
COINED: The darkness within...

Ben, a millionaire, swaps realities with his dream self Alsies, and wakes up upon a death sentence. A story about how both of them level up. Ben from real to fantasy world, and Alsies from fantasy to the real world, devoid of magic.

Killswitch · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Larva mountains: Ben

They would often offer him level C quests that paled in comparison to his true potential, errands and menial tasks that could be accomplished with ease, not knowing Ben had power that surpassed even rank S. These quests not only failed to challenge him but also pushed him even further into his chosen state of solitude. Yet, his longing for true recognition and validation pushed him to visit Mike's office time and time again. The stubborn determination shining in his eyes like burning embers. And every time, Mike couldn't help but smile, knowing that this was his opportunity to push the boundaries of the man's abilities and curiosity. Thus, Mike devised a plan to test and push his loneliest adventurer's limits. He presented him with level A quests; dangerous undertakings that were whispered about in hushed tones even among the most skilled adventurers. He watched as Mike's eyes widened with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, his heart pounding with a sense of trepidation and excitement. The quests Ben embarked upon held within them great peril and uncertainty, pushing his skill, strength, and resilience to their utmost limits. He faced formidable monsters, treacherous terrains, and insurmountable odds, all without even the knowledge that Mike had intentionally chosen to assign him these quests in a bid to try and assassinate him. Mike wanted to see how far the lonely adventurer was going to be lucky, how much he would risk to prove himself worthy and in this façade hoping Ben would die. And though Ben remained unaware of his guild leader's intentions, he knew deep down that these quests were different—more demanding and unforgiving than anything he had encountered. Day by day Ben started to realize that they were not C level quests but instead A level quests. Through solitude, danger, and the persistence to prove himself, Ben continued his lonely journey. Little did he know that the tasks he undertook were carefully curated by Mike, not only to push his limits but break and destroy him. The loneliness that engulfed him was slowly being chipped away, replaced by a sense of fulfillment and self-belief; a feeling that he was not alone in the world, but rather a crucial part of a larger adventure.Together, the adventurer and Eli set off towards the labyrinth, hearts filled with anticipation. As they ventured into the unknown, they knew that the path ahead would test their skills, their courage, and the strength of their newly formed friendship. Ready to face whatever awaited them, they embarked on another chapter of their storied adventures, eager to carve their names in the annals of legends. As the sun painted the morning sky with strokes of vibrant colors, casting a golden glow upon the land, Ben couldn't help but feel an exhilarating sense of joy. The crisp air gently brushed against his face, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the promise of a new day filled with endless possibilities. A smile danced across his lips as he walked towards the guild, his step light and buoyant. Each footfall seemed to resonate with the rhythm of his excitement, making the world around him come alive. The streets bustled with merchants setting up their stalls, eager to showcase their wares to passersby. The townsfolk greeted Ben with nods and cheerful greetings, their friendly faces reflecting the warmth of the morning sun. As Ben approached the guild's grand entrance, he could feel the anticipation building within him. Today was the day he would receive his next quest, and he couldn't have been happier. Despite the tales of danger and uncertainty that often accompanied guild quests, Ben saw them as thrilling opportunities to further prove his worth to the guild, and to himself. Unbeknownst to Ben, the guild leaders had chosen him for a legendary task - to find the fabled phoenix feather. This quest, whispered about by adventurers past and dismissed by many as nothing more than a rumor, hung on the bulletin board like an obscure fantasy. The absurdity of a bird aflame seemed too implausible to be true, and most would rather choose quests deemed more "realistic." However, the guild leaders recognized something extraordinary in Ben. They saw his unwavering determination, his boundless curiosity, and his willingness to embrace the unknown. They believed he possessed the resilience and spirit required to undertake the near-impossible task of finding a phoenix feather. As Ben stood before the guild master, he couldn't contain his excitement. His eyes sparkled with the enchantment of possibility as he awaited his assignment. The guild master, with a knowing smile, handed him a parchment sealed with the insignia of the phoenix, a symbol of courage and rebirth. As Ben read through the quest details, his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe his eyes. He had been chosen to venture into the uncharted lands, to follow the whispers of ancient tales, and to seek out the very essence of myth itself—the feather of a phoenix. The people around him regarded the quest as the stuff of legends and foolish imagination. They scoffed at the idea of a bird adorned in flames, dismissing it as an old wives' tale. Yet, Ben saw past their disbelief, embracing the challenge as an opportunity to transcend the boundaries of what others deemed possible. For him, the task represented an opportunity to defy common perception and uncover the extraordinary. With the weight of anticipation and adventure in his heart, Ben set out on his quest, the allure of the phoenix feather igniting a flame of determination deep within him. Embracing the whispering rumors and the doubts of others, he ventured forth with the belief that sometimes the most extraordinary things lie just beyond the realm of the perceived possible. Despite the whispers of doubt and the raised eyebrows from his fellow guild mates, Ben remained resolute. He knew deep in his heart that the quest to find the phoenix feather was no ordinary task. It required not only skill and determination but also the audacity to challenge conventional wisdom. With a backpack full of supplies and an unwavering spirit, Ben set off towards the Larva Mountains, the rumored dwelling place of the phoenix. The mountains stood tall and imposing, their peaks veiled in a mist of mystery and intrigue. As he ascended higher and higher, the air grew thinner, and the temperature rose. The sun beat down mercilessly on Ben, casting its fiery rays upon the rugged terrain. The scorching heat caused beads of sweat to form on his forehead, trickling down his face and dampening his clothes. Each step was a battle against the relentless sun, as the parched ground seemed to absorb every drop of moisture in its path. Despite the discomfort, Ben persevered, his determination surpassing the limitations of his physical discomfort. He understood that the path to achieving greatness was often paved with adversity and discomfort. In the face of overwhelming adversity, he found solace in his unwavering belief that the journey would be worth it in the end. Navigating the treacherous terrain, Ben noticed the landscape gradually changing. The lush green valleys and trickling streams were replaced by rocky outcrops and scraggly vegetation. The Larva Mountains held an ethereal beauty, even in their harshness. Vibrant red and orange hues adorned the rocky surfaces, as if the mountains themselves were aflame. As Ben pressed on, his one-pointed focus eclipsed the discomfort. He knew that finding the phoenix feather would not be easy, but the sight of the fiery landscape only served to reinforce his determination. The intense heat became synonymous with the inherent challenge of his quest, a testament to the indomitable spirit that burned within him. Every step felt like a triumph over the difficult odds he faced. The sweat that soaked his clothes became a symbol of his resilience and dedication. The Larva Mountains may have been inhospitable, but Ben refused to be deterred by the discomfort. He pressed forward, driven by the belief that the journey itself was as important as the goal. In the face of the punishing sun, Ben's spirit shone brighter. His unwavering commitment to his quest eclipsed the doubts and discouragement from his guild mates. With each stride, the heat of the mountains seemed to fuel his determination, reminding him that greatness is often forged in the crucible of adversity. And so, Ben continued his ascent through the Larva Mountains, dripping with sweat and a fire burning within him that matched the scorching surroundings. He knew that the challenges ahead would test him in ways he couldn't foresee, but he stood steadfast, ready to confront the fiery trials that lay in wait on his quest for the phoenix feather.