

~Come to my wall~

It's been a week since daddy came to visit me in the house he rented for me since my family saw me as insane. I've been calling his phone since two days and his not answering.

"Hello dad, what happened to you? I asked as he finally picked up my call

"It's a long story babe" he'd replied

"Okay, so how are you?

"I'm fine dear. What about you?

"I'm doing just good. Please can I ask for a favour from you, daddy. You know I'm always to myself since I stopped from college right?

"Yes I know, so what is your request and how can I help you? He'd asked

"Daddy, there is a school, conquest, I want you to enroll me there" I said bitting my lips

"What school is that? Conquest"

"Conquest is one of the most popular dance school in this town, I know it's not my dream to become a dancer but I think that is the one way for me to face my fears" I explained even though I was regretting the idea by now as he kept quiet for an ugly while before finally speaking

"Ana, we really need to talk physically. And promise me you would tell me all what I want to know"

"Hmmmm, okay till then but I won't promise you" I told him openly before hanging the call

Daddy has always felt that something had happened to me when he was out of country two years ago, he knew that it was something terrible but he never uttered a word.

I'm Anastasia Daniel Matthew, the only female of my parent. I just clocked nineteen and I still don't have any friend to mingle with except Caro who I lost contact with since January last two years. Caro was good but I know she would give me the bad fruit, she would link me to people I don't want to, she would connect me with males the creatures I'm scared to death with.

The Conquest I even want to attend is a very huge punishment to my glands because I know it's not an all girls school but I wanted to face my fears and chase them away. I was good at learning very fast and I know I'll make good dancing steps.

I gave my evening thanks to God and went straight to bed, opened my laptop and started searching for movies to watch when I saw a movie that caught my eyes. When I clicked and watched part of it, it was then I know it wasn't mine, it brought back the memories I was trying to forget, memories I was trying to wash away but it's what I need to deal with my fears. How could human being on earth be so scared of God's creation. That was weird to people who doesn't understand nor knew me and my past. I just left youtube and went ahead to play online games before I slept.


It was Sunday, one of my fun days. After my online church service, I would go for online ordering of clothes and foodstuffs, that's if I don't have. Checking out weekly designs and other fun things. Today I don't think I'll be able to do any of that except for the morning service because Daddy was coming over.

"Yes Pearl, I'm almost dressed up and within the next 35 minutes I'll be downtown" Daddy had said when I called later in the day to confirm if he was really gonna come.

I waited patiently for him, while waiting, I had packaged his favorite dish in the kitchen. He loves spaghetti with chicken flavoured sauce and that was what I prepared for him.

Just when I was thinking of my late mummy, the things we would have done together if she was still alive, I heard the sound of the door bell, I didn't bother to check through the door hole to know who it was. It was Daddy, he was the only one that knows my apartment and the only one I was expecting. He was looking simple in his outing wear.

"Good day, daddy" I greeted as I hugged him.

"Good day, Pearl. How have you been? Sorry I haven't been able to visit, I was on a business trip for the whole week" he apologized.

"Thought step mom might have told you another lie. Anyways, daddy, what did you got in those bags you're holding? I stylishly asked

"It's something for my baby girl. Check it out dear"

He bought gifts for me. Daddy Daniel was the only creature who still sees my face and loves me. If he had been around that night, I wouldn't have allowed him come near me till date. I would have escaped to the forest to be eaten by wolves because I know I would be useless on earth. Daddy traveled the day I got the worst nightmare of my life, but I didn't tell him and with my reaction when he came back, made him suspected that there's something strange between I and mummy kathora, my step mom.

After eating what I prepared for him, we both sat on the couch in the parlour. I didn't look at him, obviously knowing what he wanted to say, it would be impossible for me to let out that painful secret to anyone even him. I busied myself with video games while he watched the TV.

"So, Ana pearl, are you ready to tell me your little secrets. Why you had to relocate alone here? He broke the silence with me staring at him like someone I did not know.

For a moment I became froze, for a moment I was confused. That was when I realized I wasn't prepared for this now............t