
It is best to cook this raw rice(2)

(Chen Yang)

I fell in love with her at first sight and told the first Miss Xia once about that so she could give me a hand in making her my wife and the mother of my children. I still remember what she answered at that moment as if she is telling me it right now. Because she didn´t make fun of me at that time, as people would normally do because these feelings that I have for a girl who could be my daughter I shouldn´t have.

- Chen Yang it's good to know that you have good eyes so don´t worry I'll give you a hand to make her fall in love with you. At least as long as her soul haven´t became dirty because of Ren Lie. (Ren Xia)

- Thank you very much Miss Xia I knew I could count

with you. (Chen Yang)

(Chen Yang)

There's a note attached to my wrist, it's from Miss Xia and it says.

"Chen Yang, she needs you to be her medicine and do not blame me for using a dirty trick because she is the one that following orders wanted me to end up like her. On the other side of the note is a picture of what my medicine would have been".

When I turn the note I can see a man with a belly that looks like a woman who is pregnant with 9-month twins and ugly to the point of causing me nausea.

When I finish seeing the picture and read the note again I can´t help but think of the hell that my Miss Xia would have suffered if she

wasn´t intelligent and always stayed alert all the time.

That's why I think it would be best to cook this raw rice with Mi Ye and marry her so she can get rid of the evil scheme of the people of this house and especially her bad companies.

While I rub my hands I can´t help but say in a low voice.

So let's get down to work .......
