
Chapter 28 The Hunt

Xavier, who was hearing this through the ears of Sam, smirked as he was waiting just for this. To know who these people were and their strengths, he could prepare for hunting then down.

And even though the strength of this group was a little higher than what he had estimated in having Sheila who was a peak grandmaster and two other high level grandmasters. He had thought that there was only 1 high level grandmaster leading this group.

"Well, it's not like that will make much of a difference if I prepare more than what u had planned for now. And if things go out if plan, I still have the Emperor's Orb."

"Sam, transfer 2 of your spies to Roger and then try to get a spy on his uncle Reginald." Xavier silently have an order to Sam.

"Now, it's time to start."

Xavier looked down on his table. On his table, there was the broad sword gun which he had prepared for today's test. While it may look like a weapon meant to fight foundation level matters, there was a secret. It was way more powerful than what it looked like.

Xavier tapped the sword at different points and the sword started to shake a little. Then, it started to change. The sword split in they middle to reveal the gun barrel. The body of the sword started shining with green vein like patterns.

These were the patterns he had engraved on the sword. This was the first real weapon he had engraved and he had went all out. It contained the force formation and explosion formations engraved onto it which increased its lethality by 3 times which was enough to kill a peak Grandmaster when in full charge.

The engraved body of the sword started changing as well. Parts of it split and started changing around the barrel. Some parts surrounded the barrel and formed a long sniper gun barrel and the other parts formed the body which floated ask around the hint of the sword. I'm the middle of the body, there were 10 depressions. These depressions contained 10 thumb sized spirit crystals.

Xavier smiled as he saw his first real weapon which he had created himself. He had named this sniper rifle, the Barrett 1.0.

While guns were slowly being phased out of the society due to their many disadvantages like not being able to put qi through the bullets, engraving on the bullets was done to solve this but when the bullets were hit to propel then through the barrel, the engravings would be studied and the energy or inside them would leak out and when they reached there target, it would feel like someone just threw a bottle cork on them with their hands.

But this was a problem only after going to the higher levels but for lower levels, guns could be used but that was only for those who were profecient in 3 very difficult field, mechanics, engraving and formation.

And even though there were these three professions in the world, the they were not able to work together as the intricacy if engraving and formations and the complexity of the mechanical weapon didn't make it any easy for them and only someone who was an expert in all these fields was able to make such a weapon like the Barrett, which is one of a kind weapon in this world.

Xavier tapped the Barrett again and it turned back into the broad sword which he kept in his sheath. He then put on a cloak which was black in colour. This was a camouflage cloak which was given by the system. It's a high class camouflage which can evade surveillance technology easily but cannot evade the sender of powerful cultivated but since he was hunting a few low levelled cultivators, he could make do with this as long as he could escape surveillance.

As soon a he put on the cloak, he became invisible and he couldn't even be sensed by heat or motion sensors. After a few minutes', he made it into the suburbs of the South Star City.

In the suburbs, most of the buildings were many stories tall. This was because many people had to be crammed into a small area and the buildings had to be at least 100 floors tall.

Conveniently, just in front of the residence where Clara was staying, there was the tallest building in the suburbs. Xavier said on to of the building and to out his Barrett.

He set it up and put his eyes on the scope and saw the entrance to the building where Clara was staying.


The Blood Mercenary group was searching for Clara inside her residence. They had offerings every nook and cranny of this building but still couldn't find Clara.

"Fuck it, when the hell do we search for that bitch. We have overturned almost all of the building and we couldn't even see a shadow of that bitch." A man said while talking to his 2 companions. They were all peak Martial Masters who were assigned to this team. Behind them was a man who looked a little older than then but at the same time now robust. This was the task leader for this team, a high level Martial Grandmaster.

The leader of this squad who was a high level Grandmaster said," Don't worry about it. We are only one team. We still have 2 other teams searching further girl and one if them is headed by Sheila. If anyone can find that girl, it should be her."

But as he said these words to the man, he suddenly felt a chill rise up his back. He looked at the building in from of them and turned towards. His eyes widened and he said," Watch..."


3 heads of the Martial Masters exploded. and gray and white matter sprayed on the team leader's face. The leader being an experienced mercenary immediately Roger inside and entered the building.

Just as he was about to stand up, he felt another chill rise up his back.. His eyes done in despair and then


His head exploded and now all the 4 members of the team had died.

Xavier, who was looking down from the top of the building, nodded in satisfaction. He has used only half of the Barrett's power and it could already kill a high level Grandmaster.

He then turned around to the other side of the building. The 2nd team with the high level Grandmaster leading it was 3 buildings away. The team which had just been looked had been assigned to the block he was in and view he was going to hunt the 2nd team.

He jumped from the building and landed on to the next building from where he could get a good enough vantage point to take out the 2nd team.

He saw the 2nd team and ask 4 if them were exposed in open air. He took aim and then


4 said later, there were 4 headless bodies lying on the ground. It took about 1 and half minutes to finish the 2 teams. Now the fees bodies of the 2 teams were seen by the pedestrians and a scream ensued.

The alarms were rung. Even though this was a cultivation based society, it was still empirical to keep the insured of the city safe and as such laws were kept in place for Leon the people safe. Now seeing that 8 people were killed in cold blood, alarms were sent throughout the suburbs.

Xavier looked at this and thought,' Well, let's begin the hunt of the big fish.'

Xavier took his Barrett and stored it in the sheath. He jumped down from the building and started making way to the last block.. This was 5 blocks away and because they had a peak Grandmaster expert in Sheila, they covered more distance than the others.

He made it through the panicked crowd and down the alleys to reach the block in which the last team was.

Meanwhile in the higher side of the block, Sheila was looking at the direction from where the alarms were ringing and felt a sense of foreboding.

She turned to her team and said," I think it's the other 2 teams which are dead."

The others in the team were surprised. One of them will was a mid rank grandmaster asked with a shocked expression," How did you know that?"

"Look at the places from where the 2 alarms are sounding. It's from the places where the other 2 teams went to survey. And I'm also not able to contact them. While we days we would keep communication to the minimum, is still not normal for them not to respond with a signal indicating that they are alright." said Sheila.

Even though she said this, she was not very sure in his they were killed. Looking at the situation, the 2 teams were killed before they could react but as they couldn't send a single warning message before they were taken out.

They were 2 teams and had a total of 8 people and those 2 had a high level Grandmaster each. And to kill them in such a quick fashion, she didn't know who it exactly was. But from his they were being hunted down as soon as they reached this area, some type of spy should have leaked out their movements as they were very careful not to be followed by anyone.

She looked at the site of the alarms ringing again and turned to her team. Just as she was about to say something, she felt a cold feeling in her heart. Before she could say anything her body instinctively fell down.


A head exploded. The mid level Grandmaster who was talking to Sheila was on the ground with his head splattered all over the road.

BANG! Another shot and this time, two of the remaining were standing one after the other and the bullet blasted through both of their heads in a single shot.

Sheila saw this and was now very shocked but at the same time she called down. No matter what, she was still a Peak Grandmaster and inside this South Star City, there were only 20 known peak Grandmasters and even among them, she was considered top 5 in strength as she was a little special.

She, being a seasoned hunter herself was now calm and collected in this situation. She looked at the place from where the bullet came from and saw a male standing in the corner of the block with a sniper gun pointing at the direction which had the 2 killed people.

He turned around and went away. But Sheila didn't feel any safer. It was like a hidden viper waiting to strike her at a moment of carelessness.

Suddenly, she felt the same coldness grip her heart which had just before her team was killed, she took out her said and slashed. The bullet ricocheted off the sword and lodged itself into the wall nearby and created a small explosion.

Xavier, who was on the other side of this exchange was a little surprised. He didn't think that this lady would react do quickly.

He couldn't for the bullets continuously. Even though the gun was powerful, it still had its drawbacks as it needed to charge for 5 second before firing a bullet and just now, he had used the full power of the gun and it still needed 10 seconds to charge.

He instantly activated the invisibility cloak and disappeared. He ran around the block to come to another place where he could get a new way to fire.

He took 10 seconds to get to the opposite building and climbed the 1st floor. He stood in the balcony of the house and pointed at the last. One of the disadvantages of the cloak came here. Whenever he used the gun, the energy fluctuations will interfere with the cloak and made Xavier visible again.

When Xavier put his finger on the trigger, the cloak instantly deactivated showing him. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he saw a shadow jump up in front of him, he heard a voice," Don't use the same tricks in front of me. It won't work."


The rifle was hit by something hard and almost flew out of his hand. Xavier reacted quickly and parried the attack but still it was enough to push him back and hit the wall behind him.

He saw a beautiful girl in front of him. She was wearing a black armour which was good for camouflage and looking at Xavier with a peculiar look.

"So you the one who is hunting is down. Who are you?" Sheila asked as she looked at Xavier.

Xavier was dark covered in the cloak and his mouth was conferred with a cloth. His jet black eyes which were tubes with a slight gray were looking at Sheila closely.

"It's none of your business." Xavier said and immediately jumped.

He used a sword which he had bought from the system just now to slash at Sheila. Sheila being of a higher cultivation really parried the attack.

"Boy, it's not easy to fight a peak Grandmaster, especially someone as strong as me." Sheila swung her sword and talked in a coquettish voice.

But she was secretly surprised. This was just a initial level Martial Master and he could fight at a level of grandmaster. While he was still quite a distance away from herself, he could still fight any other person easily.

Xavier was pushed back by the attack but he was still stands and jumped out from the building. He ran into the crowd and turned on his cloak but soon it was turned off.

He heard a voice from behind," Hmph ,I told you didn't I? Even if you have that strange cloak which can make you invisible, I can detect you easily once your trick is seen through."

Sheila swung her sword and slashed Xavier back. Blood flew out of Xavier's back as he flew off like a missile. He created into the walls of the building in front of him.

The predestined now had gathered surrounding the scene due to the ruckus caused by the fight. But wanting to be recognised, Sheila put on a helmet already and was walking towards Xavier.

But suddenly, a bullet flew towards her. Xavier who was in the ground had fired his rifle straight at her and at such a close distance, she couldn't avoid it easily. It hit her thigh and blood spurted as the Armoir was pierced by the full power bullet.

Sheila staggered and looked at Xavier who was smiling cockily at her and rage welled up inside of her. She gritted her teeth and raised her sword.

"Good, good, you've now you angered me.. I'll show you the true power of a Grandmaster now."

The sword, which was pitch black in colour, was now lit up in flames. The flame extended upwards from the top of the sword and formed a pillar of fire.

Xavier saw this and his eyes flashed. Sheila looked at Xavier and said," Have a taste of my most powerful attack, Martial Skill Flame Slash!"

A blade of flame rushed towards Xavier. Xavier looked at this and a feeling of foreboding struck his soul. He felt like it this attach feel, he would be dead. He grief his teeth and took out his Emperor's orb. He started infusing qi and spiritual energy into it but the amount it absorb was far from enough.

He went all out and in the small millisecond he had, he managed to charge the orb till it had enough strength and launched it like an arrow.

The arrow which was formed if the orb and the flame blade smashed with each other and created an explosion which swept across the whole block, killing more than a hundred people.

Inside this flame, there was a figure standing with a cloak on. At his feet was a women who was unconscious. He put another invisibility cloak on her and picked her up and ran away in the confusion of the ruckus.
