
Prologue: When it all started.

Dante Darkblade, age 7, once led a simple and happy life, with a loving mother and a precious little sister. His father, Raven Darkblade, was a renowned noble in the kingdom, and their family basked in his glory. But when war descended upon the land, his father fell in battle, and their world crumbled around them. They were forced out of their privileged lives and thrust into a world of poverty and desperation, living in the shadowy slums beyond the kingdom's walls.

Despite their dire circumstances, Dante tried to remain optimistic. He would accompany his mother to beg for scraps in the streets, but in his heart, he still clung to the innocence of childhood. However, he couldn't ignore the harsh reality of their situation forever. Every day, he watched his mother's tired eyes as she struggled to provide for her children, and he saw the fear in her heart as they scraped together whatever they could to survive.

In a world where hope was hard to find, Dante held fast to his own dreams. He dreamed of returning to the nobility, of reclaiming his father's place among the elite, and of leading his family to prosperity once again. But he knew that such dreams were nothing more than foolish hopes, mere shadows in a world consumed by darkness.

Nevertheless, his life was about to change in ways he never could have imagined. The innocence of his childhood was about to shatter in a violent storm of blood and betrayal, thrusting him into a world of danger and treachery, where he would have to fight with all his might to survive.

A year had passed since the Darkblade family fell from grace, and the kingdom was still wracked by war. Every day, more and more people were forced into the slums, desperate for a place to call home. Those who had the means fled with their families, seeking refuge wherever they could find it. But for some, escape was impossible. Many were too weak or sick to travel far, and soon they were too weak to travel at all.

Dante's mother was one of these people. Once a beauty who could rival the queen herself, she was now a shell of her former self. Her once-glowing skin was dry and cracked, and her once-bright eyes were dim and lifeless. Her bones jutted out from beneath her skin, and she was plagued by bad teeth and a persistent cough.

Despite her appearance, however, she was determined to keep her children safe and healthy. She did all she could to provide for them, even if it meant going without food herself. And while Dante tried to be strong for his mother and sister, he could see the toll that their situation was taking on all of them.

As the days wore on and the number of people in the slums dwindled, Dante knew that they needed to find a way out if they were to survive. But with his mother's condition worsening by the day, he feared that they would never be able to escape the poverty and misery that had consumed their lives.

And yet, through it all, his mother remained resolute. Her love for her children was unwavering, and she refused to let their circumstances break her spirit. For as long as she had breath in her body, she would fight to keep her family together and to see them through to a better future, no matter the cost.

Nevertheless, Dante's family never left to seek refuge, and the worst eventually happened. Though Dante understood their circumstances, he was powerless to change them. What could an eight-year-old boy do? He was nothing special; not as talented as the Count's son, hailed as a prodigy swordsman in the empire, nor did he possess any magical blessings like the Emperor's daughter, who had earned the title of "Saintess" at a tender age of six. Dante was just a nobody, powerless to even say anything to his mother when she uttered her last words. "Take Emily, your sister, and run as far as you can. Remember, Father and Mother will love you both no matter what. Protect your sister, and Dante, please live." Dante followed his mother's final wish and tied his four-year-old sister to his back and ran with all his might. Though his face was expressionless, tears flowed down his cheeks. He didn't look back because he knew if he did, he wouldn't have the strength to keep going.

The situation was dire, and Dante could feel the weight of the world on his young shoulders. He was just a child, but he knew that he had to be strong and protect his little sister at all costs. As he ran, his eyes stung with tears, and his heart ached with the pain of losing his mother. He tried to push the thoughts of her out of his mind, but the memory of her words lingered.

"Protect your sister Dante and live."

Those words echoed in his head like a never-ending mantra. He knew that he couldn't fail his mother's last wish, no matter how difficult the road ahead may be. His sister's small hands clung tightly to his shirt, and he could feel her trembling with fear. He held her close and whispered softly to her, promising to keep her safe no matter what.

Dante's mind raced with questions. How could he survive in this world without his mother's guidance? How could he keep his sister safe from the dangers that lurked around every corner? He didn't have the answers, but he knew that he had to keep moving forward.

As he ran, he saw the slums and the people around him in a new light. The once familiar streets were now filled with danger and despair. The people he once knew as neighbors now seemed like strangers, each consumed by their own struggles and pain. He felt a sense of hopelessness and fear grip his heart, but he pushed it down, knowing that he had to stay strong for his sister.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they reached the safety of the forest. Dante collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down his face, as he held his sister close. He felt exhausted and defeated, but he knew that he couldn't give up. He had to keep going, no matter how hard it may be.

And so, with his sister's safety as his only goal, Dante took his first steps on a journey that would change his life forever.