
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · ภาพยนตร์
158 Chs

Chapter 13

Although the scene of the ceremony of becoming a god does not show much.

But many smart people have already seen it.

Thor is the real God of Thunder.

And Loki's so-called God of Trickery is just a title, or a false god! it has no power

[With the ceremony complete, Thor receives his weapon Mjolnir!]

[This is an artifact smelted from the Death Star, personally crafted by the Dwarf King Aitri, and engraved with a large number of Runes!]

[When Thor held the hammer in his hand, thunder exploded from above, and the divine power formed a powerful armor covering his body.]

[From this moment on, Asgard welcomes its Thor!]

[The entire temple echoed with Thor's name!]

[Loki was also rewarded]

[That is a green scepter, a treasure presented by the Kingdom of Light Elves!]

[It allows the caster to better control magic and use magic]

[When Loki held the scepter, dark green magic light suddenly lit up on his body, forming an antlered helmet, and the cloak behind him made a hunting sound.]

[When everything was over, Loki returned to the palace alone]

[At this moment, there was strong unwillingness in his eyes. The scepter that was rewarded, the dream treasure of countless mages, was thrown on the ground like garbage.]

[At this moment, Loki suddenly saw two black and green daggers placed on the table.]

[That's not his thing]

[He walked over, picked up the double daggers, and recognized what they were]

[That's the weapon of the Queen of Gods]

[Now, she gave it to her son]

[Loki's eyes turned red, and the strong unwillingness in his eyes turned into a tear and fell to the ground.]

[He stood like a statue in the dark room, not knowing what he was thinking.]

[After an unknown amount of time, he flipped his hands and the two shadow daggers disappeared.]

[Then he walked to the bed, lay down, closed his eyes, and seemed to accept his fate. ]

In the fairy palace.

Odin sighed, seeming even older.

God Queen Frigga's eyes turned red when she saw this scene, and she felt even more upset.

New York.

Sol felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

He did not speak in the chat room, but looked disappointed and said slowly to Tony and the others in a low tone:

"I still remember how drunk I was with Fandral, Hogan and others that night."

"Even the next day, he complained that Loki didn't celebrate with everyone."

"Unexpectedly, Loki was in so much pain that day."

Listening to this, Tony patted Thor's shoulder to express comfort.

However, this does not mean that he can forgive Loki..

At this time, the light curtain faded, and the emerald light lit up again

[Although Loki didn't understand why Odin had to wait until he reached adulthood before allowing himself to go to Karma Taj.]

[But since his father said so, he believed there must be a reason for doing so]

[From this day on, Loki began to read the books collected in Asgard.]

[Regardless of whether it's useful or useless, I'll check it out.]

[Of course, there is also the unshakable meditating under the World Tree every night]

[And, from time to time, discipline (beat) Sol]

[Such a life day after day]

[Until one day four hundred years later, Lok

i suddenly opened his eyes under the World Tree.]

[He raised his hand and saw an icy blue energy flashing under his skin, disappearing into the flesh and blood without a trace.]

[It's like an illusion!]

[But with his mental power, how could he have hallucinations?]

[And this is Asgard. No enemy can escape Heimdall's eyes. There is no way any intruder will attack him!]

[Loki frowned]

[Not an illusion, not an enemy, so what is it?]

[If it hadn't been spiritually triggered just now, he wouldn't even have noticed this energy!]

[Just then, a breeze floated]

[Loki sensed something and found that Odin was standing behind him at some point.]

[Loki put his feet down and said with a strange expression:]

["Father, why are you here?"]

[Odin is not as majestic as when he was sitting in the temple, and his eyebrows are much softer at this moment.]

[He showed a smile, then looked up into the void and said:]

["You should always be able to see the shadow of the World Tree in the real dimension, right?"]

[Loki was stunned for a moment, then explained awkwardly:]

["can see…But I didn't mean not to say it, I was afraid…"]

[Odin smiled and said:]

["Are you afraid of irritating Sol's pride?"]

["After all, as the elder brother, he cannot see the World Tree"]

[Loki nodded]

[He has learned all the runes and has been admired by many Asgardian people. In comparison, Thor seems very stupid.]

[He really doesn't want this brother to feel more pressure]

[Although Sol has always been careless, how could he not be affected?]

[Just don't say it]

[Otherwise, with Thor's character, even if he forces himself to force those runes on him, he will eventually forget them all.]

[It's not like I secretly remembered it behind my back. ]


Thor suddenly felt even more guilty.

The Loki in the light curtain could think of his brother's feelings.

As an elder brother, he never cared about Loki's feelings.

Really incompetent

[Seeing Loki's admission, Odin had a look of emotion on his face and sighed:]

["Saul is so lucky to have you as a brother."]

[Loki didn't say anything, but suddenly said:]

["Father, isn't that why you came here?"]

["He is indeed my smartest child"]

[Odin nodded and said:]

["You can see the World Tree. I actually knew it a long time ago, but do you know what to ask?"]


[Loki said as he glanced in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge. The gatekeeper stood motionless on it.]


[Odin shook his head and said directly without any pretense:]

["It's because I saw with my own eyes the gift of World Tree, which fell on you"]

[Loki was puzzled:]

["A gift from the World Tree? what is that?"]

[Odin's expression suddenly became serious, and he said very seriously:]

["That is the power that allows you to awaken your godhead"]

["This is also the reason why I let you stay in Immortal Palace!"] ps:

In the timeline of the movie, there must be a link where Odin announces what kind of gods the two of them have become.

But the specific process can only be original.

I wrote this paragraph because I feel that this is more in line with Loki's inner journey in the movie..