
Last Day/First Day

It started this morning as Jason's alarm went off, waking up Jason rubbed the sleep out of his eyes eyes and rolled onto his side catching a glimpse of his beautiful fiancee Amy through still drowsy eyes. "Rise and shine sleepyhead" with passion in her eyes she leans over to give Jason a deep kiss on his lips, a sweet smell invades Jason's nose as he takes a deep, the scent of lavender and rosemary coming from her hair "You've already showered, i was hoping to have one together before work, because i'll be working late again tonight" Jason said with a grin. Taking advantage of her leaning in to kiss him, he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her deeper taking in as much of her scent as he could before getting out of bed, reluctantly Jason pulled himself away from her and headed for a quick shower before heading to work.

A good morning so far, waking up to a passionate kiss from a beauty it's what all men dream of, but during the train journey to work Jason started to get chills up and down his back like something bad was going to happen. Taking out his phone and trying to put this feeling to the back of his mind Jason messages his colleague and best friend Gabe 'how you doing Bro' looking up from his phone and around the train he still couldn't shake this feeling of unease. 'bzzt bzzt' feeling the phone vibrate in his hand Jason looks at the screen and see's its Gabe replying.

'I can't make it into work today buddy somethings come up, but the meeting is still at eleven so go for it' Gabe's reply filled Jason with dread, today they were meant to hand in a presentation and concept designs for a statue they we're erecting in the companies ground floor lobby, hastily Jason replied 'You can't be serious, you know how important today is for us' hitting the send button and suddenly feeling fatigued.

'The next stop is Grand Central Terminal' a robotic female voice sounded out over the trains speaker. This was Jason's stop and as the train pulled into the station he shakily stood up, he was nervous bordering scared he'd never done a presentation without Gabe before. Walking out of the station the office Jason walked at was only a five minute walk down the road, in the end he managed to drag that walk to fifteen minutes while he gathered his nerves together. Outside the office he stopped and took a deep breath and used both hands to slap his cheeks 'i can do this, i know i can' Jason walked into the building unaware of what was about to happen.

"hey Lucy how's work been so far" Jason spoke to the receptionist another of his friends Lucy as he entered the building, Lucy the receptionist looked up at Jason from her laptop with what looked to him to be a sneer "works been good for me today so far" looking back at her laptop "but for you it won't be" she started typing something Jason couldn't see, looking up at Jason once again with that same sneer on her face Lucy said "i'm busy go bother someone else". Shocked at her attitude Jason walked away from Lucy towards the elevator, as he walked towards the elevator Jason stopped in the centre of the lobby right underneath the old statue they we're replacing, it was a statue of an ancient emperor, proud and domineering in stature, his left hand on the sheath of his sword and the right on the hilt slightly drawing it out, the look in it's eye giving the illusion it was watching him, it was giving off an heavy yet royal aura like that of a real emperor. He couldn't explain but at this moment he couldn't take his eyes away from it. The more Jason looked at the statue the more it felt like it was trying to communicate with him.

'bzzt bzzt' Jason's phone was vibrating taking his attention away from the statue, it was Amy calling him he smiled as he answered "hey babe missing me already" after he spoke all Jason heard was a sigh "Jason we need to talk, i'm leaving you" hearing this Jason's heart skipped a beat and so many questions went through his mind 'what did i do wrong, can it be fixed, i thought she loved me' these questions over and over again danced through his mind, but he only asked one "why" it was the question that would get him the most answers. Jason was paying a lot of attention to this conversation trying to gleam whatever answers he could from Amy, "before anything Jason it'd not your fault it's mine, i don't love you anymore i haven't for a long time and during these last few months I've found someone else that i feel is truly the one for me and we've been together whenever we could, when you were out visiting your parents grave or at work and now i feel its time to end this before i hurt you too much " Jason got answers but the last one hurt and again Jason only had one question.


While waiting for the answer he could he're whispering on the other side of the phone "just tell him, he can't do anything to me anyway" a mans voice he recognised spoke "its Gabe, I've fallen in love with Gabe" the feeling of being stabbed in the heart hit Jason hard, the woman he loved even worshipped and his best friend since childhood betrayed him, after that feeling came anger overwhelming anger "SO THIS IS WHAT CAME UP GABE" yelling into the phone "STEALING AMY FROM ME, I BET YOU'VE EVEN FUCKED HER THAT SLUT" along with the rage there we're tears rolling down his cheeks it hurt so bad this betrayal, just as he stopped yelling he heard "Jason don't come back to the house I've moved all stuff into the garage for you, goodbye" then click of Amy and Gabe hanging up on him finished the call.

Jason decided to call back to get more answers, he needed them, he was hurting bad. Just as he was getting ready to call Amy back a shout came across the lobby shocking everyone in it especially Jason. 'you fucker Jason' It was the company president whom Jason was meant to be having a meeting with soon "you've some fucking nerve showing your face in this company" he stormed across the lobby towards Jason anger apparent on his face as if he was about to start foaming at the mouth. Jason obviously shocked and still reeling from his call from Amy almost fell backwards as the president arrived in front of him grabbing his collar "I almost lost hundreds of thousands because of you bastard, if it wasn't for Gabe being he're on time for the meeting and saving the deal i'd be a laughing stock in my own company, and after Gabe told me you didn't care about the company or the deal it was obvious you weren't going to give me any face" Jason was confused what was the president talking about "isn't the meeting at eleven sir" The confusion visible on Jason's face "Eleven both you and Gabe we're told nine, Gabe even called to remind you as the meeting was starting, i was there when he called you and you told him you weren't coming or interested you prick, i'm lucky Gabe was he're he saved the deal you almost ruined that's why i'm giving him the deal and you, you can leave and never come back, you fired" the president then pushed Jason by his collar into the statue.

It hit Jason right then as he slammed into the emperor statue, Gabe was ruining him and now he was was ruined with nothing left, no Amy, no Gabe, no job and nowhere to live.


As Jason slumped onto the floor after hitting the statue he heard these noises and looked up, a shadow was getting larger around him and the emperor statue was getting closer then it hit him destroying his lower body and most of his organs, his blood was forming a puddle under his broken body and the statue.

"Aieeeeeeeee" a high pitched scream from Lucy was the last thing Jason heard and all he could think of as the life ebbed from his body was "Shut the hell up Lucy you're too loud" after thinking that the light faded from his eyes and Jason was no more.

Darkness, Darkness was Jason could see and his own thoughts we're all he could hear and all he could think to himself was 'didn't i die, didn't the statue crush me' and then he heard a voice.

[Welcome to the Emperor System, Prepare for rebirth]

Hello to anyone who reads this novel.

This is my first time ever writing a novel and i'd like to apologise before hand for any mistakes i make or if the story isn't up to scratch but i will try my best to get better and create even better chapters in the future.

Thank you for reading.

BlueBeetle23creators' thoughts