

I have been through many unthinkable adventures and mishaps like conquering a giant country by religious politics, escaping an assassination attempt in a coup d' etat, scaring away U.N. members from my house(They were really angry and almost banned my payed subscription for U.N.), etc. However even I could not imagine being teleported(more like being kidnapped and thrown off) to another universe.

I am the person who conquered 45% of the world and owns a rolls royce. I was known as the great conqueror by the other countries. But after getting kidnapped to this universe, I have attained enlightenment and have given up on my worldly desires(this was sarcasm by the way, eventually I will conquer this world also) . This universe is like a typical isekai except it does not break any laws of our universe's physics. It does have magic and alchemy(Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return).

I was kidnapped here by the one and only god of our world because I was a very big threat to the universe and he also gave me a level up system messenger or something like that. So I have decided to have a crew composing a pet, a sniper, a swordsman, a navigator, and a shipwright. Just kidding, why the hell would I want to become a pirate, I want to become a world conqueror.

Someone please fetch me a GOD DAMN LAWYER, I want to sue this god for the damages done to me.

Please bear with me, the first chapters may be boring, but it gets interesting after that.

Just_A_Cartooncreators' thoughts