
Chosen Legacy

I stared across the clearing into the piercing golden eyes of the wolf that I had seen a thousand times before. However, despite seeing her over and over again, I had never once seen her face to face. While I was running, I kept repeating a word in my head. The same word over and over again. “Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I thought at first that it was me saying it, but it wasn’t my voice, not exactly. It was close to my voice, but not a perfect match. “Is that you?” I asked myself as I ran deep into the forest. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer. “Is that really you?” I sobbed in relief.. Rika is nineteen and has a secret that she has been keeping from her family. She is a wolf shifter in the most famous and well-known pack in the world. She is daughter to Trinity and Reece Gray, the King and Queen of all the shifter and magic users in the world, and yet, Rika is losing touch with her wolf more and more each day. Not only that, but she can feel her slipping away from her inch by inch, and fears that she might lose her altogether. On top of feeling as if one day very soon she might never be able to shift again, Rika and her twin brother Reagan have been given a very complicated task. They must help foster the peace between the humans and non-humans of the world now that the veil of secrecy has been removed. The world knows now that the creatures that go bump in the night, vampires, werewolves, witches, Fae, werebears, and more, oh my, are all real. Not all of those people who now know the truth are all that happy about it. Foster a positive relationship with the humans, sure thing. Find the group of people responsible for supposed monster bashings, no problem. Navigate life while also trying to find their own mates. Now that might be a problem. On top of all the other things on their plate, Rika, Reagan, and all the other children of the fabled legacies must learn how to be themselves in a world that will never be the same again. Love and lust, anger and rage, happiness and confusion, emotions will be all over the place as the Chosen Legacy fight for all mankind, human and not. “Rika, you need to tell someone about this. You need to tell them what is going on.” Reagan was glaring at me as I fought that empty feeling inside of me. “I can’t, Reagan. You don’t get it. You don’t know what it’s like to lose that part of you.” “You’re right, I don’t, but it will never get better if you don’t try to do something about it.” His anger made his eyes flash bright blue in the darkness of the night. The way that they were shining, I could tell that it wasn’t just the reflection of the moon, this was his power, this was the essence that was my brother. “Leave me alone.” I snapped as I ran away from him. I was fighting against my tears, holding them back so that he wouldn’t see how much this was hurting me. Not only that, but I couldn’t let him see that it was too late, that my wolf was already gone. Chosen Legacy is a story that has a little bit of everything. It is a coming of age story, where multiple legacies, Rika included, matures emotionally and mentally while learning to navigate the ever-changing world. It is a mystery and suspense as the twins, along with their group of friends, search for the group that has been attacking innocent people around their campus. And it is a hot and steamy romance where each of the legacies will find their one true love to last a lifetime. Who and what does fate have in store for these legacies, and what adventures will they have along the way? This story will change the POV so that it will focus on multiple characters. The character name will be in the chapter title and at the top of the chapter. This is a massive story that will encompass many mating between different characters and a lot of the cast from the book 'Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha'. It is a stand-alone book. However, you do not need to have read the original to follow along.

Deni_Chance · แฟนตาซี
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Chapter 7- Rika- Settling In (VOLUME 1)

*~*Rika's POV*~*

Things really did happen fast. The apartments and condos were purchased and rented that same day that we talked about it. Reagan and I started to pack that night, knowing that we would be leaving soon enough. Then the following day we went out, Reagan with Dad and me with Mom, to buy what we needed.

During these shopping trips it was explained that even though we were leaving home, we would still be supported by our parents. According to Mom, they knew that a weekly or monthly allowance would make us feel like we were children, so we would have an account that would have money routinely deposited into it as well as a credit card that we could use whenever we wanted. Now, granted, that bank account was still very much the same thing as getting an allowance, but we didn't need to go to our parents and get the money, so it wouldn't be that bad.

Also, if I was interested in being fully independent, I could always get a job and work for my own money, but I wanted independence, not to cut out my family entirely. And if I refused the money, it would make me feel like I was ignoring my family and their love.

During the time that we had this discussion, Mom and I picked out the furniture for each room as well as all the other items that I would need. I was actually really glad that she was with me, because there was a lot that I had not thought about and I would have been woefully understocked and unprepared for the future. I mean, I could have gotten it at a later time, but it was best to have it when I needed it, not after the fact.

The furniture was going to be moved in the next day, at my own direction, so I needed to be there to tell them where to put it all. And since Lyssa and Alexa were at their new place doing the same, I had invited Ilana over to help me. And my sister was going to be there as well. I had even talked her bodyguard into not hanging out too much.

"We will be there with her, Alexio, so you don't need to be on high alert. Why don't you go down to the lounge? You will be a guest of mine, and I have already set it up that you can visit there whenever Talia is with me."

"I know that you want your girl time." He paused and looked around the apartment as I convinced him to leave. "I have made sure that the building is safe. If anything happens though, particularly with those delivery men, call me at once, do you understand, Talia?" He was giving her a stern look that said that he was not at all tightening the reins. It made me remember when I was watched constantly by my guards. I had stopped them a while back though, but Talia couldn't do that until she was eighteen. And that meant that she still had two more years. The poor girl just turned sixteen last month.

After Alexio left, it was just us three girls. A lot of my things had been delivered the day before. Things like towels and dishes that I needed to put away. Mom had had them taken first to the castle so that they could all be washed there for me, since I was still learning how to do laundry and all that. Now, though, I had to put these things away and figure out how I wanted my cabinets to be set up.

We talked and laughed about it as we waited for the furniture to be delivered. We were in the middle of a particularly good laughing fit when there was a buzzing sound from near the door. This was from the intercom that connected me down to the lobby.

"Hello?" I said as I rushed over to it. There was a video feed that connected me to the doorman at the desk downstairs.

"Good morning, Princess Rika." The doorman, who I later found out was named Andre, smiled at me from the vivid video screen. "You have some deliveries that are here. Shall I send them up?"

"Yes, please. I will be waiting for them."

"Very well." He nodded and ended the call. Thankfully, we got most of the furniture from just one store, so this should be the bulk of what I was getting. At least, I hoped that was the case.

After a couple minutes, there was a knock on my door. My new apartment was on the sixth floor, so the delivery men had to load up the cargo elevator and ride up to my floor. I didn't think that they would be here yet, but I guess that I was wrong.

When I opened the door, I saw Andre there, he looked down at me with his typical smile.

"Hello again, Princess Rika." He nodded and tipped an invisible hat at me. "The delivery men are on their way up now. As you are new to the building, I thought it best to have them supervised. I will be waiting here in the hall should you need me." I was instantly wanting to roll my eyes. I just knew that my dad had to have told him to keep an eye on me. And that made me feel angry and petulant.

"So, my father is already interfering in my life and it's only day one of me being away from home." I rolled my eyes and shook my head in frustration.

"I am sorry, Princess Rika, I do not know what you are referring to. I simply wanted to make sure that all went well. These types of deliveries happen sparingly, so it can be a little difficult for the occupant. I know that oftentimes the other residents feel awkward when they have people coming into the home. I wanted to do my best to help you avoid that situation."

"So, my dad didn't call you to tell you to keep an eye on me?" I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him. I then made sure that I got a good whiff of his scent as he answered me. If he was lying to me, I would know it.

"No, Princess Rika, he did not." Wow, that was the truth. I didn't expect that from him at the moment.

"Well, then I apologize." I gave him a smile that conveyed that as well. "I didn't mean to make you feel awkward just now."

"I understand completely. You are the first daughter to leave home, that is difficult on parents. However, you have nothing to worry about with me. I am only doing my best to look out for you." He looked so genuine and sincere at that moment that I found it hard not to trust him. Before I could respond though, the elevator at the end of the hall dinged, the delivery men were here with the first load. "I will let you be. Just remember, I will be here in the hall should you need me." He stepped away and as the men came closer.

I spoke with the man in the lead from the delivery company, signed for my items, and let them into the apartment. Ilana, Talia and I were giving them instructions on where things were meant to be going. And all the while, Ilana was whispering to me as she looked sideways at me.

"So, what was that about?" She asked as she looked into the hall and saw that Andre was still out there.

"What?" I didn't really know what she was getting at.

"He was totally flirting with you. I mean, he came up here just to see you when he didn't have to."

"He is the doorman." I countered. "It's his job."

"Uh huh." She winked at me. "He's hot too. If you don't want to ask him out, or to accept when he asks you out, I think that I will. He seems really nice too."

"I don't think that he likes me." I shook my head. "He doesn't know me."

"And?" She looked at me with wide eyes. "Do you think that everyone needs to know each other before they go on a date? What do you think a first date is? It's when you get to know people. Duh!" She was laughing at me as the delivery men were setting up my dining set. "I think you should talk to him more, see where this goes."

"He isn't my mate though. I would be able to tell."

"So!" She seemed exasperated with me. "Come on, Rika, you don't need to be mates just to date someone. Get some life experience so that you can understand how things work when you meet your mate." She shook her head at me. "I know that it's hard, after what happened with Clovio and the others last year, but the Jaegan are gone, we don't need to be suspicious of everyone anymore. And he's a Vampire, he won't try to kill you."

"I know that." I was a little embarrassed with this conversation. I was wanting to get out on my own so that I could be alone. Not so that I could start dating someone. But, I mean, if I did meet someone, would it be so bad?

I looked out into the hall and at Andre as he was practically guarding my door from dangers. I guess that, in a way, he was really nice. And he seemed to have taken at least a little bit of an interest in me.

"Well, if he pursues me, maybe I will go out with him." I shrugged as I thought about it. "I didn't move out just to get a boyfriend, so I am not going to ask him out first."

"That's fine. If he likes you, which I am sure he does, you will know soon enough." She laughed while putting plates into the cabinet.

After the furniture was delivered, Andre came to talk to me once more. He asked if I needed anything else and if I had more deliveries coming. I told him that lunch was going to be delivered soon and that there was a delivery of groceries coming as well. He nodded and left the floor, but I noticed that he looked back at me as I watched him leave. Maybe Ilana was right. Maybe he really did like me. Or at the very least, maybe he was interested in me and would find out if he liked me after we got to know each other more.

I tried not to think about that too much for the rest of the day, but it was hard to keep it off of my mind. It was like I couldn't stop my mind from straying to the man that I knew was right down there in the lobby. And it made me think more and more. Did I want to try dating again? Or did I want to work on myself before I got to that point? I didn't know yet, and that was the problem.