
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 012

Just as Maple opens the luxurious double door.

He detected a sudden change in position.

There are two enemies that are sitting in the farthest part of the room, but in an instant, one of those enemies disappears and appears in front of him.




Maple instinct kicks in immediately.

He cut the five Blood Fruits hanging on his branches and they began to fall to the ground.



Maple saw a bright light in front of him and suddenly there was darkness.

One of the Blood Fruits didn't fall fast enough and was caught in the attack was destroyed in an instant.

The other four Blood Fruits were grabbed but four of the roots.

Even if Maple's eyes are gone, he can still maneuver very easily.

Due to this, he saves the remaining blood fruits, and four of the remaining roots are holding on to the ground, to resist the enormous force.

But it failed.

The ground gives in and brake.

Maple flew into the sky and after reaching a certain height he began to fall.

Maple then created four vines and tapped them into fruits, one for each.

He drains the 'juices' of the fruits and only the small single seed in the middle remains.

(Not enough… )

The damage is tremendous.

(My core, is damaged… I cannot absorb the sunlight because of it…)

The top part of his seed was greatly damaged, and almost one-eight of the core disappeared.

'In case, you get in trouble don't hesitate to use all of them… Your life is more important than those seeds… we can try again next cycle if you use them all up…'

The face of his Father appears in his memories.

(Father, wanted me to use all of them, but…)

One of the vines holding one of the seeds of the Blood Fruit started to absorb the seed.

The seed merges with the vine, just like how the 'juices' of the fruit were absorbed.

(I don't need to use all of them Father, one seed is enough.)

The core regenerated immediately and with the help of the sunlight, the full regeneration began as he fell from the sky.


Blood Fruit

The cycle begins when Maple starts absorbing the blood of living things and it ends if the fruit ripens or all of the seeds are destroyed.

Then Maple needs to wait another 6 months, from the end of the cycle, to use this ability again.

Blood Fruit has two main functions.

One of the functions is to speed up Maples recovery, using the 'juice' to recover damaged parts and heal the damaged core, by absorbing the seed.

However, it is not an almighty fruit, if the core is completely destroyed then it's over, and no amount of blood fruit seed could save Maple.


Commander Girthwell notices that the monster falls down on the side of the building.

The Commander's form is much different than earlier.

His muscles are huge and solid, his chest and abs are ripped, and his body is bulkier than a heavyweight fighter.

The large suit is already loose, but he doesn't care, because the suit is also ripped apart due to the force of his skill.

"Tsk! I need to buy tons of cake after this one Raj."

"I see…"

"Ahhh, what a hassle! imagine the work of consuming five whole cakes a day Raj, five whole cakes a day… I need to do it all over again."

Commander Girthwell looks at Erwin who attacks the Tamer.

The Tamer flew and rolled around in the dirt from Erwin's single attack.

"I use my ace, to that pathetic tamer?… what a waste… he couldn't even withstand Erwin's attack."

Commander Girthwell was disappointed to use his ace, but this 'terrorist' created a lot of trouble for them and he also needed to take control of the situation on the ground.

"Raj, after we clean up here ask someone to cover back the ceiling even if it is temporary."

Girthwell looks at the VIP Vault behind him.

The metal wall is intact even when the debris falls into it.

It glints and reflects the sunlight, and Girthwell fears that it will attract unnecessary attention.

"We need to cover this up, ASAP."

Girthwell pointed at the vault using his thumb and Raj nodded in response.

"I see…"

Girthwell shook his head.

"So much trouble… I will find out who caused this 'Conqueror Pillar Incident' and let him pay."

Girthwell began to walk when…

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The vibration increases and it speeds up.

Raj and Girthwell stop for a moment to feel the vibration, to feel the source then… they look at a certain place at the same time.



Raj charges as he unsheaths his sword and Girthwell follows him behind.


Just as they are about to approach the side of the building.

Multiple green vines flew in an arc form and landed on the very decorative floor.

The vines pierce the floor like they were a jackhammer.

Girthwell and Raj instinctively step back.

The monster, using his vines shoots towards the sky.


A red leaves tree blocks the sunlight for a bit and begins its descent.

But it didn't descend quietly.

Several oval mushrooms fall from the sky and are launched by the monster.


All of them exploded at the same time.

Girthwell and Raj dodge the 'bombs' and look for a good footing.

Bam! Bam!

The floor was now damaged and it collapsed to the lower floor.

Girthwell and Raj look around, the beautiful extravagant flooring is gone, but the most important part is their 'arena' is completely destroyed.

"It will be hard fighting in this kind of environment."

Girthwell whispered.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The attack didn't stop there.

Vines began attacking from above.

Green vines can destroy flooring like a jackhammer and a red vine has a thick needle protruding into it.

Girthwell doesn't want to test what will happen if he gets caught by it.

Raj using his sword skillfully deflects all the vines that are about to reach him.

Girthwell on the other hand continues to dodge.

But the attack didn't stop there.

Several mushrooms still continue to fall down.

A candy-like mushroom, a mushroom that has small holes in it, and a mushroom that has some rotten parts in it.

One of the mushrooms exploded with black heavy pollens in it.

Raj looks at it and dodges it immediately.

Raj and Girthwell looked at each other and nodded.

They understand the heavy pollen from the earlier reports.

Girthwell then looks at Maple who is still in the air.

"Tsk! We are both melee class what a troublesome monster…"

Girthwell said as he continued to dodge the vines and the mushroom from the monster.

But Girthwell is more annoyed because he cannot attack the monster.

He continues to look at the monster while it falls down and sometimes glances at Raj to look at his status.

Then when the monster is in a certain distance in the air from the floor.

Girthwell eyes glinted.

(I can do this now.)

He quickly glances at this ring.

A square ring with 3 circular orbs in it, one of the orbs' brightness is gone while the other two light up like an LED bulb.


Girthwell shouted.

He bent down, the floor got damaged due to the pressure.


A skill that would boost the leaping ability of the user.

Girthwell made a beeline toward Maple in the sky.

Maple uses his vines and roots to attack Girthwell.

Surely there is no escape.

Girthwell cannot maneuver in the air, however…

"Rising Blade…"

From the ground, Raj positioned himself below Maple and made an upward slash.

Three crescent blades appear on the ground in front of Raj and fly upward.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Slash! Slash! Slash!

The vines easily got slashed by the crescent blades and the roots also were damaged.

Some roots fall when two crescent blades hit it but for those that got hit ones, they immediately bend.

Maple immediately releases all of the pollens, but the most prominent thing that the eyes can see is the heavy black pollen.

The Gloom Dali flower pollen.

Girthwell didn't mind it at all.

(This is the pollen that appears in the report, aside from vision and hearing impairment, there is no notable toxicity.)

This heavy pollen was left on the base floors to prevent the search party from responding immediately.

The 'terrorist' purposely left it to hinder their movement.

So Girthwell didn't care about it at all.

He moves inside the pollen.

Darkness covered his sight.

He cannot feel the wind anymore.

There is no sound coming from the outside.

However, Girthwell is a veteran.


"Learn from this!"

Using his mana, he willed his artifact once again.

One of the lighting orbs disappears and becomes dull.

The artifact is called Three Moons of Titan.

It doubles the physical force of the user momentarily and it recharges one orb per three a day.

Girthwell's muscle bulges more, he can feel the power seeping into his body.

And when Girthwell knew the distance was right.

He inhales with all his might and releases…



He made a downward punch with all of his energy.

Hammer Fall is a skill that doubles his strength but it requires him to make a 'downward' attack.

The ability that he usually uses on a downed enemy, now he uses it while flying in the sky.

Girthwell grinned as he felt the 'connect'.


Maple was falling down.

He uses his remaining roots to block the attack but Raj can see holes in the 'root wall' that Maple made to shield the attack.




From the sound of it and the vibration.


Raj knew and guess what happened.

The monster falls down three floors below the top floor.

Raj knew that they had an advantage, smile covered his face, and look at the supposed location where the Commander would fall.


However, Raj's eyes widen.

The Commander, fell on his knees, he was expecting a high and mighty posture from Commander Girthwell who just drilled the enemy into the floor but was surprised at what he saw instead.

Grithwell looks at Raj.


Blood came out from his mouth, black blood.


Raj runs towards Grithwell.

Girthwell can only move his eyes.



The high and mighty commander fell down face first.

Raj catches the Commander immediately and looks at the pool of blood on the ground.

Understanding what might happen, Raj taps his belt and picks up a green colored potion.

He immediately pours the potion into the commander's mouth and waits. 

However, there was nothing more he could do, he lay down the commander who already lost his pulse.


The monster, Maple, came up from the hole on the lower floor.

The recovery has already begun.

The dented trunk and broken branches slowly regenerate.

The roots and vines grow and become as good as new.

Raj's eyes widen as he witnesses the horror, of the great enemy that is in front of them.

He realizes that the monster in front of them is not an ordinary one.

Not an ordinary Violet Rank monster… 

It is a monster comparable to the Dragons that even lived up to its name even in this era of Champions.

Raj's grip on his sword tightens.

Raj, Green Rank, Melee Class.

He took a deep breath and made his swordsman posture.


He exhaled.

"I see…"

He charges to fight the enemy in front of him.

I hope you enjoy the fight readers.

Thank you for reading as always.

Gunshot_Zoncreators' thoughts