
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · ภาพยนตร์
27 Chs

Ossus & Empyrean Dimension Development

"Ood Bnar…

This is unreal…"

Even though Arlo felt surprised by his new existence that he still hadn't checked through his whole strength, it was quite a shock to see the body of the Jedi Master in deep meditation in a deep cove of Kyber Crystals.

The Neti were a tree-like species with the ability to shape and change their bodies at will.

This also allowed Ood Bnar to cut himself off from the Dark Side when studying that aspect of the Force and their relics.

Arlo was an avid fan of the Star Wars Universe until certain aspects ruined the story for him, but regardless he enjoyed the story while alive on Earth.

But this gave him an edge that allowed him to find and discover all sorts of relics and equipment throughout the galaxy before his enemies came across.

With this in mind, Arlo moved closer to the root murky tree that was being kept alive and healthy through the Kyber Crystals.

Only then…




[System Function – Player Network – Activated!]

[Scanning…] […] […] […] [Done…!]

[New Location Discovered: Ossus +100 EXP]


[You are the First Player to enter Ossus!]

[You have gained 1,000 Reputation Points and status: Friendly]

[Locals of Ossus won't see you as hostile, but neither will they go out of their way to make contact with you… for now]



[Chain Quest Activated!]

[The First Steps to Gaining Lifetime Allies…]

[Description: Host has found themselves on Ossus, a dilapidated world that houses only the Ysanna in the wastelands.

Host is asked to find the Ysanna and recruit them while teaching them about the Force and their ancestors]

[Rewards: Based on Quest Evaluation]



[You've discovered Ancient Jedi Master Ood Bnar: 800 EXP]


- Grand Temple of the Force (Unique Grade) (Prefabricated Building)

- Odan-Urr's Vast Collection of Scrolls, Holocrons, Lightsabers & Artifacts (Mortal Grade)

- Seedling of Neti Species (Genetic Code added to Empyrean Dimension)]



"… Yeixrian… please tell me this means I can achieve this kind of nonsense all around the galaxy, right?"

{The Player Network Function of the System will allow this to occur.

Our Lord did this to make sure your growth wouldn't come to a standstill, especially when you train students of your own}

Arlo couldn't help but thank his old Lord before he placed his hand on tree trunk.

'Please… help awaken the Force User.'

Speaking to the Midi-Chlorians, Arlo directed them to move from all corners of the cove to awaken the resting Jedi Master.

It didn't long for the Midi-Chlorians to cause a reaction, as the tree started to twist and turn alive while shrinking slightly in size.

Arlo watched quietly until a mouth and eyes appeared which were locked onto his figure.

At first there was confusion in them, but it quickly changed to horror and then acceptance, all in the span of a couple seconds.

Arlo figured recognised something about him that he wasn't aware of.

But instead of asking about it, Arlo just waited for Ood Bnar to speak first, as he felt it would be hard to explain what occurred over the last few thousand years.

"… You not Jedi or Sith, but entirely something different…

The Force… serves you…"

Arlo smiled subconsciously as he stared directly at Ood Bnar while saying, "I won't lie and say I am aware of strength and capabilities when I am nothing more than an infant that's come into this universe.

I asked the Midi-Chlorians to awaken you so I could ask you to be my teacher in the ways of the Force while also helping me understand the Void Energy Source.

In return I will replenish the lives of your species, as they claim this world, which should be fixed shortly."

"… I may help you… but I need to understand why I can send true darkness from you?

It isn't corruptible, but rather calming, as if it is…"

"Inevitable." Arlo sudden said, interrupting the Ancient Jedi Master who sensed the timeless wisdom and intellect from the young human like child in front of him.

But it was locked, as if it was being withheld from the universe, which couldn't contain the wealth of power in the young child's mind.

"Indeed…" replied Ood Bnar after he calmed down his emotions, just as Arlo decided to reach out his hand to the Neti.

"If you care to learn more about me, then how about a small trip?"

"Where to, young one?"

"… You'll soon see it yourself, Master Ood Bnar."

Without wasting a moment longer, they vanished from the cove and entered into the Empyrean Dimension.

From what information Arlo gathered before his rebirth, the Empyrean Dimension was a complex world created through the powers of the Almighty Lord.

Over the years, as eternity passed by, Arlo gave up trying to learn the name of his Lord, but he figured the Godly figure had actually forgotten.

Almighty was a sweet ass name regardless in his mind, so it never became a spoken issue again, but once the mysterious figured decided to divulge information regarding a project.

It was based off a tool used by a hero from one of Arlo's stories from Earth, which in fact was a Webnovel with a gifted main character.

At the time, Arlo explained the tool was bound to the soul, allowing the user to hide the equipment within their Spiritual Being, but also enter the Hidden World that was separated from the constant streamline of time that guided the universe.

Without any known end to the vast space of land, it was potent in Spiritual Energy that best suited its User that it was Soul-Bound to.

For a short time, Arlo got to experience the Empyrean Dimension and discovered at the time it was a hidden world that was made off his tales of Earth.

It wasn't built exactly like Earth, but it contained enough similarities to house plenty of species in harmony as the dimension could endlessly form materials after they were analysed.

This included food and even technology that could be influenced by the energy of the dimension and made to be stronger.


When Arlo and Ood Bnar entered the Empyrean Dimension, the Polymath heard Yeixrian speak to him, explaining the hidden world they were in and its various uses that could be utilized immediately.

{Arlo, this is the main gift of our Lord.

The Empyrean Dimension, a small universe built off the tales you spoke of over eternity.

You are able to create your own world here with people of all sorts.

It'll grow along with your own strength, but it depends more so on your actions.

For example, if you establish the Grand Temple of the Force reward within the Empyrean Dimension, then the species that will live within this world can access the facility.

It'll also activated the Four Aspects of the Force within the Empyrean Dimension, which will gain you a closer connection to the Universal Energy Substance.

Even though you've brough a Jedi Master into the Empyrean Dimension, which as activated the Force.

With your connection to the Void Energy Source, its possible you may gain greater control over the Force's than anyone else.

This gives you more than enough strength and power to save the universe from its cruel fate with the addition of our Lord's favourite gift to you.

All elements that make up your Homeworld, Earth, has been engraved into the Empyrean Dimension.

You can do as you please in here, which pretty much gives you godly powers within the dimension, but when you do not wish to manage this place, I can take over it, much like how I did before for our Lord}

"I see…

Thank you, Yeixrian."

'And thank you… Old Friend…'

Arlo said nothing else, as he thought about setting up the Grand Temple of the Force right away, but Ood Bnar grabbed a hold of him as the sight of young Neti Seedlings appeared from the distance.

The old Neti Jedi Master was aware of his peoples near death extinction when their home planet blew up.

Seeing hundreds of young Neti Seedlings running over to them from the beautiful meadow horizon.

"Y-Young one… H-How is this possible?"

"When we met…

You could say the Force helped me obtain a small part of your species genetic code that allowed the Neti to come back to life."

Arlo walked away from until he had enough open land to place down the Grand Temple of the Force.

A couple more System Notifications went off in his mind, but Arlo wasn't concerned with anything besides activating some of his rewards to benefit the dimension.

It also included Odan-Urr's Vast Collection of Scrolls, Holocrons, Lightsabers and Artifacts rewarded to him by the System.

As a being of nature, Ood Bnar noticed the incredible collection of history his old friend had gathered before passing onto the Cosmic Force.

With the Neti Youngling surrounding him from all sides, asking all sorts of questions, Ood Bnar came to learn they were rather new to the dimension as they gained life not too long ago.

What had actually happened was the creation of a Genetic Hall that would spawn the Neti and other Genetic Code saved by the dimension.

Arlo wasn't focused on the Empyrean Dimension when it was gifted to him, leaving Yeixrian to manage the vast world by bringing the Neti to life.

Within a day, she could produce 1,000 Neti people of various ages, so she didn't waste time and had them create a small dwelling of their own that needed to expand by the following day.

She wanted to make certain purchases from the System Store to help the development of the Empyrean Dimension, but without Arlo's say so, she couldn't do anything but wait.

However, Yeixrian didn't wait long before she got the answer to her question.




[Chain Quest!]

[The First Steps to Gaining Lifetime Allies…]

[Quest Status: Complete]

[Description: Host has found themselves on Ossus, a dilapidated world that houses only the Ysanna in the wastelands.

Host is asked to find the Ysanna and recruit them while teaching them about the Force and their ancestors]

[Evaluation: A]


- Ysanna Genetic Code (Force Sensitive) (Added to Genetic Hall of Empyrean Dimension)

- 10,000 EXP

- 10,000 System Credits

- 6x Ysanna Ancestor Jedi Master's Holocron (Rare Grade)]



[Host has achieved Loved Status Affection with the Ysanna and Neti within Empyrean Dimension!]



[Seed of (@#$) planted on Ossus!]

[Seed of (@#$) has started sprouting itself within the crust of the planet while speedily moving to the core!]

[Please wait Host while we organise and analyse the planet status information]




[Planetary Status]

[Planet Name: Ossus]

[Region of Space:

- Outer Rim Territories

- Hutt Space]

[Star Sector: Auril Sector]

[Star System: Adega System]

[Orbital Moon: 2]

[Orbital Sun: 2]

[Planet Population: 3,750,000]

[Planet Attributes: Protected by the Light of the Force]

[Planet Force Strength: 31/100]

[Planet Condition: Arid, Toxic Wasteland]



[Conditions of the Seed of (@#$) has activated and found planet – Ossus – is ownerless…]

[Would Host like to takeover ownership of planet – Ossus?]





[Restoring Host Owned Planet – Ossus – to Excellent Condition!

[All damage to the planet will be repaired]

[Divine Guardian Spirit - Yeixrian - is connected to the Planet – Ossus – through the sprouted and growing Tree of (@#$)]

[Elements of the Empyrean Dimension can appear on the Planet – Ossus – including minerals, fresh produce, and resources]



[Foreign organic & non-organic items have entered the Empyrean Dimension from System Inventory…]






[Divine Guardian Spirit - Yeixrian – is managing newfound materials and resources entering the Empyrean Dimension]

[Materials of High Potency have been restrained from leaving the System Inventory]

[System Reward:Production Centre Unlocked for Empyrean Dimension (Rare Grade) (Prefabricated Building)]



[Empyrean Dimension Achievement!]

[1,000,000 different items have entered the Empyrean Dimension!]

[System Reward: Spring Essence of Hosts Body Affinity Energy Source (Void Energy Source)]



[All-Father Artificial Intelligence Matrix Activated within Empyrean Dimension!]

[All-Father Artificial Intelligence Matrix has integrated into Empyrean Dimension foundation]

[Divine Guardian Spirit - Yeixrian has gained access to the All-Father Artificial Intelligence Matrix (Epic Grade), increasing her capabilities within the Empyrean Dimension & outside!



Several days passed for Arlo on Ossus with the planet undergoing huge changes, from regaining life in the wasteland and toxic air, to the luscious food and flora that helped bring back its elegance.

During the entire time, Arlo worked with Yeixrian to build up the Empyrean Dimension into a world of its own, uniquely different from anything in the Force Universe.

From building a city to accommodate the Ysanna and Neti, while also managing the extensive range of materials brought over from his own inventory, Arlo and Yeixrian achieved a great deal of work in the short time.

She spent roughly 20,000 System Credits to buy Construction Androids and Drones from the System Store.

Yeixrian explained to Arlo at the time that the technology came from a technologically advance world under their Lord's management.

In fact, Yeixrian spent around another 30,000 System Credits to purchase highly advance, automated systems to help along the development of the Empyrean Dimension and Ossus.

As the jungles and forests sprouted across the planet due to the Seed of (@#$), which turned into Tree of (@#$)], that grew nearly 20,000 metres into the sky.

It was thankfully covered in dense fog and clouds to hide its presence from outside prying eyes.

According to Yeixrian, the Tree of (@#$) could hide his presence and activities from the Force, stopping the Sith and Jedi from ever knowing what he did.

This was especially helpful after Arlo discovered the Empyrean Dimension also gained the Human Genetic Code of Earth, allowing them to spawn 1,000 people easily per day who all added to Arlo's external strength besides his own.

When he had free time, Arlo ate and drank the items he stored during the eternity he spent as a Death Reaper, which never afforded him the ability to enjoy flavours.

Most of the dishes entered the Empyrean Dimension to strengthen the animals and creatures of Earth that already were spread across the hidden world but also to proliferate the enormous range of materials unknown to the Force Universe.

The Neti, Ysanna, and Humans of Earth found their new lives to be a little extraordinary, but they calmed down after leaders stepped forward.

A small council was created to operate with oversight from Arlo and Yeixrian, as to the progress of the Empyrean Citizens.

All of the Ysanna from Ossus moved over to the Empyrean Dimension on the behest of the Ood Bnar, whose natural aura as a Jedi Master instantly made them agree.

They saw the Jedi as godly beings in certain cases, but they were in fact humans who developed to the harsh environment of the former Ossus over the generations.

As the species to generate from Human Jedi Masters that couldn't escape from Ossus before the Sith caused a supernova nearby to destroy the planet, the current Ysanna people were Force-Sensitive.

Seeing this, Ood Bnar decided to take the lead and use the Grand Temple of the Force that was established in the dimension to teach everyone about the Force.

This included the Humans the young human children with Force Sensitivity.

The temple had plenty of advance droids to educate and team the children, while helping Ood Bnar set up an education system for the new generation.

He came to know that Arlo wasn't overly concerned about the two sides of the Force, which was iterated through the Grand Temple of the Force that taught balance over specifically training in one way over the other.

Ood Bnar didn't mind it but asked that if someone was leaning towards the Light that he wouldn't interfere.

Arlo accepted the deal, because he noticed Ood Bnar was a wise and all-knowing Jedi Master that wasn't prejudice of Force Users outside of the Jedi Council.

The Neti Jedi Council also wanted to get in touch with the current Jedi Council but held off when Arlo asked him to allow Sith to develop in the Grand Temple.

Afraid they would cause the hidden world to disappear and any chance of the Neti Species surviving, he gave up communicating with the Council for now, but Ood Bnar promised he would watch over those who would swing far too much to the dark side.

Arlo just laughed at the time, because he knew it was impossible for anyone to cause any problems within the Empyrean Dimension as Yeixrian would become aware of their actions immediately.


Young Force-Sensitive students raced into the Grand Temple of the Force to being their new future, while others found themselves entering the newly established Empyrean Academy.

Teaching from a range through Kindergarten to University, Yeixrian used around 5,000 System Credits to buy teaching droids that she could manage and control if need be.

In total, she spent most of the System Credits buying various items from the System Store to help the development of the Empyrean Dimension.

Two of the items she bought was a Virtual Simulation Network with a DataCentre that could manage an enormous number of online users.

Yeixrian thought about utilising the creative mindset of Earth Humans to develop games for the Force Universe, that was quite baren of any luxuries and flavour by the information she gathered through the Intergalactic Web Network.

The DataCentre allowed her to easily enter the vast Intergalactic Web Network that couldn't easily be controlled with her current capabilities because of her computational processing power.

To buy the most basic Quantum Computer from the System Store costed around 30,000 System Credits, which left 25,000 System Credits to use for a later time.

Yeixrian bought the basic Quantum Computer and decided to use the materials that would be registered from the computer entering the dimension as resources to begin their own production line.

She spent another 15,000 System Credits to ensure there was a library of production methods for various items that came from vastly different worlds.

After scanning through the Intergalactic Web Network, Yeixrian found plenty of areas where they could easily enter the market and make a great deal of money.

One of the areas that needed drastic improvement was Intergalactic Currency that wasn't uniform or controlled properly, even if the InterGalactic Banking Clan was overseeing its production.

Arlo knew about the history of Star Wars and that Hego Damask was Darth Plagueis, the Master of Darth Sidious.

Not wanting the InterGalactic Banking Clan to be the only financial powerhouse in the galaxy, Arlo had Yeixrian prepare a competitive financial institution.

They went with the name Empyrean Consortium, but so far it was nothing more than a simple company on the Intergalactic Web Network.

After purchasing an incorruptible and unforgeable Currency Credit from the System Store for 7,500 System Credits, Yeixrian eventually uploaded it after making some adjustments to the design of it to suit the Empyrean Consortium.

There was a production method and equipment provided to Yeixrian to create the physical Credit Cards for people to carry around instead of using the monitored Intergalactic Web Network.

Most people didn't trust it when it came to moving large amounts of money, so they would always look for private networks.

None could measure up to the Intergalactic Web Network, but Yeixrian expected to set up her own network in due time as they activities grew on the Web.

For now, it was the best place to hide their presence from the public's eye.

Much to her surprise and delight, the Empyrean Credits started to cause some people to look towards it as a secure means of moving money through the Intergalactic Web Network.

Yeixrian expected the students of the Empyrean Academy to eventually educate students to take positions within the Consortium, but right now everything was fine with her handling it.

Because she controlled the Epic Grade, All-Father Artificial Intelligence Matrix in the Empyrean Dimension, it allowed her to perform all sorts of computational calculations and processes that would typically require a Quantum computer.

But since she had bought a basic Common Grade, Quantum Computer from the System Store, Yeixrian gathered all sorts of information related to the Galactic Senate and on.

It was mostly done to gather all of the educational materials needed for the Empyrean Academy, so the students wouldn't be out of touch with the Force Universe.

Surprisingly, this included plenty of Starship Design Schematics that could be bought without alerting anyone else.

Arlo took the time out to assess each of the designs because there weren't a large number of scientists from the three species of the Empyrean Dimension.

The few that were spawned by the Genetic Hall went straight to the Research Institute of the dimension, but none of them could advance the Starship Blueprints like Arlo.

With 100 million experience points saved, Arlo spent a portion of it leveling up his Polymath Classes like Academic Scientist.


After it became Level 10, Arlo received a small Unique Grade gift from the System, a research institute with a Genetic Hall of its own.

Once Arlo set it up, the building brought in a wide range of laboratories and research facilities to help the scientist of the dimension push forward into a technological period unseen anywhere else in the Force Universe.

The Genetic Hall would increase the number of people spawned each day, but since it was setup at the newly built Empyrean Research Institute, each species saw 1,000 scientists form per day.

By the time three days further passed by and 9,000 scientists had spawned, Arlo and Yeixrian discovered plenty of scientific advancements based on the technology and information they contained.

Not everything could be released at once to the public, but Arlo was happy to see it spread out onto Ossus.

It also went through some major changes and developments as Arlo discovered all sorts of structures that were long thought lost.

Ood Bnar even found it amazing to see most of the history had survived, even after thousands of years.

Arlo used the Clone Function Ability of the System to create several forms of himself to spread out across the planet to hasten to discovery of places.

The Player Network of the System in turn rewarded him for each discovery, such as the Eocho Mountains of Ossus.

It was far south of the equator and filled with Adegan Crystals, that were commonly used by the Jedi to power their Lightsabers.

Some of the scientists of the Empyrean Research Institute believed they could be engineered to work as power sources for engines and machinery, but Arlo was against the idea, unless it was only used within the dimension.

Because the Empyrean Dimension recognised the crystals, it easily added them to the database of the hidden world, enabling Arlo to mine them as he pleased.

What they hadn't realised until Ood Bnar learnt of their discoveries was that the Adegan Crystals were of highly rare nature.

Pontite variants of the Adegan Crystals were the most powerful types that resonated with strong auras to both cool their skin and temperaments.

This sort of information was beyond Arlo's knowledge of the Force Universe, so when he checked out the crystals, they ended up helping reduce his deathly aura emitted from the Death Reaper armour.