
Chapter Two

Awhile ago, the Royal Palace Guards around the palace were kinda slacking off. Each of them has taken off their hats and flapped it like a lunatic thinking it was their only chance to live. Therefore, not noticing His Highness – Second Prince Zhang Jie, was one of a few things they wouldn't want to do.

Not that he was ignorant upon the heat. He was, nonetheless, just an arrogant one.

"Where are the guards of the East Gate of the palace?" He frowned, looking at the gate. "They must've melt under the sun. Why, poor little guards." Hearing these, the guards froze behind him. Then, immediately stood up and greet.

"This Palace Guard greets Your Highness, Second Prince Jing." They chorused, saluting at the prince with shame.

Zhang Jie waved his left hand in dismissal, signaling them to go  back to their post. He then walked past the east gate, towards Ginko Courtyard. The courtyard where the examination would be held.

Being at the age of 18, Zhang Jie became responsible to manage such exams for soon-to-be Ministers of the palace. More than this, he was capable of fight for the country.

A tactician, that's what the other countries and nations think of him. A cold arrogant warrior prince whose mind will only be set on his goal – to protect his people. A few war has bloodied his hands, making the fighting nations fleet with fear of making another war. Instead, they settle down agreements in order to save themselves from his hands.

"A-ah! Second Prince J-jing!" A eunuch muffled his words, catching the attention of the examinees. "This servant humbly greets His Highness, Second Prince Jing." He quickly move back to his senses.

"Eunuch Han." Zhang Jie said, entering the room. Zhao Min, his personal guard, closed the sliding pane behind them. "Exam started?"

"To respond to His Highness, not yet. Another examinee hasn't arrive yet." Eunuch Han bowed his head nervously.

Zhang Jie knitted his fine eyebrows. "And who could this examinee b---

"Greetings." A low, velvety voice sounded beside him. Zhang Jie looked down at the man who owned the voice. Luo Xinjiang, pretending to be Luo Xingu, looked beside her and saw the Second Prince glowering at her. "This la-- master, humbly respects His Highness – Second Prince Jing." She lowered her head a bit, forgetting about her brother's bubbly attitude.

"I see." Second Prince Zhang Jie smugly said, looking at her. "If it isn't Luo residence's Second Master, Luo Xingu." He shook his head, looking at her companion. "Why is it Zhao Feng with you? Shouldn't it be Zhao Xi?"

Zhao Feng froze on his spot, not knowing how to reply to His Highness. He was about to open his mouth when Luo Xinjiang replied calmly. "Zhao Xi is older than Zhao Feng. My sister needs assistance since she is bedridden. It would be better if Zhao Xi is with her."

This means Zhao Xi was way capable of taking care of this lady. This has Zhao Feng frown, but remember that his miss was only saying these as an excuse for the both of them. Still, Zhao Feng kept in his mind to discuss it later on.

"Hmm." Zhang Jie hummed, looking at the examinees – who immediately turned their heads back to their books. "Well then, take your seat. The examination will start in a few minutes."

There's no doubt Luo residence was close to His Highness. They've been the best companions regarding wars, but Zhang Jie has his eyes settled on the two abandoned kids of the residence. He thinks their manners were far efficient than the other pampered miss and young masters.

Luo Xinjiang walked pass His Highness. Beyond her imaginations, Zhang Jie caught the smell of milk on her. This made Zhang Jie knit his eyebrows in confusion. Why would a man bathe in milk? This has been running in his mind while Luo Xinjiang, who he thinks Luo Xingu, sat down.

"Young Masters, please place your books here, the examination will start now."

So yeaaah. Chapter two folks! Hope you guys enjoy it. ♥

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