
COINED: The darkness within...

Ben, a millionaire, swaps realities with his dream self Alsies, and wakes up upon a death sentence. A story about how both of them level up. Ben from real to fantasy world, and Alsies from fantasy to the real world, devoid of magic.

Killswitch · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Blacksite: Alsies

Alsies, now intimately acquainted with the depths of her sorrow, regarded her with a newfound tenderness. He understood the shattered fragments of her sanity, the indescribable weight of her grief. He held her close, the warmth of his embrace a salve against the haunting memories that lingered in her mind.Together, they embraced their scars, their brokenness intertwining in a dance of vulnerability and resilience. As they bared the darkest corners of their souls to one another, a symbiotic bond formed - a twisted union founded upon a shared understanding of anguish and longing. In the solemn nights, with only the faint glow of the moon cascading through the barred windows, Alsies listened intently as she recounted the horrors she had witnessed. The cruel hands of the world had molded her into a weapon, fueled by her desire for justice. Yet, now, with his love consuming her, she saw a glimmer of hope within their forbidden embrace, an opportunity for redemption.Their love challenged the very fabric of their existence, daring them to break free from the chains that bound them. In one another's eyes, they glimpsed the possibility of a future unburdened by the weight of their pasts. They dreamed of leaving behind their criminal legacies, seeking a world where love and belonging prevailed over chaos and darkness. The prison, once their captivity, transformed into a crucible of transformation. They nourished one another's shattered spirits, fueling a fire of determination to regain their freedom and rebuild their lives upon the foundation of their love. As they devised audacious plans for their escape, their love served as both catalyst and motivation, driving them ever closer towards a life outside the confines of their prison cells.Day after day, their hearts entwined further, forging an unbreakable bond that defied the odds. Their forbidden love, born amidst the darkness, became a wellspring of hope, igniting a fierce determination within them to break away from the shackles that bound them. They vowed to unleash their twisted artistry upon the world, becoming architects of their destinies. With every stolen touch, every whispered promise, they solidified their commitment to one another. Alsies, once consumed by power and ambition, willingly surrendered himself to the intoxicating allure of their love. He became her protector, her confidante, and her salvation, just as she was his pillar of strength.In their hearts burned the unshakeable belief that their love, no matter how twisted, had the power to transcend their darkest deeds. Together, they embarked on a journey to reclaim their lives, exploiting every ounce of cunning and skill they possessed to outmaneuver their captors and rewrite their own tragic narrative. As their grand plan took shape, Alsies and his twisted lover prepared to cross the threshold that separated them from their freedom. With determination etched onto their faces and love coursing through their veins, they stood ready to face the world, united as partners in both love and crime. Their dance, born in the depths of despair and tragedy, now wove itself into the fabric of their shared future. With hearts entwined, they stepped forward, ready to leave their mark upon a world that had both shattered and reshaped them. Together, they would crafted a narrative of redemption, of love found amidst the ruins, forever bound by the twisted dance that brought them together. In the dead of night, a thunderous explosion echoed through the prison walls, shattering the ceiling above Alsies' cell. The deafening sound filled the air, sending debris cascading down upon him. As dust settled and smoke billowed, Alsies realized that his long-awaited rescue had finally arrived.Through the haze emerged a sleek black helicopter, its roaring blades causing a whirlwind of wind to whip through the demolished prison corridor. Unbeknownst to Alsies, it was a team of highly skilled individuals, prepared to risk everything to save him. With a surge of adrenaline rushing through his veins, Alsies sprung into action. His heart raced as he scanned the chaos around him, searching for his newfound love, Mira, who was locked in the adjacent cell. Amidst the chaos, he noticed her, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of fear and hope, as she gazed back at him. Without hesitation, Alsies rushed towards Mira's cell. Time seemed to slow as he retrieved an explosive device hidden within the rubble, that failed to detonate. As he skillfully placed the explosives on the cell door, Mira watched with bated breath, her trust in him growing stronger by the second.The explosives detonated with a resounding boom, breaking the bars of Mira's cell and granting her escape. Alsies reached out his hand, guiding her through the wreckage towards the helicopter, where safety awaited them both. Amidst the chaos, Mira clung to Alsies' hand, her once trembling grasp now filled with determination. The alarms shattered eardrums breaking the silence in the night as gunfire began raining down on the two. Together, they sprinted towards the waiting rescue team, their steps mirroring their desire for freedom. With each passing moment, the deafening sounds of gunfire filled the air, a symphony of resistance against the shackles of captivity. As they approached the helicopter, Alsies and Mira's eyes locked with those of the brave pilots, who had risked their lives to bring them to safety. In a seamless display of trust and synchrony, Alsies and Mira leaped onto the helicopter's ladder, their fingers tightening around the cold metal rungs as they felt the powerful lift-off. In his hand, Alsies held a flash drive. Mira knew not how he had gotten it amidst the chaos, what was on hit, or when he had it, but she said nothing and chose to revel in her escape.The helicopter rose into the night sky, leaving the nightmare of the prison far behind. At this moment they both saw that they were high above sandy souls, their dunes standing like ripples against the earth. Alsies and Mira clung tightly to the ladder, their eyes filled with gratitude, exhilaration, and determination. With every inch gained in altitude, the harsh realities of their previous lives melted away, replaced by the glimmer of a hopeful future. Guns blazed below them, the rescue team returning fire with precision and valor. As the night swallowed the remnants of the prison, Alsies and Mira were pulled higher, their hearts pounding with the realization that they were finally free from the clutches of oppression. And as they disappeared into the darkness, their bodies silhouetted against the moon, both Alsies and Mira knew that they were forever bound not only by a shared journey to freedom but by a love forged amidst the chaos. As the helicopter ascended into the night, Alsies and Mira clung to each other for support. The rush of wind and the sounds of gunfire faded into the distance as they held on tightly to the safety of the ladder. Their eyes met in a shared moment of relief and determination, knowing that their fight was far from over.