

A psychotic juvenile, Morgan goes crazy hunting people's lives but what's even creepier is that she wants a sense of pain delivered to the victim. She practices obnoxious tortures on people and has a craze for devouring lives. What will happen? Is she trying to achieve something? Will this "life devouring spree" stop? Read to find out!

Im_a_VOID · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

Chapter III Dreadful Dought

He sat on his bed and then stood right on his toes confused, frightened yet willing, he went near the stairs to go down but he got pulled back with great force into his room. He turned around and saw Dave standing there, who was stabbed in the chest and blood was oozing madly. Edward's soul left his legs. Then he heard in an eerie tone "Now it's your turn!". A dark figure rushed towards him and tried to rip his heart out of its cage and just as he turned around a glimpse of an extremely horrifying face was what he saw and then with a jolt, he was on his toes, wide awake, sweating like an ice pitcher. The dream was damn lucid so he was in disbelief, he thought for a second and ran down the steep, murky staircase and stood in the tenebrous hall, that had darkness closing in on all of its four ends.

He turned on his phone's flashlight and starts circling it around the hall and he's petrified to but he says in a loud roar "IS ANYONE THERE?" and then he closed his eyes for a split second and he heard a *BUZZZ*. He ran as fast as he never did in his entire life. He slams the door behind him and rests his back against it, sliding slowly to the floor. He turns on his phone and realizes that the buzz was a message from Matt, asking him if he was on his way or not. He mumbled in a hopeless sound. "How on earth am I going to cross that hall, Crap!!". He shuts his brain for a few seconds, he grabs his car keys and the home's. He slightly opens the door and peeks through it. Suddenly he opens it wide and sprints like lightning towards the main door, screaming, "goddamn!", "goddamn!", "goddamn!". He opens the main door lock with his hands shaking and his legs trembling. And then he exits his own place saying, "Finally the craps over."