
Clearing future trouble

Izan stood up from his bed and walked silently away, he peeked a glance back at the bed, seeing Perona and Shirahoshi sleeping. A smile appeared on Izan's face, but he shook his head slightly as he opened the door and left his own bedroom.

Izan walked away from his bedroom, his facial expression turned solemn as he continued walking. The direction Izan was walking towards was the deck, it didn't take more than a minute before he arrived, he didn't even glance around before he spoke out. "Jiutian, we need to talk."

Jiutian was sitting on a chair, drinking sake slowly as she faced somewhere in the horizon. Jiutian nodded in agreement as she turned slowly towards Izan. "Yes, we do have to talk."

Izan stepped forward towards Jiutian, Jiutian flickered her wrist which made a red chair appear in front of her. Izan sat down without thinking much of it, after Izan sat down, he stared into Jiutian's eyes. "I think there are many things that you haven't told me about, can I now know them?"

Jiutian stayed silent for a moment, her usual smile on her face vanished. "Izan, you have barely touched upon your true strength, and you want to know what lies hidden in the place where the real powerhouses are?" Jiutian shook her head slightly as she continued speaking. "What you need to focus on is becoming stronger, don't think or worry about matters that won't happen in a long time."

A frown appeared on Izan's face, he disliked being denied of what he seeks for. But, Izan didn't rebuttal Jiutian, he lowered his head slightly. Izan stood up from his chair slowly, he raised his head and stared at the horizon where Jiutian did previously.

"From what I could sense, there are some people who wants to test my words…!" Izan gazed far away, where there were tens of thousand different people. Some were fishmen, humans and some had animal traits.

In front of the army, stood two males, one was a fishman which he couldn't recognize, but he was able to remember who the other one was. He was Katakuri, the two of them stood there, staring at Defying, or more specific, towards Izan.

Behind the two males, were an army consisting of pirates under the lead of the two males. They had both their own armies, yet they would at this moment stay in an alliance to fight Izan when he was alone. They knew that Izan wasn't someone to be fought carelessly, even more if he had his whole crew, then it would be a tough fight for any of them.

Katakuri sought after the leader of the fishman pirates, he knew that if they had numbers, perhaps they would be able to tire out Izan. Then after Izan was exhausted, him and the fishman near him could kill Izan, the one known as Heavenly Emperor…

"Fish, are you ready to send your men forward?" Katakuri didn't even glance as the fishman, he despised him because the way he got viewed as by the fishman and the fishmen in general. Katakuri was able to see that they disdained him, hated him and despised him, yet Katakuri would use their numbers in exhausting Izan.

"Human trash, don't forget that you came to me, Hody Jones, the one that will rule all the sea when the time comes…!" Hody Jones glared at Katakuri in disdain, yet he glanced behind him towards his commanders and pirate underlings. "MEN! We are going to face one of the Emperor of the Seas…! Ptui!" Hody Jones spat as he laughed in a deep voice. "We are the real Fighters of the Seas, Real Men of the Seas, True Emperor of the Seas, that man, 'Heavenly Emperor' is nothing but a mere human scum, we are the strong ones…!"

Hody Jones stopped for a brief moment, he sucked in lots of air before he roared out. "WE WILL KILL HIM AND SHOW THE ENTIRE WORLD OF WHO WE ARE! CHARGE!!!" Hody Jones raised his arm and pointed at Defying, the moment Hody Jones said 'charge', almost twenty thousand fishman pirates started rushing towards Defying.

Katakuri glanced between Hody Jones and his underlings, yet he snorted in his heart. 'Fishmen might be innate stronger than normal humans, they are nothing in the face of real powerhouses of the New World. Their numbers might not be low, but if they really faced an Emperor, like Red-Haired Shanks, they would be all defeated with mere moves… humph, they are only courting death…!'

Katakuri's gaze turned towards Izan, he wanted to see how the 'Emperor' Izan would act, Katakuri hasn't yet recognized Izan as a real Emperor. But, now Katakuri would see how strong Izan actually is and could report it to his mother – Charlotte Linlin.

On Defying, Izan stared at the army rushing towards him, Izan clenched his fists, not because he was feeling threatened, but because he felt gloomy about someone actually daring to try ambushing him. Izan slowly raised from the deck, he raised several meters above Defying.

Izan reached out his hand which made his scythe-like necklace light up and transform into a humongous large black scythe with purple aura covering around it.

Soon Defying was surrounded by the twenty thousand army of pirates, Izan didn't even bother staring at them as he didn't see them as real threats that could endanger his life. But, anger welled up inside of Izan, the thought of them actually injuring Defying made his heart almost skip a beat.

"…!" Izan didn't speak a word, yet his body flew up in the air over fifteen meters high. He rotated his scythe around his body which made a gush of wind spreading outwards.

Izan used both Gravity Law and Conqueror's Haki which made the surrounding kilometre around him as the centre heavy. Most of the army fainted and their bodies fell to the ground, but Izan didn't spare any of them, he tried his best into forcing his Law of Gravity to crush their bodies to the ground.

It didn't take long before screams sounded out as bones were smashed into smithereens. Izan glared around, seeing that almost ten thousand fell to the ground, whereas another five thousand were screaming due to pain. The last five thousand couldn't move due to the pressure Izan was giving off.

Before they could even fight, the entire army was defeated without being able to do anything.

"I am in a very bad mood…" Izan spoke in a deep voice as he stared towards Hody Jones, his commanders behind him and Katakuri which stood side by side with Hody Jones. "I thought that you were interesting, but it seems that you decided against doing what was best for you. Did you wish to see my prowess!?" Izan's voice turned cold as he sharply gazed at Katakuri who couldn't even believe what had happened.

He just saw Izan defeating the whole army without doing anything other than using a certain domain of Conqueror's Haki. Katakuri's eyes squinted as he wasn't even able to perceive what had happened, it was like everything that had to do with Izan couldn't be foretold with his Observation Haki.

"Heavenly Emperor Izan, I am Katakuri, a child of Big Mom…" Katakuri tried to show off who he was in hopes that Izan would let him go because of having Big Mom as his support.

"Humph…!" Izan didn't care one single bit who Katakuri was anymore, he had lost all of his interest towards him. "You can stand there, I will deal with you after I have cleared away the maggots…!" As Izan finished speaking, his body vanished and appeared in front of Hody Jones.

Katakuri's face turned pale as he couldn't even see how Izan was able to do this. But, the only thing Katakuri could do was to watch Izan swing his scythe, severing Hody Jones's head off from his body without him even being able to react.

The commanders of Hody Jones didn't know what to say as they couldn't believe what just had happened with their captain who always spoke about them ruling the humans. How humans were trash and how they were superior, yet they were now seeing that a human had killed off their leader without them even able to react properly.

A frown appeared on Izan's face as he swiped his scythe towards the commanders, cutting their bodies into two, falling on the ground. When he had killed them all, Izan turned towards Katakuri and spoke in a deep voice. "Now that the maggots are cleared, it is your time now…!"

Izan might be angry, but he had a reason for killing everyone, he knew that the 'pirate' Hody Jones might aim for the Fishman Island in the future. And Katakuri would most likely come back to Fishman Island for more trouble with stronger people, and maybe Big Mom would personally go.

That was why Izan would just want to deal with everyone here right now by himself, he felt that if he didn't do so, more trouble would go his way in one way or another.

Heya, first chapter of the week (1/5).

With a lot of help from Senior Nepuko (Discord name and Webnovel user id) a discord group has been created for CoA - the invite code is https://discord.gg/dWafSpd. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. If there are any questions regarding the novel in general, plot, chapter, or me as the author, I will do my best to answer them...!

Well, another cheer for Nepuko for taking his time in helping me (he did everything). I do appericate any and all help.

iMiHcreators' thoughts