
Collecting Heroines in the Multiverse

A guy reincarnates as a Futa in the multiverse. ---- MC has no real limit. Mc's a Futanari. Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/Fy2Kce4 (Human form) https://imgur.com/a/VUiuuUa (Angel From)

FutanariLover · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

A New Beginning

He was horny and lustful. His was ambidextrous, he could alternate between the two, giving him double the endurance and the same arm strength in his two arms- contrary to most of his fellow.

But most of all and despite his numerous attempts he still was a virgin.

22 years old and in his last year of college, he had a dream: to get laid.

He was average, his face was neither ugly nor beautiful, his grades were average and sometimes with some luck, he was even at the top in some subjects.

All in all, there was nothing wrong with this guy, normal life, normal family and normal friends.

But never did he get a girlfriend. For no particular reason- well maybe for one reason, his indecisiveness.

Most girls he had a chance with were passive, they wanted to be confessed to and not the other way around.

And he was indecisive in his decisions, he interacted with them, he knew he had a chance, his friends knew he had a chance but in his head, there was always the 'what if'.

He was generally an optimistic guy, but even then he couldn't help but think of the worst scenario.

Unfortunately for him, he had a big libido. He could not resist the urge to release so he often masturbated. But only in his home, never outside, he doesn't want to be seen and be labelled as a pervert.

Sometimes he could go on for hours, some days he even fapped all day, non-stop.

But this was only an achievable dream. He had another dream, grander, more spectacular but also impossible.

As a 22 years old virgin of course he is an otaku- anime, manga, novel… He loved those.

When he read he often projected himself as the protagonist, like every achievement the MC had was like him having them.

System, Cheat, Transmigration, Reincarnation, Fast Growth, country trampling beauties, Harem and a lot of other things.

He was jealous, he wanted to be the MC, to be strong, handsome, a harem of the most beautiful women…

But he knew this was an impossible dream- after all, if it was how many multiverse-level beings would there be out there? How many of them would have returned to earth and performed some god-like feat then?

So it was nothing but a pipe dream for Zachariah.


In an apartment in Amsterdam, a young man was sitting on his chair watching for the n time one of his favourite porn videos.

Lubricant and toilet paper were on his desk as his left hand was on the keyboard, ready to push the right arrow to skip the irreverent moments. His right hand was a fleshlight and went up and down, sending waves of pleasure to Zachariah.

It's already been two hours but he still did not stop. The sound of a lubricated toy massaging his manhood reverberated in the room.

Fortunately, it was an individual room and the soundproofing was quite good so he could make a lot of noise without much problem.

Finally, after 15 minutes of restless fapping, he could not take it anymore.

He released his white liquid through the toy and painted his laptop with white slimy liquid.

Suddenly a pop-up appeared on the screen.


Because you have masturbated at least 100 times on 100% of porn/hentai categories and ejaculated at least 1000 times on the same material you obtained the right to use the fortune wheel.]

Reading the pop-up Zachariah was stunned, he thought it was a virus- after he did not masturbate this much, right?

Just after he read the last word a new pop-up appeared.

A golden wheel appeared, on it, you could see an innumerable number of words barely readable because of their small size and number that almost overshadowed the Golden brilliance released from the wheel. He tried to read what was written; from what he saw, at least two-thirds of the wheel contained things related to sex.

Then a message appeared just above the wheel.

[Please turn the wheel.]

Zachariah tried to close the pop-up but he could not find the cross, then he tried by using Task Manager but still wouldn't close, he tried to turn off his laptop but the shutdown button on windows did not work, the same for the restart button. As a last resort, he unplugged his laptop and removed the battery but still nothing, even without a supply of energy the laptop still wouldn't turn off.

Seeing that nothing worked he decided to try and turn the wheel. He first tried with the mouse but nothing. He racked his brain on a way to turn the wheel but nothing worked.

'What don't you turn you fucking wheel! If you want me to turn it then let me do it for fuck sake!!'

"Turn, you fucking wheel!!" He exclaimed angrily, ready to smash his screen.

Suddenly the wheel began to rotate. It became faster and faster, so fast that even the screen could not keep up and only a black circle with golden edges could be seen on the screen.

After two minutes the wheel began to slow down and finally stopped on [Erogelic Physiology].

"Eh? What the-?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Zachariah disappeared without a trace, like he never existed in the first place. The individual Zachariah de la Bite was erased from the surface of the earth, even his information in the akashic record has been erased.


Somewhere in the vast omniverse, a white and boundless space was hidden between dimensions even the strongest can't find it. In this white place suddenly a nude young man appeared.

He was 185 cm in height, a neither fat nor fit body and an average face. A look of confusion then fear could be seen on his face. He looked around frantically, he could not make any sense of the space in there and quickly became terrified.

Suddenly a screen appeared before him.

[Please select one:



Seeing the two choices in front of him he suddenly became ecstatic. He was not dumb, it could easily understand what is happening here. After all, with the number of isekai novels, manga, anime he read/watched it was normal for him to understand his situation.

"Hahahaha!!! Yeeeessss!!"

He jumped in joy and could not help smiling, he waited for this since he discovered this type of thing.

"Phew… Calm down." He calmed down and then looked like an eagle before its prey at the screen.

Transmigration or Reincarnation. From what he knows Transmigration is to go to another world with his original body, he'll be teleported to the said world directly. And Reincarnation is to start his life again, in a new body and with new parents.

The strong point of Transmigration is that you keep your body and don't need to become a child again and pass by the process of birth, but the downsides is that his body main not adapt to the new world which will prevent him from using the power system of the said world- at least till he find a way to modify his body, he can be transported in a dangerous zone that'll kill him in a second and some other things.

As for reincarnation, with it you can avoid all the downside of Transmigration but the strong points become the downsides. You will be reborn in a new family, so at least you'll be under protection if no bulshit happens, he will have the body from the said world so no problem concerning powering up.

But he wanted to have some confirmations so he asked if he could have more information before making a choice.

Suddenly two new screens popped up showing the description of the two options.


You will be transported into the new world with your original body or you can create a new one, the location of your arrival will be random but you can choose the date. The reward obtained in the Golden Wheel will automatically be integrated to you at the moment of the Transmigration. Note that depending on the Golden Wheel's reward you can automatically adapt to the laws of the new world and may acquire additional traits depending on the World of choices. Note that the body created will have the same origin and potential as the original body and only the appearance, stature and gender can be changed, the template will remain the same.]

Seeing this Zachariah couldn't help but be moved, at first he thought that Reincarnation will be the best choice but now it seems that Transmigration does not seem to be a bad choice. He didn't like his body, appearance and even gender. He did not have a bad body and his appearance was average so globally it was not a problem but he was not satisfied. He wanted to be beautiful, have large breasts, wide hips and a bouncing ass. A perfect pink asshole, a tight but elastic vagina and most of all a gigantic futa cock.

Yes he wants to be a futa, he loves to masturbate he can't think of abandoning his manhood but he also wants to be fucked in the ass and know how a pussy feels. He already played with his ass before and he loved it, each chance he had he'd insert some toys in his ass, one day he even had a 4 inches plug in his ass during the whole day. It was because of that and his kinks that he couldn't fall in love. Kinks that he'll be able to explore to his heart content in the future.

Then he looked at the description of Reincarnation.


You will discard your original and be reborn in a new one. Only the soul will go to the other world and enter a body from the said world. You will be reborn- meaning you will have to pass through the process of birth, from the foetus formation to the birth. Your background will be chosen depending on luck or the reward of the Golden Wheel. You can choose your birth gender and your appearance you want to have at your prime. Those two choices do not impact your background, potential and origin. Note that the Golden Wheel's reward can influence your background and other things. Note that depending on the Laws of the World you may acquire additional traits.]

After reading the two he began to contemplate on what to choose. On one hand he doesn't really want to go back to being a baby but on the other hand he thinks that having a background in a new world can help him survive at the beginning.

Noticing that the reward he obtained through the Golden Wheel had an impact on his reincarnation and transmigration, he tried to remember what the reward was in the first place.

"What was the reward..? I know it has something to do with physiology but I don't remember which one exactly…"

As he tried to remember what he obtained a new screen showed up in front of him.

[Golden Wheel Reward:

-Erogelic Physiology: (Go look at the SuperPower wiki on Fandom, too lazy to explain.)]

Seeing the information about [Erogelic Physiology] he couldn't help but be overjoyed, he wanted to fuck, to have sex and this physiology is the best in his opinion. It has all the powers related to sex, he is an angel so he will be sacred and will not induce the instinctual fear and disgust a demon has on humans and some other races depending on the universe.

In most worlds, angels are the messengers of God and his servant. They are seen as sacred beings and respected by all (Except Demons and other exceptions obviously). And most of all they're Overpowered.

"I choose reincarnation."

As his voice fell, the screens disappeared and a new one popped up.

[Detected that your reward is a physiology possessing two forms, please customise the two: Human Form, Angelic Form]

"Oh! I can even customise my different forms!"

[Character customisation:

-Gender -Height -Stature …]

It looked like a game, there were a lot of features he could customise. From the type of hair to even each detail of his genitals and even insides!

He could customise each little thing.

He took his time to customise his new body as he noticed that he doesn't feel tired and he doesn't feel the need to eat so he spent a lot of time customising himself.

Finally, after a lot of time, he finished. A satisfied smile was plastered on his face, he was very proud of his creations.

[Gender: Futanari]

In his human form, he'll have a 6"1 fit hairless body and slightly tanned skin, he'll have armpit-length red hair and electric blue eyes. Red soft lips and d-cup perky breasts, wide hips with a bouncy ass and thick thighs. Of course without forgetting 20-inch manhood.

As for the Angelic form he wanted to use fully the 'holy' of an Angel. In this form he'll be 7", have armpit golden hair, golden fire-like eyes and a milky skin tone. E-cup perky breasts with rosy nipples, his curves are accented in this form, two angel wings and a golden halo above his head releasing a white and sacred aura. Finally, his cock doubled in size, reaching 40 inches.

(Pic on Imgur, link in the synopsis and/or comment if it works)

Compared to his angel form, his human form is quite ordinary but he prefers it like that. His human form is still very beautiful and well proportioned, you could see that he put his heart into it.

He quickly validated his choices.

[Character Customization confirmed.]

[Do you want to choose a specific World or choose randomly?]

"Do fictional worlds exist?" He asked uncertainly. He wants to go to a relatively safe and weak world that is in modern society and this world he should be able to receive another power at his birth.

[Yes, every world exists in the Omniverse.]

"Then I choose My Hero Academia World!" He exclaimed enthousicaly.

He chose this world because it's not a very strong world and he'll not have to hide his powers as it will be considered a Quirk and he should receive a Quirk when he turns 4 years old. He'll be able to grow without a problem and this world has some great waifu.

[My hero Academia World found. Be ready, rebirth in 30 seconds.]

[29 seconds]

[28 seconds]

He prepared himself to see the countdown, he still can't believe what is happening. One moment he is fapping as usual and the next he finds himself in a completely unknown space ready to be reborn as one of the strongest races.

He began to think back to his life, most of his memories are hazy or he just doesn't remember some but he knows that he does not deserve something like that, he is neither a hero nor is he a righteous person, he is a pervert.

Thinking back he is grateful that his parents are already dead and that he was almost a shut-in, almost not having friends at all, he'll be able to live his next life without remorse.

[3 seconds]

[2 seconds]

[1 second]

[Good luck on your next life!]

Suddenly his soul flew out of his body and shot through the blank space before flying at an inconceivable speed toward a particular world in the vast Omniverse. As for his soulless body, it fell to the floor before being absorbed by the blank space.