

A psychotic juvenile, Morgan goes crazy hunting people's lives but what's even creepier is that she wants a sense of pain delivered to the victim. She practices obnoxious tortures on people and has a craze for devouring lives. What will happen? Is she trying to achieve something? Will this "life devouring spree" stop? Read to find out!

Im_a_VOID · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

Chapter IV The Heavenly Distraction

It's 05:47pm, the wind howled elegantly and pushed against Edward's hair. The wind was biting but fortunately he had his warm and expedient hoodie. He drove to Morgan's hoping to find her and meeting Matt.

He was obsessed with Olivia Rodrigo's songs and played it everywhere, on an evening walk, drive or before sleep. And perceptibly he has 'Déjà-vu' played on by Olivia while he's on his way to Morgan's.

By 06:07pm he reached at Morgan's apartment. To his disbelief, the apartment door was half way opened. He thought it must've been Matt who opened the door using some tool or whatever. He gave out a cry "Matt! You in there?". Suddenly, just as he cried that out, one of the only lights on was turned off. He got scared, but he had enough dare left in him to investigate. He thought to himself to cool down his nerves a bit, "Maybe it's just Matt trying to do something."

He stepped in, making sure his phone was on silent so he wouldn't scare himself to death just because of some stupid notification. He went in and started wandering around with death lurking in every doorway alongside, hell in one of those dark rooms.

He went into the kitchen from the main door with the help of his phone's 'not-so-flashy' flash light. He entered the kitchen, and tried to find the light switch with his hands all over the wall, finally he turned it on. He desperately hunted for food when he should desperately be searching for Matt. He opens the refrigerator door, he exclaims with excitement as he ripped off the foil, "Aye! Now that would be something pleasant to have inside my empty stomach!". That foil revealed a tender and springy textured sandwich, with garlic mayo spread, layered elegantly with deep rose-colored ham, soft yet firm cheese slices, juicy onion rings and deeply red, not too thin or not too thick slices of fresh tomatoes. His mouth drooling, he proceeds and takes a bite out of that sandwich. He felt like floating towards heaven and then just as the sandwich dissolved in his mouth and went down his throat, he felt his feet touch the ground once again.

"Wait, why was I here again?" he pondered as he took another bite from that sandwich. He looked around as if he really did forget. He smacks his sandwich on the plate with a frown, "Guess we aren't meant to be". He leaves the kitchen and goes flicking buttons in the room next to it.