
City of witches and demons

shadowhunters nigrum aspiciens in bono decem et septem nonaginta

( shadow hunters looking good in black since seventeen ninety seven)

Hello there, my name is Bradley I'm a PFC (private first class) in the Marine Corps and this is my story on how a modern witch hunt began in the Marine barracks. It was a Monday afternoon our drill sergeant came into the barracks ready to begin training. Prior to starting training he received a strange text from another drill sergeant stating that four people cheated on the training test we took Friday. Once our drill sergeant read the text he made us run 1 mile in our underwear.

When we all finished the mile our drill sergeant said, "That four of our comrades decided to cheat on the training test friday, so we will be skipping range training today until the cheaters or witnesses come forth and give us his/her intel on what he/she saw."

My battle buddy Nelson leaned over to me and told me "That he saw one of the cheaters catch one of the witnesses and threaten to beat the crap out of them if they went and told on them."

Since the sergeant made us do push-ups until someone does. I always hated doing push ups, so I came forth and told my drill sergeant some names of people that cheated. The sergeant made everybody else do push-ups until I finished cleaning my rifle. The next day was worse, the sergeant got another text stating five more people cheated

the sergeant called me into his office and asked me, "If I knew the names of the people that cheated?"

I replied, "No drill sergeant" once I said that

he asked, "If I knew anybody that does" I answered "PFC Wright does sir."

He answered "Thanks private, dismissed."

Two more days have gone by and Sarge seemed nervous because it turns out that tomorrow is the day the Crucible begins and he still hasn't found the cheaters only the accused. With the Crucible coming up, Sarge was even more stressed out because he was worried that the cheaters were going to cheat (even though the cheaters were fake). The next day (day of the crucible), we got all our gear on and joined up with the other squads and headed out to begin the crucible.

It's now day two of the crucible and so far no one has been caught cheating. Everybody was eating MRE's ( meals ready to eat). I was told that I was joining a special force called task force one-four-one. I left to go train with the one-four-one instead of going to korea. When I got to the one-four-one's base, I went to go check in with the captain to see what I needed to do and he said to get ready to run the one-four-one's special training course. After the captain said dismissed, I went to get my guns and meet my captain at the training area. He said if I want to be the best I would have to beat the best. So when I got done with the training I found out that I beat the 2nd best person so I was automatically promoted to lieutenant. When the mission came in we got ready to leave. That's when Captain Price came by and told me to lead squad two and that we will have to sweep the abandoned school district area, just so the convoy will not get ambushed from the school building on both sides. I then told my chopper to take off. After we took off, we headed straight to the landing zone. When we were coming in for landing we began to take heavy small arms fire from enemy ground forces. So I called command and said we are taking heavy small arms fire at the landing zone bravo. Then I asked for danger close artillery to help clear the landing zone. Later command said artillery inbound. I then told the pilot to get clear of the blast radius

After the artillery hit, we hovered above the area for a while just to be safe. After a while we landed and started to exit the chopper that's when we started to take fire from the remaining targets. After they stopped to reload. We finished unloading the rest of the platoon, so they can help us secure the area. After all the fighting and bloodshed, we pulled ahead and rounded up the remaining survivors and took them prisoner. I told my men to gather weapons and ammo and follow me. So when we regrouped I told them to split into four squads and search the schools and report back in, in one hour. Once we divided into squads I called in for reinforcements with humvees. So After I called for backup, I led my squad into the second building. While we were searching the second building, we heard an explosion. So I got on my com and said all squads report only Three out of four reported in. so I called the command and asked for the bomb squad. command said they are sending them now. So I asked for eta and the command said eta ten minutes so I said roger that. After I got off with command, I told my squad that we need to secure the perimeter and place only c4 and mark them with green sharpie. Soon after that, I got a radio call from squad four and I asked them what the hell happened. They said that some crazy dude tried blowing us up, but we shot him but when he died he landed on the detonator and exploded. The explosion blew a hole under our feet, so we fell into a cavern and found a whole weapons stash. I told them to hold on for a moment. That was the big explosion? They said yes and said they could use some help that they got injured down there. so I told them to hang on. I'm going to call for a medi-vac. Then all of a sudden my radio is jammed so I turned to my squad and asked them if one of them jammed the radio signals they all said no sir, so I said well we need to go find the jammers source so I can call commande. After we found the jammer, I Called command and asked for a medi-vac after command said medi-vac was bound. I had my squad go to squad fours location. When we neared squad four's location we heard gunfire. we jumped down to them to help them and to see if what they told me was true. After we jumped down to help squad four, we started to hear a lot of enemy war cries.

It all happened so fast that I could not keep up. When we found squad four there were only 2 standing and 3 on the ground injured and 1 kia, that's when we were attacked. So I told my men to fall back into the cavern and wait there unless told otherwise. I told two of my men to come with me and bring the 50 cal. Machine gun. After I showed them where to set up the 50 cal,

They said sir we have no cover and I said know that and told them to blow part of the ceiling and grab the rubble and make cover for yourself. So I went back, I told my men to call for a medi-vac and call command and tell them to send in reinforcements, that we have 4 men down and one kia, so after one of my men called command, command called me back and asked for the name of the kia.

I said sgt. Miller, I repeated myself, Sgt.Dominic miller is kia. 4 men down please send in reinforcements, we are low on ammo, send in reinforcements now. After we fought for two hours, we finally got some more supplies, I told my men get ready to move on towards the F.O.B

And get briefed for our next mission which is in Shanghai, I tell my men that we will be going in with the marines so be ready for anything. watch you corners and your backs, and you will come home safe, ho-rah, lets move out. we started to head toward the fob when all of a sudden we go bombarded by artillery from the enemy I told my men that we need to take down those guns or we all won't go home so lets move it and stay low and out of the sights of those machine guns or you will be torn to shreds, now move it.

While we moved to get out of the line of fire one of my men yelled at the gunners shooting at us "you s.o.b". Not two seconds after he said that, he was shot dead, so I yelled cover fire at the remaining soldiers. They opened fire on the lmg position. That's when I ran to my fallen comrade and tried to patch him up, but he bleed out knowing that I was trying to save him, I radioed command and told them that there's another kia and when they asked me for the name of the fallen soldier I said that I will go talk to Captain ryan's family before our next mission. command how copy command said copy that. They then told me that the general said that I have permission to go talk captain ryan's family but just make sure you bring his body and dog tags back to the U.S.A for burial but when you go talk to his family to make sure you give them the dog tags for the memory of their loss son. After they told me that I said copy that over and out. Then when I got off the radio with command I heard a big explosion and following the explosions I heard cheers from my men. After they stopped cheering I told them that we are going back to base and I'm going to the U.S to talk to captain ryan's family and to bring back his body. after I told them that I said make a cross and put it in front of his head and to grab his body and take it to the chopper after we got on the chopper and headed back to base I called command to have a plane ready for take off for when I get there, I'm leaving immediately, after I bring the bring the two kia's body's and to go talk to the family of captain ryan. So when we got back to base, I got on the plane and told them to take off . While we were in the air I started to have flashbacks of what happened in Afghanistan to my fellow soldiers. Then all of a sudden I was awoken by the shaking of the plane from turbulence. Then the pilots said that I need to buckle up because we are landing. After we touched down, I had some marines on base help carry the caskets and as they were doing that I jumped on a passenger airliner and went to missouri to speak to the family, but when I got to captain ryan's house there was a note saying that they went to a mizzou football game and that they were being congratulated for their father's bravy overseas. When I read that note I called my friend who voices the game and told him what happened and told him not to say anything about what happened over the speaker and told him that I was on my way and told him to tell the security guards to escort me and to have a color guard ready for when I get there I need a twenty-one men with blanks loaded and ready for a twenty-one gun salute and that I need someone to play taps after I tell them. I then told him that I was only 1 minute out. When I got there the guards escorted me and the folded flag with their rifles loaded and out. Then I called my friend to announce for the people to stand for the nation's color. As soon as I heard the feet of the people in the stands. I went out on the field in my dress blues and with the letter in my pocket and the flag in my hands. When captain ryan's family saw me with the folded flag in my hands they knew something had happened.when I was in the middle of the field I asked for a mic, when I got the mic, I asked if this game is live after I got a yes I began reading the letter after I finished the letter I started to walk over to the family and told them that I was sorry for their loss and told the kids that their dad is not coming home and handed them the flag. After I backed away I told the captain of the security guards to start the 21 gun salute after the 21 gun salute I told them that I called the president and asked for a draft so we can get help end this war overseas so I'm asking now, who wants to fight for their country? For everybody's freedom, and to make sure that this won't happen again, if you do meet me at the airport right outside of town.After I finished saying what I wanted to say, I started to walk off the field, but before I left the field I told the guy who is playing taps to start playing. After I left, I went home to my family and told them that I won't be back home for at least 4 more years. When I arrived at the air force base outside of town I found over 100 volunteers that wanted to fight for their country and for their family. After I took them to get their gear I started to train them, I even had them run the same course as a team instead of a single person. Once they were done with the course I gave them the gun they needed for this mission. After I gave them their guns, I told them to load up in the c130 and wait there. After they loaded up I called command and told them that I have 100 soldiers combat ready and that i'm taking my team and them on the next mission. Command said ok roger that I also told command to get my team ready, cause we are only landing to refuel, then we are leaving for hong kong. Once we landed, I told the pilot to contact me once the plane is ready for take off. When the pilot opened the cargo bay door my team stepped on the ramp and stopped once they saw the new team members so I told them that they were coming to Hong Kong with us and that I was taking them to get their standard issue rifle. Once I got all of the new team members their standard issue rifles then I told them to get on the plane and get ready to rendezvous with the USS Nimitz and that we are going to get debriefed when we get near Hong kong. Now let's move out.

Once we reached the u.s marine base in hong kong I told my men to go to the barracks and get ready for debriefing. at 0700 my men were silently waiting for the debriefing. When I showed up I told them that the mission is to parachute into enemy territory and silently free american pows, so we will be using silencers on our m4s and acog scopes with night vision and laser sight.

I also told them that the rally point is at the Tuen Mun River where the swcc boats will be waiting for us providing cover fire if needed I asked "if there any questions" no one had a question so I said "lets move out".

After we loaded all the gear on to the plane we climbed aboard and took off

Once we were in the air I had my men do a weapons check.

Once I heard all of them say check I gave them the mission objectives and told them the plan to rescue the pows.

when all of a sudden a guy named Jace Herondale showed up. He was tall, muscular, blonde, and had gold colored eyes. He started claiming that he was a shadowhunter who hunts and kills demonic beings including witches. When out of nowhere someone picked up their rifle and shot at Jace.

When the person took the shot by the time the round left the barrel of the rifle Jace was already behind him.

Once Jace had the guy on his knees the guy said, "That you'll never be able to stop us witches Jace Herondale".

Then all of a sudden the guy that gave the creepy message stopped moving and breathing. Once all of the shock of what happened passed

I asked "what the heck just happened."

when Jace was done studying the body he said "That was what he called a possession." "It's a process where an unearthly being takes control of something".

After Jace got done explaining what a possession is he asked to talk to everybody in the squad alone one person at a time. Our drill sergeants allowed this but they also kept the crucible training going and they are making Jace join the exercises. The training tonight is night watch. I somehow got on watch duty with Jace. we were both patrolling the perimeter at about 2100 when I saw someone lurking in the dark so I pointed it out to Jace and ran after the mysterious figure once we caught up with the mysterious figure it turned out to be an enemy scout so Jace and I arrested him and took him in for questioning. When we got to the camp everybody was up because they heard us shouting and then all of a sudden Jace dropped to his knees and holding his left side suddenly I was knocked out before I could stop it (an object that knocked the main character out) from knocking me out. When I woke up Jace was beside me healing me and healing other team members without warning we were attacked by the enemy team. When all of a sudden the alarms went off and we all rushed to get our rifles and jace was on his feet and had a sword out ready to fight and our drill sergeant told jace to only injure the enemy team and not kill them

Jace said "that he is only going to kill the witches on the enemy team."

We were all ready to clash when Jace ran head on into the enemy team and then all of a sudden the witches started showing themselves and attacking Jace when all of a sudden someone else showed up out of nowhere and started helping jace with the witches. That's when things went quiet and it turned out that I turned my rifle on to my squad and opened fire. That's when the mysterious person all of a sudden knocked me out. When I awoke I saw Jace and the mysterious person kissing. It turned out that the mysterious person was a redhead girl named Clary Fairchild and it also turned out that she was like jace. They both hunt witches and they both ended up here fighting witches and warlocks. So when they saw that I was awake

they asked me "If I knew what was going on"

I told them "that I'm in the middle of the crucible on the ground answering stupied questions." Then it turned out that 3 out of 4 of the drill sergeants were witches and were put down before they could do any more harm. That's when Jace started talking to my drill sergeant.

While Jace was talking to sarge Clary said to me "that I'm one of them, a shadowhunter that hunts witches, demons, warlocks, vampires, and werewolves and protects humanity from evil."

After awhile I finally said to Jace and Clary "that there is no way in edom (the nether world) that I am one of you." after I said that Clary told me her story and told me, "That she said the same thing when she first found out she was a shadowhunter". I finally gave in and said when do I start my training, Jace said right now He gave me the choices on who trains me since their old tutor died in a demon attack. After we got back to their place called the instatuite I chose jace to train me and told him that I'm ready to begin training as soon as possible.

He said "Ok we will start your training at 0600 tomorrow and we will be learning how to use anny object as a weapon and then we will go hunt down the rest of the witches that invaded your marine corp training" "go get some rest" .

The next day we started my training and Jace wasn't kidding when said any object can be used as a weapon we were in the middle of sparing when clary came in dressed in battle gear and said that there is a witch attack going on downtown New York

so Jace said to me "you ready to go and kill some witches and maybe some demons."

I replied "Where do I get my battle gear" Jace took that as a yes and said come on let's go pick out you signitaur weapon and get your battle gear on once we got to the weapons room all the weapons on the walls started glowing i went to the wall and reached my hand out and it moved towards a longsword and then grabbed the longsword and then grabbed a sword with stars on the blade and a latin saying stellam matutinam. Once Jace saw what I chose he said that "It was destiny that chose the swords for you."

Once we all were geared up, we ran towards downtown, by the time we got there, there were at least 20 witches and 30 minions. so Jace said to me run back to the institute and get everybody available and bring them downtown as I started running I heard the noise of battle behind me I finally reached the institute and grabbed as many other people as possible and told the head of the institute to call for backup and then left to join the fight as soon as I got there with the backup there were already ten witches dead and at least 1 minion alive that's when out of nowhere I was attacked and of course I fought back but was losing ground fast, that's when jace came out of nowhere and killed the thing attacking me. We finally killed all the witches and minions that's when jace and clary came over to me while I was trying to heal a fallen shadowhunter and congratulated me on fighting and killing my first witch and minion after we returned to the institute Jace went to the head of the institute and told him that he was going to take me and Clary out on patrol with him and look for where these witches are coming from. While Jace was talking to the head of the institute me and Clary went to the armory and started suiting up. Once Jace got back from talking to the head of the institute he said "that the head of the Institute wants to see me." while we were walking to the head of the institute's office. I asked Jace to tell me about how he met Clary and he told me that he will tell me all about it later. We finally reached the office of the head of the institute. We knocked on the door and there was no answer, so we knocked again still no answer. Finally we decided something was wrong because jace told me that his brother was the head of the instatuite so jace used an unlocking rune but nothing happened so I told jace to move out of the way. Once Jace was out of the way I kicked the door down and what we saw was unforgettable. Once we saw the room jace called clary and told her to come. Once Clary showed up Jace told her what led up to this. Once Jace was done talking to lary, Jace told me and Clary to look for anything that may lead to the discovery of what happened. It turns out that a demon snuck in and kidnapped the head of the institute which happened to be Jace's brother Alec. While we were searching I found an arrow covered in red runes, when I found the arrow I immediately showed it to Jace then all of a sudden the alarms went off indicating that there is a demon that broke into the institute that's when Jace, Clary and me ran towards the entrance that's when we found the body of a fallen shadowhunter with an arrow in his chest, the arrow was covered in red runs just like the last one I found. After the commotion died down we held a ceremony for the fallen shadowhunters. At the ceremony as the names were called we said "ave atque vale (hail and farewell)". After the ceremony a female whose name was Aelin Galathynius came bursting in screaming for help. She was accompanied by a warrior prince named Rowan Whitethorn. Rowan was carrying a person who was bleeding out so me and jace ran to them and grabbed the person from rowan and laid him on the ground and checked the person's pulse while I was checking for a pulse Jace asked Aelin what happened and she said that it was a valg demon attack. Once Jace heard this he ran and sounded the alarm. When the alarm went off there where hundreds of shadowhunters standing in front of Jace and Jace spoke up and said "that the valg demons are back and already caused bloodshed." After Jace got done speaking he requested reinforcements from the Clave and told them that the valg demons are back and that we need more fighters out on the field here in new york after the request was granted the alarms went off once again this time it was a demon attack on the institute so me, Jace, and Clary ran and put on battle gear and ran outside to face the demon's there were already hundreds of shadowhunters in gear ready to fight waiting on us. Once we were outside Jace told us that the valg took over the bodys of fellow shadowhunters and that they were no longer alive so do not hesitate and do not let your guard down now let's go kill some demons.

As the fighting went on more and more demons showed up and more and more shadowhunters fell then all of a sudden a man in a red hood covered in red runes came out of nowhere and all of sudden the demons stopped fighting and fell in behind the man in the red hood. The man in the hood all of a sudden pulled his hood back and it was Jonathan Morgenstern. Then all of a sudden there was a cry and a fellow shadowhunter fell to the ground dead with an arrow in her neck which was shot by a demon who looked like Jace's brother Alec then all of a sudden Jace and Clary said to grab the fallen shadowhunters and fall back me and few shadowhunters grabbed our fallen comrades and brought them into the institute when we returned outside Jace asked Jonathan "what does he want".

Johnathan said "that he wants to see the downfall of all shadowhunters and their allies." After awhile Johnathan said to Jace if you want to see your brother again I suggest that you hand over the lost herondale or your brother will die. After Johnathan said that Jace took out a dagger and threw it at Jonathan and hit him square in the chest. Once Johnathan saw me as he fell to the ground he said so you are the lost herondale then he died. Then all of a sudden the demons attacked and this time we defeated them but with multiple losses as soon as the demons were defeated Jace asked Aelin if she could help Us track down his brother Alec. Aelin stated that since you helped my people I will help you find and save your brother and any other prisoners that's been taken. Before we set off to find Alec we held a ceremony for the fallen and once all the names were read off all the shadowhunters said ave atque vale; hail and farewell.

Veni Vidi vici (i came, i saw, i conquered) The end