
"That's it?"

Luffy was tightening his fists, how would never forgive the World Government. Luffy could still remember that his father telling what happened.

"My father told me that this happened before I was born. A war which set flamed around the whole world. At that time, my father was an Admiral and my uncle, Dragan was a Vice-Admiral." Luffy started speaking about how his father told him of the whole ordeal.

"The World Government had set their eyes to kill Gol D. Roger, and they had set out almost every Admiral and Vice-Admirals. But Dragon was left on Marineford whereas Dragan sailed out to fight a Kingdom which betrayed the World Government." Luffy remembered every single detail of what his father told him.

"When Dragan left, he did leave the protection of his wife to Dragon. But one day when the Celestial Dragons came to visit Marineford, they saw Dragan's wife, Elise, and wanted her as a slave…" Luffy's eyes narrowed, he was truly angered b the Celestial Dragons. Garp closed his eyes as he was saddened by how clueless and ignorant he was back then.

"My father protected Elise by killing the Celestial Dragons there on the scene. When Dragan found this out, he went amok and sailed to Mary Geoise and attacked the World Government. Both the Navy and the World Government spread news about Dragan betraying the Navy. Garp, my grandfather protected the Celestial Dragons, in a fit of anger, Dragan and Garp fought to the death." Luffy's voice was slightly hoarse, yet he still couldn't help but feel sad for his uncle.

"The reason because of this were the Celestial Dragons. But there should be more of this story I guess." Izan's voice was calm, he could guess that there should be more to this story than what Luffy had told him.

Luffy lowered his head slightly. "My father rebelled after Dragan died. Dragon, my father met his wife, my mother not long afte. Father and mother were hunted by the World Government for a long amount of time. After I was born, we got ambushed by the World Government." Luffy lowered his he deeper and his voice was cracking up. "My mother died on that day…" Tears was running down Luffy's face.

No one talked, a heavy atmosphere surrounded the table. Sabo, Koala, Luffy, Nami, Ace and Garp seemed to be sad. Where Hancock, Nojiko, Perona, Robin and Jiutian didn't care at all. They only wanted the information, even Izan seemed to not care or feel any kind of emotions.

"It was at that time, my son, Dragon gave me Luffy. Dragon went on a hunt to kill many members of he Cipher Pol and the Celestial Dragons outside of Mary Geoise, which led to him earning the title of Worlds most wanted person." Garp continued after Luffy as he knew that Luffy couldn't speak clearly while crying. "I protected Luffy and Ace for a couple of years, Sabo was their friend. After Luffy grew to be ten, Dragon came back and took Luffy. At that time, Dragon and made the Revolutionary Army." Garp explained it hastily, his body was trembling as he could still remember how Dragon stared at him that day."

"That's it?" Izan asked while raising an eyebrow. Izan would have thought that there would be something worse, but if it was because someone being lustful, then I did feel that it was something minor. Izan could and would kill all who stared at his wives, he was not merciful, he would kill with no regard of who they are.

Anger could be seen on many of their faces, the only ones who were smiling was Izan's wives. They understood how Izan did his things, and they wee completely sure of what Izan would do, as there had been a similar case.

"There was a retarded Celestial Dragon who thought that he could stare at my wives. What I did was to cut his head off from his body." Izan would never allow anyone to mistreat his wives.

"Then what if you're not there then!?" Luffy asked as he gritted his teeth together. He was shocked to hear that Izan had already killed a Celestial Dragon, but he wouldn't back away.

Izan leaned forward as he stared into Luffy's eyes. "Seems like you aren't smart either…" Izan mocked Luffy, he answered in a cold voice. "Even if I'm not there, any kind of person trying to catch them would die. Even if they are an Emperor of the Seas, or an Admiral. My wives are much stronger than what you can think. And, if they can't fight an Admiral by themselves right now, it won't be long till they can." Izan's voice was cold, but it also had a tinge of trust towards all of his wives.

Luffy and Sabo were dumb-founded. Ace, Garp and Koala widened their eyes slightly, and the last one, Nami was utterly shocked. Nami didn't know what to think, her sister, Nojiko was way stronger than her own captain. And the one she used, Izan was so far away from her sight…

Nami thought that Izan would be angry at her or even say anything. But the only thing she got was being ignored by Izan and his wives. It was now that she found out that she had missed a chance unlike Nojiko who had taken iit. A chance to obtain endless money, opportunity to fulfil her dreams, love and someone that trusts her. Luffy was a great captain, yet Izan was overshadowing him and most people on this world.

"Your wives…?" Koala asked in a slightly high-pitched voice. There were many that had multiple wives, but those were usually nobles or high ranked people of the world.

"We are all his wives." Jiutian answered Koala like it was the most normal thing in the world. Jiutian did know that it was weird that so many beauties were attached to the same person. But, Izan wasn't a simple person either. Izan was someone faith couldn't trace… He was the most special person that had been birthed in the Real Universe.

"All of you…" Koala started blushing as she couldn't help but to think about Izan. It was the truth, as even Koala couldn't help but to think oh his beauty. Izan was way too handsome, he was perfect in any sense. Even Izan's voice was calming and soothing for her to hear.

"If you have absolute strength, then there won't be anyone daring to take what is yours or speak rudely." Izan spoke with a calm voice, if Izan wanted, he could steal other people's property, that was because he was stronger than most. And his goal is to see the end of what this world had to offer.

No one could deny what Izan said, there had been way to many times in their lives which there had been people who was stronger than them doing what they wanted.

Robin had lost her home island, Ohara. Hancock lost her sisters and her Kingdom. Nami lost her freedom. Koala was a slave. Ace lost his mother and Whitebeard. Garp had lost his son. Everyone at some time had lost something they had in the hands of someone stronger. This couldn't be refuted, strength goes above everything else…

"Then, what have you lost?" Luffy asked Izan with a serious tone.

But Izan didn't respond, he only smiled in return. Izan couldn't remember anything before the moment he met with Jiutian. But, there was still an emptiness deep inside of him which he could feel. And that strange feeling got stronger after his soul awakened.

"… Who do you think you dare? Actually daring to ask that question." Robin's voice was cold as she stared at Luffy. Robin was very protective towards Izan after she had learned about some of his past from Jiutian. Robin felt sad and wished to cry whenever she thought that Izan couldn't remember his past, yet she didn't cry. She wanted to be strong for Izan.

"If you're talking about who lost the most, then even if the things we went through, wouldn't compare to one percentage of what Izan had to go through." Nojiko looked into Luffy's eyes with a scowl on her face. She wished to bash Luffy up for even asking such a question. Nojiko cared most for Izan, she did care and like the company of her "sisters" as there were nothing boing happening with them around. The ones she cared for was her new family she got when she decided to stay with Izan.

Third chapter of the week (3/7).

Weekly goal is set at obtaining rank 100 and less for a bonus chapter for the upcoming week.

I do at least hope that you have enjoyed the chapter today.


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