
CLASH OF REALMS: Chronicles Of The Elemental

In a world where demons lurk in the shadows and power is both a burden and a blessing, Ryuujin, a once-feared Demon Lord, succumbs to an unexpected emotion—love. With his heart torn between evil and redemption, he embarks on a perilous journey to protect the remarkable Mei Lin, a human with powers that defy the forces of hell itself. Their love story unfolds against the backdrop of Akuma, a merciless Demon Lord, and Earth's never-ending battle for dominance. Akuma's vile manipulation fails in the face of Mei Lin's unwavering will, resulting in an epic confrontation. As Ryuujin's quest for redemption unfurls, a storm of elemental power erupts. Their daughter, a beacon of hope, is born amidst the chaos. Secrets are unveiled, alliances tested, and the very fabric of reality trembles.

PatyLeo · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


Belial returned to his dark and scary domain, his mind occupied by Mei Lin's conundrum. He had anticipated her to be easily duped, as so many others had been in the past. But something about her resisted his power, which perplexed him.

Belial called one of his trusty demons, a high-ranking servant who had dutifully served him for millennia, to the grand room of his infernal castle. The demon knelt in adoration before his lord, his blazing eyes lowered downward.

"Speak," Belial said, his voice authoritative. "I need your help with a problem that has me stumped."

The demon nodded and glanced up, his eyes shining with devotion. "Certainly, my lord. "I am at your disposal."

Belial drew in closer, his piercing stare fixed on the demon's. "I recently met a person, Mei Lin. She has an exceptional resilience to manipulation, unlike anyone I've ever met. "I'm looking for an explanation."

The demon wrinkled his brow, a smidgeon of doubt crossing his face. "My lord, such resistance is typically found in powerful lineage humans, those with ties to ancient clans, or even those with demon blood." But if what you say is correct, that she is pure energy, it defies understanding."

As he probed for answers, Belial's fury boiled under the surface. "Are there any known human clans or individuals on Earth who possess this level of resistance without demonic heritage?"

"There are whispers, my lord, of a few isolated cases," the demon said carefully. Humans with unknown talents who are not contaminated by demon blood or ancestry. They are extremely rare, and their origins are unknown even to us."

Belial's eyes glowed with zeal. "This is no ordinary situation. I need to figure out what's causing her reluctance. It might be the key to unleashing abilities we never imagined."

The demon nodded in agreement. "I will direct my scouts to conduct additional research, my lord." We shall discover the truth about Mei Lin's extraordinary powers."

Belial leaned back in his imposing throne, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Do so, and do it swiftly. There is much at stake, and I will not be thwarted by a mere human. Mei Lin may hold the key to unraveling a new era of power and dominance for the demons."

After issuing his instruction, the demon bowed once again and left from the chamber, leaving Belial to ponder the riddles surrounding Mei Lin. A chilly exhilaration filled the air in the demon lord's dark domain as his thoughts moved to the possibility of this newfound power, because the quest of supremacy and control over the mortal realm had taken an unexpected and exciting turn. Belial's passion for Mei Lin had reached ravenous proportions. Her resistance to his manipulative abilities had turned into an enticing enigma that he couldn't ignore. He felt he needed to get closer to her, to watch her every action and maybe discover the source of her mysterious power.

Belial called his most loyal counsel, Azazel, a demon noted for his cunning and ingenuity, to the depths of his frightening kingdom. Azazel appeared in front of him, his scarlet eyes flashing with a strange intelligence.

"Azazel," Belial started, his voice low and threatening, "I have an urgent task for you." I need you to discover a means for me to be near Mei Lin, the person with a high resistance to manipulation."

Azazel cocked his horned head in comprehension. "Certainly, my lord. I'll do whatever it takes to put you in close proximity to her."

Belial's fiery gaze pierced Azazel's, his goal clear. "This is no easy assignment, Azazel. She is not to be harmed, but I must keep a tight eye on her. I want to know everything she does and thinks. Do whatever it takes to get this done."

Azazel nodded, a sly grin forming at the corners of his lips. "Think it over, my lord. I'll send my best agents to follow Mei Lin and report back to you with every information."

Belial reclined back in his ebony throne, a nasty grin on his face. "All right, Azazel. Your devotion to me is admirable. Ensure that this work is carried out with discretion. I don't want any traces of our involvement."

Azazel vanished into the darkness with a bow, leaving Belial alone with his gloomy thoughts. He was certain that Mei Lin possessed secrets that could alter the balance of power in the demon realm, and he was determined to discover them.

Azazel's operatives monitored Mei Lin's every step as the days stretched into weeks. They watched her everyday activities, interactions with others, and even her private times of reflection. They meticulously documented Belial's actions, thoughts, and feelings in their reports.

Belial scanned over the papers with a feverish zeal, looking for any hints that may explain Mei Lin's exceptional resilience. He got obsessed with watching her, his infatuation rising with each passing day.

Mei Lin maintained her existence in the human world, unknowing of the evil presence that followed her every move. She had a vague disquiet, an unexplainable sense that she was being watched, but she dismissed it as paranoia.

Belial's comprehension of Mei Lin increased with time, but the basis of her resistance remained opaque. He became impatient, knowing that he needed to get closer to her in order to discover the truth.

Belial's ambition to acquire Mei Lin's strength and discover the mysteries of her resistance had turned into an obsession. He would go to any length to fulfill his wicked aspirations, setting in motion a series of events that would permanently alter the fates of both demons and humans. Belial's developing fascination with Mei Lin was only equaled by his prudence. He couldn't dismiss the notion that Mei Lin's unexplained resistance to manipulation was due to more than just her own might, but also to the impact of a force stronger than his own.

Belial called Azazel once again in the dark hallways of his evil fortress. The demon counselor appeared in front of him, his crimson eyes gleaming with interest.

"Azazel," Belial started, his voice low and conspiratorial, "I fear there is more to Mei Lin's resistance than meets the eye." It's possible that a power stronger than our own is at work here."

Azazel nodded in agreement. "You are wise, my lord, to consider such possibilities." The source of her abilities is still unknown."

Belial leaned closer, his stare fixed. "I want you to look into this further, Azazel." Determine whether she is protected from our influence by any old relics, charms, or safeguards. We must not underestimate the harm she represents."

Azazel agreed and bent his head. "I intend to broaden my network of informants and consult with our most knowledgeable scholars." In our search for answers, we will leave no stone unturned."

Belial was alone with his thoughts as Azazel exited to carry out his commands, his red eyes narrowing in meditation. He was well aware that the route to discovering Mei Lin's secrets was laden with peril, yet he was determined to continue.

Mei Lin maintained her existence in the human world, unconscious of the complicated web of intrigue and obsession that surrounded her. She was aware of invisible forces at work, yet she stayed steadfast in her quest to defend herself from those who attempted to dominate her. Then, after the second day, he confessed that there is nothing unique about her; Belial couldn't believe it and decided to enter into the game and find out for himself.