
Arriving at the Emerald Woodland

Passing through a hanging garden pavilion, they saw elf knights and archers training by the grounds, accompanied with each troop headman as they appear to unsheathed swords for an incoming duel match against a formidable machinery that pivots swinging attacks.

The demon hunter trainees could not help but ogle at the sight before them. The training grounds fascinated them, and never in their life they saw refined and outstanding facilities to dwell on for practice. It was far fetched than what they had in the temple of light.

The expedition head coughed, and heads turned at his direction. Noticing that they became distracted on the course of the journey, they quickly retracted their attention. Sheepishly, the demon hunter trainees proceeded to the kingdom as they rode behind Granger and Alucard.

"We are now entering the Emerald woodland sire." The expedition head spoke, glistening in awe at the mentioned fraction.

And indeed, it was a spectacular sight. Again Alucard find the architecture welcoming, etched with touches of nobility rather than something you'd expect to be archaic and ancient.  Through an enormous pair of oak doors, the glimmering emerald windows radiates the seeping sunshine outside, creating an ethereal glow on the inside.

As they gently step over the emerald floorings, their footfalls sent echoing noises transcending in the entire wide spaced hall.

"Ahh...emissary Aadi! What a pleasant suprise!"

A white-haired elfen exclaimed, wearing long purple robes and a golden embroidered shoulder straps cascading down the clothing's tunic linen, as he carefully greeted the expedition head.

Emissary Aadi, or acknowledge by Alucard as the expedition head, gave a slight bow to the elfen priest. "It is good to see you too high priest Vicente. I came here for an important message and quest sent by the chief cleric Emir himself in the temple of light."

"Ahh...Emir...an old acquaintance." The elfen priest nodded, scrutinizing the other demon hunters' persona.

He looked questioningly at the expedition head. "And what may be this quest be and how can I help you with?"

The expedition head Aadi release a heaving breath. "Master Alucard. A well respected demon hunter of the empire is poisoned. We barely control its adverse effect, and the only thing to offer is buying time as to slow down the poison's repercussion. Right now there is no other person that can heal him except-"

"Except for the elf king." The high priest interceded, probing deeper into Alucard's eyes.

He closed off the distance between them, and Alucard with the proximity they were in, saw the high priest's almost ashen eyes that seems to read something from his mind. Focusing his energy, he puts his fingertips against Alucard's temples. Still appearing to be mind-reading.

"I see...The demons...the beasts have invaded." He muttered, still in contact with Alucard's eyes, paler in color than ever.

A few minutes passed and gracefully he let go of his focus and stepped away from the demon hunter.

"We must get him to the elf king immediately before he goes back into slumber..." He paused before taking a halt and gravely looking at them in doubt. "Although I do not know if we will be easily accommodated."

They nodded and took their chances with the elf king. With much understanding than before, the high priest led them to the path where the tree of life stands tall and sturdy from all the years that betide. Not from afar, stood many elfen knights patrolling in troops and leonin wardens tending what seemed to be like a mangrove.

"Ahh...that's where the leonins went off to!" The demon hunter trainees exclaimed, eyes trained on the group of leonins.

"Be careful around here. The folks right now are a little edgy. They are still too sensitive to new comers."

"Edgy?" One demon hunter trainee asked, but briskly retracted inquiring when he realized he is not in position to do so. However, the high priest just smiled at him in return.

"Yes. Edgy. After all we have been recently attacked by abyssal demons that's why the prescence of so many elf guards."

At the mention of demons, Alucard and Granger gave meaningful looks as if they both connected through mind link alone. The events in the past few days seem rather odd to them now.

First the temple of light was merely invaded, and that instead caused a ruckus and panic among the upper classmen, while the abyssal demons also infiltrated the elf kingdom.

Nevertheless, it wasn't just demons this time. It was with accompanying orcs that ravage the land. There is an unlikely pattern going on and an unlikely appearance of two existing foes of light.

"Where is his highness? I personally request audience with him." The high priest stated to two guards guarding the central tree of life.

"His highness after battle is at rest now m'lord. What will be your purpose with his highness?"

"I've come to help out an acquaintance of mine. Says the elf king can only cure his ailment."

"Sorry m'lord. His highness do not accomodate anyone right now. Especially those he do not personally knows."

The high priest nodded. "Still...I believe his highness had heard of this man before. He is someone special to the empire afterall."

The elf guards looked skeptical but remained loyal to their receiving orders. "My apologies sire. But not unless anyone of his highness council can confirm this, then we cannot let you in."

The expedition head, although wanting to go on a ramble about the guard's foolishness, comprehends that these two right now are more apt to being loyal, and can never be swayed not unless someone from the council knows Alucard himself and would allow him access inside.

"Let them in." A voice resonated.

And looking up, it was none other than Harith. The captain of the magic council of the empire. The first non-human to be delegated as its reknown chief. And the first to form an unlikely bridge for human and other races to coexist peacefully whether by law or by nature.

"He is my savior once. Let the demon hunters in." Harith stated.
