
Chapter 22 Cavern System

After who knows how much time has passed, Xavier woke up and saw that he was in a dark space. He immediately checked his omnibands and saw that he has been knocked out for 5 hours.

He looked around and found Clara lying on the ground a few feet away from himself.

He went to her and checked on her. It seemed that she had suffered a guy to her head and was knocked unconscious. There was nothing major to worry about.

Xavier checked his omnibands and found that it had lost all access to the communication network.

It was one of the features of this new world. No matter how advanced the tech got, the people were never able to communicate properly once they got it into the jungle. If one needed to communicate, the only way was to use a term Minsk which needed to be carried around as they were the only things that were powerful enough to support long distance telecommunications.

This was exactly one of the reasons why Xavier ran out into the first. The first had no surveillance and also no mean for communication between their pursuers and whoever sent them.

In such a area which the wind was blind to, he was able to do whatever he wanted.

Xavier rested up and took out whatever he had to restore his strength.

Soon Clara also woke up.

She looked around and asked," Where are we?"

"I don't know. The only thing I remember is that one of the people after us but is with a spear and we were sent flying. I was knocked unconscious before thinking of what could happen."

"Hmm, well let's explore a bit." said Clara as she dusted herself off.

"But we don't have a proper light source. I have prepared for so much but I didn't prepare a proper light source and food for our journey." Xavier rubbed his forehead in frustration. While he may seem to be experienced, it was only in the system works that he had experienced 10000 years but when it came to survival in the outside world, he was still a newbie and he made such noob mistakes.

Clara grinned suddenly and put her hand in her back and took it a bag. She emptied that bag and asked many sticks and capsules.

Clara smiled and said," Did you think that I was doing nothing while you were running around doing so much? I've prepared these just in case we encountered something like this."

Xavier's heart felt warm. He also felt a little guilty. This while time, he had given her orders and she had followed them without asking for questions but as his girlfriend, she would have also been feeling that she hasn't done enough and she tried hard to think of what she could do while he was running around doing other things.

Clara saw through the apologetic look in Xavier's eyes and said," Don't worry about me. I know that you have a better understanding of the situation and are in a better position to plan our escape. My job now is to follow your orders and of possible cover up for any minor mistakes you make. "

Xavier smiled and nodded. He took out the stocks and twisted them. The whole space upto 10 metres radius was illuminated by the light stick. The capsules which Clara bought were food capsules. Just pour a drop of water into then and they will expand to form a 3 cost meal.

After they ate the food and studied their Hubert, both Xavier and Clara started exploring the cave they were in.

They went Ferrier and deeper but the cave seemed to have no end. The cave was made up of limestone and there were numerous stalactites hanging down from the roof which was of unknown height that even the light stick couldn't illuminate it.

Just as they were about to turn around, they soon found a crossroads. Then it flashed in their head and they both said together," This is a cavern system!"

"This is truly a cavern system and judging by its size, it's atleast more than 20 meters in height and who knows how many kilometres long."

"And seeing that we are already 20 meters below the surface, we may not be seeing daylight anyone soon. It's a good thing we have the light sticks which can last a month on continuous use."

Clara nodded and continued where Shawn left of," Let's go further down. We don't know when we will be able to see light again with such a deep cavern system. We have supplies for about 40 days of we are frugal about food but still it we can't get it, we don't have any good source we can get inside this cavern."

Xavier smiled bitterly inside. He had the system which could provide him with anything he wanted as long as he had the points but there were many things which impeded him from buying them.

One was that he didn't have much points left and he had wanted to use them if an emergency occurs and the other, the things said by the system were to high in grade. Anything brought out by Xavier will have doubts cast on upon anyone with a little bit of common sense.

"Yes, but we must find the exit as soon as possible."

Clara nodded and they both looked at the crossroads which was infront of them. After a few minutes of pondering, Xavier said," Let's go east."

"Why?" asked Clara.

"Well, just a feeling. My instincts are to go east and we will find an entrance."

"Instincts?" Clara was surprised.

"Well we don't have anything more reliable than that in this cavern system."

Clara smiled bitterly as she looked at her omniband. It was clear that she had never realised how much of a part this tiny device played in her life.

They didn't longer around for long and started moving East.

They rushed around for quite some time but didn't get anywhere.

Xavier looked at Clara and said," We are going in circles."


Xavier didn't say anything, he just pointed at a spot. In that spot were 5 stones which were placed nearly on top of each other with a strong he had bought from the system.

He had bought this route particularly as the material which the route was made from did not even exist in this world.

"So we've been going around in circles for 3 days?!" Clara explained as her eyes turned downcast.

"Well, not exactly. We've been going round in circles for the past 3 days but it doesn't mean that we are only doing that. I've figured out something about this. This is a formation!"

"A formation? Do you mean those things in the legend that are carved in accordance to the universal laws and can use world qi to produce many miraculous effects?"

"Yes, but the scale of this formation and what I have heard from the stories are way different."

Xavier had indeed noticed the formation the last time they were coming around. And even with his experience, he could see that the formation was a very high grade and even he, with the unlimited power provided in the system storage will have to spend at least a year before he could set up such a formation.

"Then what can we do?" asked Clara. She had never seen a formation before in her life and didn't know what to do about it.

"I noticed that in from of us, there is a patch in the walls which always changed subtly everyone we come around. I think the way to escape is from that part."

Both Xavier and Clara went forward together and soon found a patch of was which was slightly different in colour. At a look, it seemed to be very messy and disorderly but under the sight of a formation master like Xavier, the mysteries slowly unraveled as he saw a method in the manners of this formation.

He looked at it for a few minutes and suddenly shouted," Got it."

He pushed his palm on a crevice inside the wall and injected spiritual energy by making it into fine threads and filling all the devices individually.

The wall started to shake and crumbled and then it opened.

When Xavier and cheers saw what was being the wall, their Jaws fell to the ground.
