
Chronicles of an Unrivaled Undead

After a tragic accident,a man is reincarnated into a realm beyond his imagination. Once a mere bystander in his own life, he now stands on the brink of unspeakable power and privilege. With a new sense of purpose ignited within him, he leaves the shadow of his former self behind and embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption As he goes deeper into this strange new world, he encounters creatures of unimaginable strength and beauty, each holding secrets and knowledge beyond his comprehension but nagging doubts still with wonder and into the mystery that surrounds him – can he really escape the confines of his past, or those of this new realm Is he just being tortured? Every time he moved forward, he carried the weight of his will upon himself, he felt the pull of power and glory tempting him to give up everything but beneath the layer of confidence there was a lingering fear share never – what if he fails? What if demons from the past come back to bite him? As he wrestles with these uncertainties, whispers of his ambitions begin to spread around the field. Some point to him as a hero, a savior destined to bring in a new era of prosperity and peace. Others regard him with suspicion and fear, seeing in him the potential for destruction and chaos. In the swirling waters of fate and destiny, he finds himself at a crossroads, torn between the promise of greatness and the specter of his own unworthiness Will he rise to the challenge and claim his rightful place among the gods, or succumb to the doubts and insecurities that have plagued him for the rest of his life? "Chronicles of an Unrivaled Undead" sets the stage for an epic tale of ambition, betrayal and redemption. Join our hero as he navigates the treacherous waters of his destiny, forging a path that will determine the fate of the area for generations to come.

Utsav_Basu · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Foundations of Destiny: The Division of Sin

The following morning arrived with a palpable sense of anticipation, infusing the air with a newfound energy as Kuroi and his council convened in the castle room to discuss the forthcoming valuation test. With unwavering determination, Kuroi divided the participants into distinct divisions, each aligned with a specific sin, and then made his way towards the arena, his mind already consumed by the task at hand.

"As the dawn breaks on this auspicious day," Kuroi began, his voice resonating with authority, "we embark on a journey of assessment and discovery. Each of you will be tested, not only on your skills but on your alignment with the sin bestowed upon your division."

Diablo, Kuroi's ever-loyal confidant, stepped forward, his presence commanding attention as he elaborated on the assignments. "Today heralds the dawn of a new chapter in our kingdom's history," he proclaimed, his voice resounding with authority. "Each of you has been assigned to a division aligned with one of the seven deadly sins, symbolizing the challenges and complexities that lie ahead in our pursuit of greatness."

"For those selected for the labor-intensive tasks," Diablo continued, his gaze sweeping across the room, "you will fall under the sin of Sloth (Acedia). This division represents the arduous nature of your work, demanding perseverance and diligence—qualities often found lacking in the sin of sloth."

Turning his attention to the hunters and gatherers, Diablo's voice took on a solemn tone. "You have been assigned to the sin of Gluttony," he announced, his words carrying a weight of significance. "Indulging in the pleasures of food and luxury, akin to the excessive consumption associated with gluttony, your role is indispensable in providing sustenance for our kingdom."

Next, Diablo addressed the craftsmen, his tone tinged with respect. "Craftsmen, your sin is Pride," he declared, acknowledging their skill and dedication. "Taking pride in your workmanship and skills, sometimes to the point of arrogance, your craftsmanship will shape the very foundation of our kingdom."

"For those possessing rare or coveted skills," Diablo continued, his voice unwavering, "you have been assigned to the sin of Envy. As skill holders, your talents may evoke envy in others or instill fear of losing one's own status. Use your abilities wisely and with humility."

Moving on to the researchers and academics, Diablo's expression softened. "Your sin is Greed," he stated, recognizing the pursuit of knowledge and academic success. "Driven by a desire for personal gain or advancement, your discoveries will illuminate the path to our kingdom's prosperity."

Addressing the traders and adventurers, Diablo's demeanor grew more serious. "You are assigned to the sin of Wrath," he proclaimed, acknowledging the conflict and aggression often faced in your pursuits. "Fueled by a desire for vengeance or justice, your resilience and determination will be instrumental in securing our kingdom's place in the world."

Finally, Diablo turned to the remaining participants. "And for the others," he concluded, his voice carrying a note of finality, "your sin is Lust—a diverse category encompassing a range of desires and cravings beyond just the physical. Your roles may vary, but your contributions are no less essential to our kingdom's success."

With each division assigned and purpose clarified, Diablo's words echoed through the room, setting the stage for the trials that lay ahead. As the divisions were explained, anticipation simmered among the participants. They understood the gravity of the task ahead and the significance of their assigned sins.

Participants dispersed to their designated areas; their determination evident in each step they took. The whole arena was filled with the sounds of activities, and the sweat of labor as the test commenced. The test drew to a close, and participants gathered in the castle grounds, awaiting their fate. Diablo announced the results to the gathered crowd.

Kuroi emerged, his presence commanding attention as he addressed the crowd. "Those chosen for further service, step forward," he announced, his voice firm yet reassuring. "The rest, return home knowing your efforts have not gone unnoticed. This selection process will be held once every year."

One by one, the selected individuals were called forth, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they stood before their respective divisions. They were briefed on their roles, responsibilities, and the structure of their new workforce.

For the labors, craftsmen, and hunters & gatherers, the day was far from over. They were tasked with immediate assignments to continue their work, laying the groundwork for the kingdom's future.

Under the careful guidance of the craftsmen, detailed plans were put together for making uniforms, badges, and functional buildings. With skillful hands and determination, they worked tirelessly to bring Kuroi's ideas to life. Meanwhile, in the depths of the jungle, the miners, hunters, and gatherers set out to find the resources needed for the kingdom's growth. They trekked through the wilderness, gathering herbs, ore, and other necessities, each step bringing them closer to their goal.

Half of the laborers were instructed to focus solely on cutting down trees and gradually move towards the outskirts of the jungle. Their task was to clear all the trees, leaving the outermost region of the jungle intact where mines, dungeons and other unexplored areas were present, thus encircling the entire kingdom with lush foliage. Additionally, some of them were assigned the crucial task of cutting out a path that connects the castle's main gates to the only bridge on the island.

Back at the castle, the laborers were busy at work, chopping down trees, clearing stones, and laying the groundwork for the functional buildings. Among them, those assigned to tree-cutting meticulously carried out their duties, their axes swinging with practiced efficiency as they felled the towering giants of the forest. The rhythmic thud of falling trees echoed through the air, mingling with the sounds of other tasks being performed. Meanwhile, a group of laborers focused on carving out a pathway to the bridge, their shovels and pickaxes biting into the earth with determined resolve. Together, they labored under the watchful gaze of the sun, each stroke bringing them closer to completing their assigned tasks and furthering the progress of the kingdom's development.

The air was filled with the sounds of progress, the clang of hammers and the shuffle of feet echoing across the grounds. Every task was approached with dedication and purpose, each worker contributing to the collective effort.

As the day wore on, the vision of the kingdom began to take shape before their eyes. With each completed task, there was a sense of accomplishment and pride among the workers. They knew that their hard work was laying the foundation for a brighter future for all who called the kingdom home.

By midday, the functional buildings stood proudly, a testament to the labor and skill of those who built them. Lunch was served, a modest yet satisfying meal crafted from the bounty of the hunters and gatherers. With renewed vigor, the workforce pressed on, completing the final touches on uniforms and badges. As the day drew to a close, Kuroi addressed the weary yet triumphant crowd, promising them a bright future and generous rewards for their hard work and dedication.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the castle grounds, a sense of accomplishment filled the air. The first steps toward building a kingdom had been taken, and with each passing moment, the dream drew closer to reality.

The begining of the initial foundations. How will kuroi's plan of development turn out? Why is he clearing the jungle?

Find out in upcoming chapters. ◕‿↼)

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