

"Of course it's you"both girl said haughtily.

"You..."Rose was going to said something when Olivia stopped her.She stood up and walked outside from her desk,and stood in front of the both girls.

"Now tell me....how I'm a third person in their relationship?"Olivia asked and stared at them with her blue eyes.

"you are the third person...you have such nerve even asking that".First girl glared at her.

"Oh....how come I don't know I m the third person...can you please care to explain what is the meaning of third person in a relationship in your eyes".Olivia asked the while placing her left hand on table and leaned slightly by putting her weight on her hand.

When they were arguing,Eve came to their side,while Devid was not there.

"What are you both doing here....I told you yesterday I don't want to create any problem for Olivia... didn't you get that".Eve berated those two girls.

Hearing this,Rose and Jenny sneered.

Other students were listening quietly , didn't want to disturb their conversation.

"Eve,you don't have to care about such girl...she is no good...you will only harm yourself if you try to help her".Second girl advised Eve.

Eve smiled inside but on her face she showed hesitant look and some apologetic expression.

Before she could say something,Olivia again asked her question to those two girl.

Girl B(second girl) glared at her .

"don't you know what is third person in a relationship mean?"

Olivia shook her head."I know but maybe your understanding is different.... that's why I asked...can you please explain your view on this 'third person' topic."

"Fine...you are getting involve in their relationship and creating misunderstanding between them...just to snatch her boyfriend....so between these two ...are not you a third person(party)".Girl A said while gritting her teeth.

Olivia nodded.

"Okay...then let me ask...before 7month...for one year...in your eyes....Devid and I, both were couple...Right"?

Both girls stopped herself from speaking.And besides them Eve's face went pale.

after not getting any answer,Olivia continued.

"Then that time....when a third person snatched my boyfriend....then where was your righteous act that time?"

"So Eve is a third person in our relationship not me....and she very successfully achieved it....right Eve?"

Eve face was getting paler.Girl A gathered some courage and shouted to control her trembling hand.

"So what. You don't have any right to point your finger towards Eve.she is better than you in all aspects.You don't deserve Devid.You are poorer then us.So it's only right for Eve to be with Devid.So you are a third party not her".After saying this,Girl A was still trembling.

After listening this Jenny just wanted to slap this girl face continuously.All students present in class were shocked after hearing this.Eve just wanted to strangle her friend with her own hands.

"Oh...so you mean because I m poor than Eve... it's right for her to snatch my boyfriend from me.And it will be me who will be treated as suspected party not her". Olivia's smile became dangerous.

"Right"Girl A still doesn't know what is happening.

"Okay....so you mean if anybody's partner is to be snatched by any richer person then them....then it's poor side's fault...not other's."

"Oh my .....I think I have to caged my boyfriend, otherwise if he is to be snatch by any girl who is richer than me....then I will be the one who is trying to snatch other's boyfriend not that girl."Jenny placed hand on her mouth,and said with shocked face.but playfulness can be seen in her eyes.

Now all students were starting at Eve with their shocking eyes.They can't believe there can be a person like her who don't mind to snatch other's belongings because other side is poor than her.After seeing their looks and pointed fingers towards her,Eve started crying.

"Olivia....why are you doing this....yesterday,you clearly said that Devid was not your boyfriend....(hiccup)...so how could I beco...(hiccup)...become a snatcher(hiccup)".

after hearing Eve,all present became confused.They don't understand what is going on.

Olivia smiled.

"then why all of you and specially you Eve...are telling that I am trying to steal Devid from you,because he choose you over me.....when he wasn't even my boyfriend ..hmm".

All students nodded their heads.

Eve startled.But she didn't want to leave the matter...so she signalled Girl B.

Girl B --"Then why did you insult her yesterday....and clinged on Devid all the time....you even slapped her".

Eve nodded at girl B.She was confident that Olivia can't prove this point.

All students couldn't believe that Olivia would do this.but some students started to talk quietly and make their own guesses.

Rose folded her sleeves and take a step forward .and just gave a slap to girl B.and Jenny gripped Eve's wrist tightly, make her cry in pain.

"What are you all doing?" don't know when Devid came..he removed Jenny's hand from Eve's wrist.

"What a perfect timing.."Jenny snorted.

"Your legs are hurt from standing for ten minutes outside and listening all this.. that's why you came inside,right?Rose mocked.

All students started to laugh.They were not idiots.Where will be such a coincidence,he came at exact moment when Jenny clutched Eve's hand.

"it's good ...you both are here".Olivia continued.

"let me clear again....I don't have any business with you both.

Eve,you already have Devid...so stop create trouble for me".

"And don't think that I don't have any evidence of yesterday's meet...I already have submitted the video footage at 'MARS' to Professor Daina...so if you still spread false information about me...she will submit it to the principal...oh,if you don't believe...just do it and you'll see".

Olivia picked her bag and turned again to Devid.

"Devid...I already told you that we don't have anything with each other so stop your girlfriend to make trouble...otherwise you won't believe what will happen to you and yours families. it's my last warning".Olivia turned and left with Rose and Jenny.

when all students left the classroom.Only Devid and Eve remained .

"Who does she think she is?"Eve yelled.She can't believe a girl inferior to her threatened her.

on the other hand,Devid was still staring at the direction where Olivia left.He couldn't forget the look in her eyes...which was saying that her each word will become true,if they didn't consider her warning.
