
Chimeric Eminence: A New Adventure

There were many things Shinji expected when YGGDRASIL's timer struck (00.00.00) but never would he have imagined that he would find himself in another world, in another Shinji's body... Oh well, the first thing he was going to do is to kill his grandpa... Literally.

vtorx_0867 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Goodbye Gramps and Sakura's choice.

Shinji could still remember it.

It was the 4th year of YGGDRASIL's golden era; Players abound in each of the 9 realms, scouting for opportunities and possibilities.

Unique Classes, top-tier Items, Guild Bases, and heck, even hidden missions promised bountilicious rewards... YGGDRASIL at that time was touted as the fulcrum of possibilities, all you had to do was to get out there and explore.

Shinji or rather, Lord Cãmpæ – as he was known at that time- was also of the same mind. It had almost been a year since Lord Cãmpæ had that bet with his gramps, and honestly, Lord Cãmpæ was secretly thankful that he had listened to his gramps when he had.

While it was true that other VR-games had better visual qualities as well as smooth motor-controls. YGGDRASIL still had them beat when it comes to customizations and diversity.

Even the Star Empire – the VR game Lord Cãmpæ had been eyeing- can only grant up to 24 Classes, and don't even get him started on the customization system. If money were the issue, then Lord Cãmpæ wouldn't have been complaining – he was quite sure that his estranged family ranked among the top 10 World's wealthiest individuals.

It definitely isn't pride talking when Lord Cãmpæ understood that his pocket-money could lavishly feed a middle-stratum family for an entire year...

Anyways, to put it in summary; Star Empire was just horrible in customization. Lord Cãmpæ couldn't even comprehend how was it that people still hailed the said VR as the greatest sci-fi themed game of all time… Like sheesh, apart from the numerous open-world planets to explore, better visuals, smooth controls, A.I NPCs…

Ok, ok, Lord Cãmpæ could see it.

But he'll still stand by his word that Star Empire customization was shit… God, let Aunt Florence never find out that he had just uttered a curse word.

Ok, now he's getting of tangent.

Although, why it is true that the myriad customization in YGGDRASIL is one of the reasons the VR still had a grip on him. Lord Cãmpæ could also say that, it was the same liberty in YGGDRASIL's customization that was becoming a source of frustration for him.


"Hmm?" A confused emoji appeared on the LV 100 Ancient Dragon that Lord Cãmpæ was currently riding. "What do you mean by that, Lord Cãmpæ?"

"How should I put it...?" The LV 100 Crowned Ice Demon folded his arms while reclining on a stump on the dragon's back. "You know what my current goal to attain in YGGDRASIL is, right?"

The dragon chuckled, while the ice demon waved his fist, peevishly.

"Don't laugh, gramps."

"Sorry, sorry, Shinji."

"Lord Cãmpæ!" The ice demon loudly corrected. "Remember to call me by my Avatar's name when we're in the game."

"Ah, my bad. Lord Cãmpæ." The dragon apologized. "So, 'to stand at the top of the 9 realms' if I remember it correctly. You want to be the strongest Player in YGGDRASIL."

"Yep~ and that means top grade Items, World Items, unique Classes… The thing's that, they're all easy to get and that's where my problem is coming from." A groaning emoji appeared beside the ice demon. "They're all quite easy to get if anyone just puts in an effort! Makes the whole uniqueness about it mute, doesn't it?"

The dragon couldn't help nodding in agreement at his grandson's tirade. In a way, he was right; Opportunities. That has always been the main theme behind the creation of YGGDRASIL.

Yes, while it is true that you could be capable of getting ahead of the rest, especially if you can abuse the Cash Shop Items – that was how both he and his grandson were capable of attaining Unique grade Racial Species in the first place- at the end of the day, even that isn't capable of getting you to the top.

Opportunities within the 9 realms existed for everyone, and Cash Items can only take you so far, after all…

Lord Cãmpæ [Rank 16] Aza-zazoth [Rank 18, that wasn't close to the top 10 much less top 5.

In a way, it rankled the wealthy tycoon that he wasn't even in the top 3 in the first place. Do not to get him wrong; if he wanted with to, with just one phone call, Aza-zazoth could upgrade his already Super Account to one that just a smidge below a Developer's Account.

But Aza-zazoth won't do that…

Why? Cause it'll ruin the fun in the game…

Although, Lord Cãmpæ is right. It is time to do something about it.

Moreover, if Aza-zazoth remembered correctly, there existed two World Item he had instructed the company to patch in as they were developing the game. It was supposed to be a secret gift for his grandson and now would be a good time to give it to him.

Besides, if anyone accuses them of cheating, well… The world isn't exactly fair in the slightest and in YGGDRASIL, there were 2 things needed in order to rise to the top; money and information… Both, Aza-zazoth has in spades.

"I'll admit you've got a point, Lord Cãmpæ."

A portal leading into a secret aerial-class Dungeon in Helheim manifested with a boom for the duo to fly right in.

"How about this… Let's complete this dungeon. Then, we'll begin a quest for one particular World Item that can propel us to the top."

"Really, gramps?!" Lord Cãmpæ said, before his voice became a flushed stutter. "I-I-I mean, Aza-zazoth… Erm, so what type of World Item is it?"

"If I remember correctly, it's a mid-tier World Item that allow Players to fine-tune their Avatars however they want… Hmm, oh, now I remember the name of the World Item. It's called…"


"The ⸢Azi Dahaka Personalities⸥"

The air was suddenly tainted with a sulfur scent as spectral chains made of flames surrounded Shinji.

It felt totally different from the game, because, Shinji could actually tell there was something beneath those fiery chains waiting to be unleashed.

Willing the spectral chains away, Shinji nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank heavens. All things considered, the World Item seem to working perfectly."

The ⸢Azi Dahaka Personalities⸥ like other World Items is a game-breaking Item that granted Shinji free reign over his YGGDRASIL's Game Avatar.

With the Item, Shinji could utilize the Skills, Passives, and Spells locked to specific Classes or exclusive to other Races. Shinji can also cast Super-tier Spells for a shorter duration and use high-tier spells regardless of Level – provided that he has the MP.

However, that wasn't the main function of the World Item.

If perchance, Shinji has Leveled up his Avatar, and wants to play YGGDRASIL using another character, but at the same time doesn't want to lose his present Avatar. He can just store the Avatar in the ⸢Azi Dahaka Personalities⸥.

Shinji has already used up the 10 infernal circles (slots) within the World Item to store his most powerful combination of Avatars. With each Avatars arranged from the weakest to the strongest. The icing on the cake is that, if the Avatar he is currently using, dies in anyway. Shinji would just find himself donning on another loaded Avatar…

A free Instant-Resurrection and Anti-Existence Erasure Item, if Shinji had anything to say about it.


Shaking his head, Shinji stirred himself out of his musing and paid attention to the situation at hand…

Namely killing Zouken.

With the golden orb fixed in the Holy-Type spear lighting up the hallway – not like Shinji needed it considering his Avatar's Species- the dim house seemed to give some sort of blasphemous radiance and the air tinged with a rotten scent.

Resting the spear against his body while he walked. Shinji closed his eyes, trying to dreg up any happy memory the Shinji in this life had. Anything at all… But Shinji found none.

This world's Shinji might have repressed the memory, but the Shinji of now didn't have such luxuries.

He still remembers it – the last smile his mother gave him and her wish for son to have a life away from the madness of the moonlit world. His father was a man who waste the last years of his life slaving to alcohol. His grandfather, Zouken, the perpetrator of Matou's tragedy was as self-serving as they come.

Despite the fact that Shinji had always told himself that he was the heir of the Matou family, he already had a feeling that wasn't the case. So when he had seen Sakura in that… Pit, and the way his father looked at him on that faithful day. Shinji knew that his lot has already been decided for him…

There was no need to lie to himself anymore… To survive all he had to do is adapt – if that meant being an even bigger piece of shit that he currently was, then so be it.

Shinji definitely didn't want his grandfather to think that he was expendable like the rest of them.

Opening his eyes, Shinji sighed as he walked down the stairs towards the hidden section of the Matou mansion. He had already casted a low-tier Divination spell and had accounted for all of Zouken's insects – with Zouken's shrewdness, who know what might happen.

Soon enough, the ambient light drew dimmer as the stairs took Shinji deeper into the earth – inside Zouken's stomach.


The buzzing of insects was the all the warning Shinji got as the moved out of the corner walls, straight into a dark swarm of grotesque insects diving towards him. It seems Zouken doesn't want to take chances with him.

Unfortunately for the Matou ancestor, he wasn't dealing with the Shinji that he knew.

Azure pupil silted and burned, as Shinji's mouth opened wide to reveal fanged teeth.

«Racial Skill-Lacerating Howl»

The air shimmered, and the hideous swarm before Shinji instantly exploded in gore.

The Werewolf Racial Skill with the slashing effect and madness debuff had perfectly done its job – shredding Zouken's familiars.

Shinji moved without showing any reaction at what he just did. On the other hand, the insects buzzing increased as if hissing in pain.

Although, that shouldn't be of any surprise – Zouken's familiars were Zouken himself.

"Who are you?" From the depths of the pits, a wizened voice cried out. "What is your purpose for brazenly waltzing into my Workshop, interloper?"

"Interloper… Ha…" Shinji's lips spread out into laughter. "Hahahaha… Come on, Grandfather. Don't tell me, you don't recognize your failure of a grandson, eh."

The insects slowly parted from the middle of the pit, revealing an archaic inhuman who stood unconcerned by the grotesque insects. Rather, his inhuman eyes trailed the one who referred to himself as his grandson, warily.

"Shinji?" Zouken scoffed. "Hah! I'll admit that's quite witticism, interloper. But even an old man like myself can see the lie from miles away. So let's cut the chase, and get down to the main point of all this. Are you after the Matou's magecraft? If so, I can easily give it you."

Shinji hummed, continuing his stride, slowly. "The Matou's magecraft… I'll admit that's quite the bounty. But Matou Sakura, isn't she slated to be the next Family Head? Where does that leave her?"

To the question, Zouken merely chuckled.

"I've always believed sooner or later, the Matous as a Magus-Family would be coming to an end, and despite all that I've done to prepare my granddaughter in receiving the Matou's magecraft. She or rather, her body appears to be unwilling. Of course, with you being here, I can only see this as the opportune moment for me give up my family's magecraft… For a small price."

"Price… What price?"

Seeing that negotiations has begun, Zouken gave a sickly smile.

"What I want is your cooperation. A partnership of sorts. The method you employed to sneak pass this mansion's wards – I want you to give it to me. In exchange, you'll have the Matou's magecraft at your disposal. Quite the premium deal if you ask me."

'Ever the sneaky one, Zouken.' Shinji thought in acknowledgment.

Of course, Shinji knew that every words that had come out of the fossil's mouth were confounded lies. After all, if Zouken really wanted to give away the family's magecraft, he would done it in a way that will benefit only himself.

Shinji's attack is definitely not an opportune moment.

Knowing his grandfather's nature, Shinji reckons that Zouken is either after his body to further his own agenda, or the old coot wants just to double cross him.

A typical magus-like behavior.

'With relations like this, I really can't see the appeal in being in the moonlit world.' Shinji thought, puckering his lips. 'The former me definitely ain't right in the head.'

Nevertheless, Shinji has decided that the word play has gone far enough.

It's time to end this.

A light hop took Shinji sailing into the air, and landing on the worm infested pit with a multi-ton force. The entire underground shook as the air whistled harshly from Shinji's impact.

Standing in the crater formed within the pit, Shinji glared at Zouken with all the hatred he could muster. The mana emanating from Shinji carried enough potency and toxicity that the insect familiars could only screech out in anger, but didn't want to be within his proximity.

"Hey, Zouken… Do you still remember the day you ate my mom?"

"Wha-" Zouken retreated as the full brunt of the interloper malevolence was becoming too intense. "What are you talking about?!"

It was at that moment, Zouken understood that there was no way he could reach an understanding with the interloper. Who or what manner of being the interloper is, didn't matter.

Zouken could clearly see it now – the interloper had come with the intention of killing him.

"Of course the great flesh eater wouldn't deem to remember another pile of flesh amongst the hundreds he had devoured. But here's the thing…"

With a single step, the earth beneath Shinji cracked.

"I definitely remembered that day. The last kiss my mother gave me, her hugs, her tears… You looking on while laughing in the background! I fucking remember everything!"

By this point, Shinji's face was one of cold malice.

"Survive! Live long! Have a happy life! Those were her last words before you took her away from me… So I survived. I couldn't leave a happy life but I survived. Even if it meant becoming an asshole and fucking piece of shit… We're both sinners in this house, make no mistake about that, Zouken. But this time, I keep on surviving and having a happy life… But only with you gone."

"… Shinji, you are really, Shinji." Zouken said in a disbelieving tone after some seconds passed. "But how… What did you do to gain this kind of power?"

"Video games… Lots and lots of video games, old man."

Gritting his teeth, Zouken glared at Shinji with no small amount of trepidation. How did Shinji gain this kind of power and in fact, could the one standing before him really be Shinji?

While the memory accounted to him felt quite accurate, and the emotions within Shinji's anger felt too raw. The boy's demeanor is entirely different – it was like he was a whole new person.

Although, the fact that his failure of a grandson has obtained this kind of power annoyed Zouken to no end.

'There's a difference between arrogance and surety, Shinji. That you've seemly gained arcane might doesn't mean you can stand up to me… Much less, in the heart of my workshop.'

"You've always been a fool, Shinji."

Raising a shriveled hand, Zouken called upon all the insect familiars he had within the mansion. After all, there was some sort of boundary field Shinji had put up to prevent him from getting out – it was a powerful one to be killing his insects upon contact.

But this way, there was nothing holding Zouken back from using his full power. Curse insects, flesh eating insects, poison insects… That and many more at his disposal to use on the fool who had gotten bigheaded, thinking he could challenge a magus in his own territory.

"So go, die like one!"

Like a biblical plague, insects of various sizes – some fist size while others being human length- poured out from the orifices in the walls, bloating out the already dim light the torches underground provided.


The screeches of the insects tensed the air which vibrated and shook – it was a form of attack on its own. Like a churning wave, they surged towards the unmoving Shinji and swallowed him whole.

"Hmm…" Zouken blinked in bemusement. "Is that it?"

For a moment, the Matou ancestor didn't know what to think. For as much as he was quite sure of his location and the power he could bring to bear. Fighting another mage –especially one who's specialty and species were unknown- is more of a rock, paper, scissors kind of game.

All it took was one bad round – if you don't understand the nature of the enemy mage's attack, then you're at an even bigger disadvantage.

But Shinji… Shinji is at least, familiar with his hand and tactics – after all, he had allowed Shinji to read the tomes about the family's magecraft.

So why did Shinji allowed him to attack first and didn't stop him from playing his hand?



Zouken shook his head, stubbornly.

"I don't believe it. I won't believe that grandson of mine has such a trump card that can overcome my insects. It's not possible. It's not—"

«Combat Skill-Twin Cross Impact»

Beneath the insect mountain, a [X] light manifested with a gilded glow. Its luminance was such that it brought daylight to the underground while scorching the air with a familiar scent – a holy one.

Before Zouken could hiss in pain at the harm being done to his familiars –and to himself by proxy- the light exploded, obscuring his view in baleful light and flames.

… And Zouken screamed.


The golden orb in the Holy Spear's head burned as Shinji maintained his combat stance. It was only until Shinji had spotted Zouken near the cracked wall at the opposite side of the underground, with half of his body missing, did he relax his stance with a nonplused look on his face.

"Eh… Is that it?"

Unlike the other Avatars in the ⸢ Azi Dahaka Personalities⸥, the Avatar he is currently using isn't even a LV 100 Humanoid character.

[Lunar Werewolf–LV 68]

While it can be argued that the money spent in building up this character ensued that it was stronger than normal – with the right equipment, the Lunar Werewolf could easily destroy a LV 80 Elite Boss.

But even so… It was still his weakest Avatar!

An echoing right swing with his Holy Spear discharged yellow flames that consumed the large surge of insects that gushed forward to consume him.

Originally, Shinji had equipped an emergency Evasion Item in case of any unwanted surprises. When the Item didn't activate when the swarm surged towards him, Shinji thought it had malfunctioned…

But now, he understood why the Item didn't bother to activate.

"Weak… He's much too weak."

If Shinji were to grade Zouken in YGGDRASIL's terms. Zouken would be an Insect User with a common class and Levels being around 35-40 – maybe even lower if one would consider his physical Stats.

While this made Shinji's job easier. The fact that this was all the monster amounted to irked the YGGDRASIL Player to no end.

"Oy, come on, gramps." Shinji smirked at his grandfather's pathetic distorted form. "Don't tell me this is all the great Matou has to offer, because I'll be very disappointed."

"Grr… Don't get too bigheaded, Shinji." Zouken groaned in pain as he shot back. "We're both the same, the two of us. We both sold our humanity to gain more power… Guh! Although, it seems like your own method is more rewarding than mine."

"I did say it before, didn't I?" Shinji said as he begun a slow saunter towards Zouken.

"We're both sinners in this house… Killing you doesn't change anything. But it'll bring a sense of closure and a new beginning for me."

"I think your mixing revenge for closure. Get off your high horse, Shinji. Seeing you behave like a hero is nauseating. I know what you did to Sakura, every time you laid your hands on her, you enjoyed it. Don't think just because you've gained a little power means that you too aren't a vermin."

"… … Maybe you're right, old man. But even so…"

In a burst of speed, Shinji seem to flicker out of sight.

The last thing Zouken heard was a sonic boom, before he felt his neck suddenly being clenched and the world turning to an agonizing blur - the Matou ancestor could feel his back shattering walls. When he tried disseminating himself to escape, a brief static shock rang through his psyche stopping him from doing so.

When the spine-shattering pain and the blur stopped, Zouken faintly realized that he was some meters above his mansion. Though he wasn't flying – no, it was Shinji who was miraculously doing so while lifting his entire form by the neck.

"I never once said that I'm doing this for a great cause. Call it revenge or whatever. I simply want to live, and if that means killing you…" The hand around Zouken's neck tightened. "So be it."

Despite the situation at hand, regardless of the disadvantage, Zouken struggled to escape –to survive.

In a way, both grandfather and grandson weren't so different. Where Matou Shinji had a dream of becoming the Family Head and failed, Matou Zouken, no; Makiri Zolgen also dreamed of attaining the Grail and failed.

For Shinji, all he had left was his life and he was too much of a coward to lose it, so he did what he had to survive. For Zolgen, his dream of creating a ΦΘ ΰ was a chance too big to miss but he had deemed it impossible without the help from the Grail… For his dream, for his ΦΘ ΰ, Zolgen would become the one thing he hated the most.


"You know, Justeaze. This Grail project of ours, I believe it can change everything. All the world's evil –man's pain and sufferings. I believe that despite what anyone says, such a goal is possible. Me, you, and Nagato. We'll accomplish it with our very hands… The path to mankind's salvation."

"It truly is a noble goal, Zolgen. Though don't let Nagato hear you saying it like that. He'll probably mock you saying that you've finally be influenced by all the Shakespearen work that has been going around these days."

"What?! Who's calling my name? Is it you, curly hair?!"

"Curly?! Come here let me show you curly!"

"Now, now. There's no need for a fistfight, we're all distinguished Mages, aren't we?"

""But he started it!""

"Hah… Boys will be boys."


"Ha… Haha. I see." Zouken's struggle slowly ceased as the sky overhead was decorated with magical arrays. "I've really fallen low, haven't I?"

To create a Utopia –a world where human's sufferings and tears were naught but a bad dream. But in the end, what did the fool name Zolgen amount to?

'Hahahaha… What a pathetic comedy. You're right, Nagato. I should have just let go…'

«Super-Tier Magic: Sacrifice»

The image of large infernal hands dragging him towards a murky sacrificial slab was the last thing Zouken Matou saw before he was no more…

"Goodbye… Gramps."


Opening her eyes, Sakura felt that there was a difference in her body.

There was normally a pressure around the center of her chest. It was heavy and uncomfortable –like something alive was moving inside. But now, Sakura felt nothing.

Taking in a deep breathe, Sakura to her surprise found out that she could now breathe easily.

But that wasn't all.

"It's gone…" Sakura checked herself once more for assurance.

"Grandfather's insects. I can no longer feel them… But how?"

It was something Sakura had always kept to herself –mostly not to alert her grandfather. But ever since childhood, she had been aware that grandfather has been messing around with her body.

Sometimes, Sakura could feel herself slowly falling into a murky reeking pit. What lies at the bottom she doesn't know nor wants to find out –she was afraid of what laid in the bottom.

But what could she do? Despite her unwillingness, there was no way she could defy her grandfather.

She had seen what happens to the ones who have tried…

'Uncle Kariya…'

To Sakura, defying grandfather means putting the only one she truly loves in danger. The man who had become her light in this cold dreary world.


It was spoken in a stifled whisper as if frightened by the prospect of the winds announcing out her words for all to hear.

Sitting up, Sakura realized that she was in her brother's room. But the fact that her dress was still intact meant that nothing had happened to her –for today that is.

As Sakura stood up to leave her brother's room, she wondered if what she had seen wasn't just a dream her brain conjured to escape reality –though she knew it wasn't; it would have been Senpai instead of Ni-san, after all.

But then, that would mean Ni-san's transformation. His capability of using magecraft, as well as him easily removing grandfather's influence from her body wasn't a dream.

"Take a light nap, little sis… By the time you wake up, everything's gonna' be alright."

Sakura simply didn't know what to think…

Upon moving out of the room and into the hallway, Sakura paused in disbelief at the state of the house. It had drastically changed for the pass few minutes that she had been asleep.

The curtains that has always been draped down were raised up, allowing the setting sun to seep inside. It gave the rather monochrome house a radiance that Sakura never thought she would see in her lifetime. The silence where there should have been insects creaking was also quite unsettling.

The house for the first time since forever now seemed… Normal.

"What is going on?" Sakura muttered, before she felt a light tap on her cheek. Turning to see who had poked her elicited a fearful gasp from the lavender hair girl as she retreated in a stammer.


Indeed, floating some paces away from Sakura was a fist-size fairy. Unlike the ones she had seen in grandfather's tomes, the fairy before her appeared to be a very beautiful green-hair woman dressed in leaves and smaller size flower adorned on her head.

Wordlessly, the fairy bowed and gestured for Sakura to follow.

Sakura blinked nonplused for a moment before she followed the fairy. The pace by which everything was going was too fast, and if this fairy wants to lead her to the source of it all, then she will follow –Sakura wasn't even sure of her chances of stopping the Fae from harming her if it wanted to.

Thankfully, the fairy led her straight towards the dining room where seated at the head -grandfather's- seat was the one who referred to himself as Shinji, who appeared to be closing his eyes in contemplation.

Opening his eyes, Shinji eyed the fairy with the contemplative look still on his face –though fascination was added as well.

"«Bless of Titania» now that I look at it, feels too lifelike… Wonder if my world has also changed. Would need to check after this."

Shinji waved his hand in dismissal, and the fairy gave a courteous bow and vanished, leaving behind verdant leaves accompanied by a rich scent of the earth.

"Come on, little sis. Take a seat." Shinji gestured to the chair by his side. "We have a lot to talk about."


Sakura made no move to sit, as she asked, fretfully. "Why are you sitting on grandfather's seat? You know that will only make him angry."

Relaxing his face on his palm, heterochromia creased in amusement. "Don't worry about gramps… As of this moment, we're the only living beings in this house."

Pure shock painted Sakura's face as she staggered.

"B-But that would mean…"

"Right on the money, little sis. Matou Zouken or rather, Makiri Zolgen has gone to meet his friends. The Matou line is over."

Sakura didn't know how to take this news as a gamut of emotions held her frozen stiff. For a transient moment, Sakura couldn't even breathe as the news of grandfather's death still kept on playing in her mind.

What was the girl named Matou Sakura supposed to feel? Anger. Sadness. Pain. Grief… No, to her (un)surprise, Sakura felt nothing.

Only the sensation of a heavy weight being lifted off her chest. Sakura no more had to go to that pit –she no more had to lose herself to the unknown thing that lied beneath.

'But would also mean…' Sakura's thought trailed off while nervously regarding the one named 'Shinji'. 'That my future is now in his hands.'

Sakura stoically moved, and took a seat two chairs away from Shinji who merely gave a resigned sigh.

'Well, it's not like I don't deserve it.'

Giving a light cough, Shinji said. "Little sis. No, Matou Sakura… I can't begin to comprehend what you've been going through ever since you've been given to this family by the Tohsaka's. But even so, on behalf of the Matous –on behalf of the stubborn fool, Zolgen. I am deeply sorry… As of this moment, on my authority as the last line of the Matou family, I relinquish from you Sakura, the Matou name. You're free."

To Sakura, the world had suddenly stopped making sense. Freedom? That was all the 8 years old Sakura had been dreaming of. Freedom from the violation, the pain, and the dreariness of this mansion… An out so that she can experience the sun with a smile of her own.

Should she feel cheated that all it took to have her freedom was offering her body to Ni-san, or should she feel elated that what she had been dreaming of has been handed to her on a silver platter.

"… I want to offer you, 2 choices, Sakura." Shinji said, raising two fingers.

"One, you can stay in here. Of course you're not expected to do anything, you're just living here and if you want me to leave this house. I'll immediately do so. All things considered, you have more right to this house than I do. Or two, I can arrange a place for you to stay, be it Fuyuki or outside Fuyuki. Your every expenses will be catered for. In fact, I'll even give you excess. I'll ensure that you'll be living the life of a queen… So tell me, Sakura. Which of the 2 do you prefer?"

'It's all moving too fast.' Sakura thought with quivering lips.

The freedom and then Ni-san's options… It's making her head spin.

Sakura still didn't know what to say. She hasn't even questioned if the man before her is really her Ni-san… It may be bad of her to think like this; but in a way Sakura really couldn't bring herself to care.

'I really am a bad person.' Sakura thought to herself.

But even so, the image of a boy with auburn hair and golden-brown eyes made Sakura's heart to start beating even faster. Her eyes suddenly widen at the thought that she was finally free to make her move without any fear of grandfather lurking in the background.

'I may be a bad girl, an unclean girl. But I'm sure you won't mind right, Senpai…? Shirou-Senpai.'

Ni-san's proposal didn't matter, anyway. Sakura had already made up her mind on what she wants to use her newfound freedom for…

And so, Sakura decided. "Ni-san. I chose…"


«Super-Tier Magic: Sacrifice» it was more of an ability than a spell –like how all Super-Tier Magics are. Shinji likened the ability to an ultimate version of the PK Spell «Dark Wisdom».

Unlike the mentioned Spell where could only learn a specific amount of Spells. With «Sacrifice», you could learn absolutely everything. The Spell isn't normally part of the any racial or class Spell Tree, it was more of a Cash Shop Item.

Of course, it also comes with the condition of the said target being 10 Levels lower. Luckily for Shinji, Zouken was at the right Level for him to use the Skill.

So Shinji had learned everything about Zouken or rather, Zolgen.

'Damn, if he hadn't turned himself into a wraith he would have been a better opponent… He would have been a better grandfather.'

Shinji would admit that Zolgen's dream of creating a Utopia was a noble one. Despite the no's and it's impossible that Zolgen had been receiving from everyone, he still kept on preserving. In other cases, that would have been a good trait. But unfortunately for Zolgen, that good trait turned out to be what had ruined him…

"I'll admit that as Zouken, you're one nasty old man who's messed up in the head. But as Zolgen, I'm sorry that you couldn't achieve your dreams. But don't worry… Your memories, your skills…"

Shinji raised a hand that lit up in arcane Mysteries of the Makiri line.

"I'll be sure to make use them all… I won't become you, old man. So rest in peace… Or in pieces wherever you are."

Nevertheless, despite the fact that Shinji has the powers of the YGGDRASIL's Avatar, Lord Azoth. To say that it ensures his safety would be a grand lie…

The Mage Association, the Burial Agency of the Church, the lurking Phantasmals, the Dead Ancestors, and most of all, Heroic Spirits… Each and every one of them hold the potential of ending his life –especially as he isn't a true human being in the first place.

To hide would be easy considering that Shinji still has 'that' in hand. But that wouldn't be living. After spending all his life in that hospital room, now that he's been given a second chance, Shinji refuses to just cower in fear now that he has been given a chance to live.

"The moon and stars… Never thought I'd be honored in seeing them this close. They sure are beautiful." Shinji muttered as he rested on roof the mansion, observing the night sky.

As one who had come from a time where the skies have been bloated out by toxic clouds, and as one who has spent his entire life in a hospital section. The beauty that painted the firmament above was one that couldn't be described or even measured by money…

"This just makes me want to ensure that I don't lose my life. I too want to enjoy this view..."

Anyways, fortunately for Shinji, he had a way to deal with his present conundrum. Thanks to the knowledge of Makiri Zolgen, a shortcut to once again be the strongest has been opened to him.

"And this time… I have the proper tools needed to blaze through."

Doing a kickstand, Shinji rose to his feet as a small blue translucent box manifested above his right palm with a chime. On one side of the box was an artistic symbol of a bountiful tree while on the other was the symbol of a seed.

According to the lore, the World Tree was once covered with a countless number of leaves. But one day, a gigantic monster appeared and devoured the World Tree's leaves leaving only nine left which became the 9 Realms, and from the remnants of the leaves sprang out 200 World Items.

In YGGDRASIL, 'Twenty' were the name of the World Items which were regarded as more powerful that the other World Items.

Resting on Shinji's hand was a World Item even more powerful that the famed 'Twenty' themselves.

"Seriously, the number of Guilds after my head for this baby were too much… Particularly that Ainz Ooal Gown. Their Skeleton leader had been too much of a nuisance… Whelp, that just goes to show the OPness of the World Item."

Taking one last look at the horizon, the tall buildings spread around it, and the fantastical world that was hidden within it. Lord Azoth smirked…

"Here's to my new life, and I'll be living it happy. Isn't that right, Mom?"

Shaking his head with a smile, Lord Azoth gave a mental command and an azure portal sprang into existence. Letting out a sigh, he then entered the reality hidden within the World Item, ⸢YGGDRASIL's SEED⸥