
"I want you inside me...!"

Voldemort was stunned for a brief moment before he saw something in the corner of his eyes. He yelled out "Effugium!"[escape in Latin] and his body vanished like it was never there.

The moment Voldemort vanished; an arrow shot through where Voldemort's head was at. "Tsk..." Hancock couldn't help but to snicker in disgust. "A 'Dark Lord' you guys say? Merely a weak coward I say, humph!"

"There's something else..." Izan couldn't help but to murmur. "He didn't use his own powers to escape, it was almost like he borrowed it from something or someone else." His murmur was barely heard by his own wives, but he simply shook his head afterwards. "It shouldn't mean much either way, it's most likely that he is using a corrupted power which he tries to refrain from using unless it is an emergency."


Izan glanced at the young wizard – Hermione for a brief moment. "You can leave now with your group." After having said this, Izan began walking towards the castle.

"Let's hurry up and leave..." Hermione whispered to her group before they stood up and left, wanting to teleport back to their headquarters. Hermione wanted to report all of this to Dumbledore at once, as it was far too weird for someone to just appear out from nowhere and make the Dark Lord run away in fear. That just meant how much of a potential the male had even while looking so young.

But Hermione didn't take a few steps before she turned around and asked in a loud voice. "May I ask what your name is?"

Izan stopped walking, he didn't turn around but his lips parted as his voice sounded out majestically. "I am Emperor Izan." And Izan continued walking forward after having said this.

The two groups parted ways, Hermione and the others used Disapparition and Apparition to their headquarters. The others fell down from being exhausted, but Hermione walked towards the meeting room where the Leader and the Commanders were usually planning their tactics.

There were guards at almost every corridor, they were holding onto their wands and seriously keeping their focus. As it wasn't too weird for enemy wizards to sneak inside to know their secrets.

After having walked for 5 minutes, Hermione arrived in front of a door guarded by two wizards. "I have an emergency report to make, it is about the Dark Lord."

The two wizards nodded and opened the door. They knew almost all the group leaders and Hermione was amongst the youngest ones.

Hermione walked inside the room; it was rather large with a table in the middle with many chairs around it. But right now, there was only three people there. One of them was an old man with white hair and beard, the other one was a lady in her 40s, she was wearing a black hat with grey hair showing, and the last person was a middle-aged man with only one eye.

"Hermione Granger, wasn't your group near the ruins of Hogwarts seeking after enemy movements?" The old man with white heard – Albus Dumbledore was the first person to ask. He gazed at Hermione, but his expression turned slightly worried as he saw that her outfit was messy of dust and blood. "What had happened there?"

Hermione calmed herself down before starting to speak of what had happened from the beginning. "It all began when we reached Hogwarts two days ago …" Hermione spoke for around 10 minutes before she felt her dry throat, but she continued to report of what had happened. Only after speaking for 15 minutes, did Hermione finish telling everything to the three of them. Hermione sat down on a chair and picked up a glass of water and drank everything in a gulp.

"Girl, are you serious...?" The man with one eye couldn't help but to narrow his eye as he glared into Hermione's eyes.

"Alastor Moody, you should know better than to think that one of our group leaders are not honest with us." The lady – Minerva, couldn't help but to rebuke Alastor for being rash to think that Hermione would lie about something like that.

Albus Dumbledore sat there quietly brushing his long beard for a while before speaking. "If what you said is true, then this person 'Emperor Izan' managed to fight against the Dark Lord – Voldemort in a frontal clash and he came on top without using a wand..."

Alastor snorted before he narrowed his eye. "If what he said is true, then he should be staying in Hogwarts right now. What we should be doing is to send out as many people we can there right now, if we can force him into joining us, then that will be good, if he doesn't accept, we will just kill him!" His voice was rather cold.

"Alastor, are you stupid or something?" Minerva slapped the table with her left hand. "From what Hermione Granger told us, his strength and power are beyond what we can show for, and even if we could defeat him, what about his companions? Didn't you hear that one of his wives managed to kill a dozen of Dark Wizards with a bow within a second!" Minerva's voice was rather loud, but she was angry because she couldn't believe how stupid Alastor was acting.

Alastor wanted to say something, but he stopped himself from speaking when he saw Albus Dumbledore raising his left hand. "We will wait till Hermione has recovered from her fatigue and wounds for a few days before we visit Hogwarts to meet with this 'Emperor Izan'."


Izan glanced around the ruins before sighing. "This is not worth fixing, it would take too much resources for nothing."

"Master." Defying stepped forward, she waited till she saw Izan nodding to her before she began speaking. "I can change the 'ship' into a mansion for us to live in. I can bring the mansion anywhere you wish for, Master." Defying wanted to become useful to Izan in any kind of way, and right now, Defying was feeling rather happy that she could allow her Master to live inside of her once again... hehe... Defying laughed loudly deeply in her heart.

"It seems like I can always depend on you, Defying." Izan smiled before patting Defying's head, slowly stroking her long red hair.

After a couple of seconds passed, Defying took a step back before raising her hands. "Master, it will take me a few moments to change the structure of it. Please stroll around as you wish until I am done." After having said this, Defying began concentrating deeply on changing the structure of the ship into a mansion.

I wonder who else got fooled by the title, haha *cough cough* dang, I can't help but to laugh, haha.

Well, at least it was fun for me :p

Discord link if you are interested - https://discord.gg/dWafSpd (do join and you can create your own character if you'd like that)

Cheers :)

iMiHcreators' thoughts