria, we will walk all the way to the Sea in the West. Once we reach the sea, we will cross the mountains one last time to get back to Medirealm and make our way to Dreris that lies in the North seen from the Mountains. All in all, it will take us approximately 2 and a half years to get to Dreris. With our heavy bags it will be even harder to get through the mountains. But there was nothing stopping me from doing it, even though was worried.

I felt a slight touch on my shoulder and arms hugging me and a voice saying: Good Morning Lucas, are you already worrying about something that didn't even began?"

It was Maria. Her long hair fluttered in the wind. And when I looked at her, she was hit by the sunlight, shining right in her face.

I smiled at her: good morning, and no, I was just thinking about what will happen from now on. Anyways, did you finish packing our stuff?"

She nodded: Yes, the Pony is ready to go and if you have put all your things in the bag, we should be ready to go."

As she let go of me, she moved to my right side and watched the sunrise with me.

As the sunrise took its end, we cleared our minds and closed the bag that the Pony would transport. It was a Leather sack that was around the same size as me, but filled up it was heavier than me. I was 1,30 m tall, so it was a pretty big bag. With help of a wind-magic artifact, that lightened the weight of the Bag. We attached the bag to the Pony, I got on the Pony and Maria took the Pony's leash.

I sighted: This is probably the last time we see this village for a long time, isn't it?"

I turned to Maria thinking that she would be feeling nostalgic, but her face didn't look like she was in that kind of mood. Instead, she had a determined smile and her eyes were shining the way they are on kids when they look forward to something. Our eyes met and we both nodded one last time before we began to move towards our journey.