
Chasing My Dreams

Synopsis: Hirai Keito is a voice actor in a collapsing VA company. He became a voice actor because the company allowed him to stay at the agency and become a freeloader as long as he contribute to the company profits. He is a positive and carefree person, thus, covering his talent in voice acting, until one night as he sleep, he started having this strange dream. ‘Memories’ of him with different people, ‘memories’ that he never had, and with people he never met. It showed in the dream that these people are involved in voice acting since most of the ‘memories’ he had happened inside the company. And at the end of his every dream is him holding the Seiyu Award trophy and speaking in front of a large crowd. Who are these people? What are these images? And what’s with the Seiyu Award? Should I aim for the award to clarify what’s happening? Or am I just dreaming because it is the effect of 20 years of being ‘lonely’… but nevertheless, I should aim for Seiyu Award, that’s for certain. [NOTE:] This book is more on conversation and not a story-telling one. This is a fanfiction of a BL game called ‘Seiyuu Danshi’. So you can consider this book a ‘game walkthrough’. There are changes in the original story line and game characters just to make things MORE interesting. This is my first time doing this. This is a BL (Boy’s Love) book.

Reading_Alien · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
9 Chs

<CHAPTER 3: Easy Money>

It's been 5 days since I'm training for the audition on the 16th. Today is the 13th of January so I still have 3 more days to train for it.

It's a supporting role, but it's still a role. The VA lessons happen only once a day, but if you take extra lessons, you have to pay 1,000, I already take 2 extra lessons to make it for the upcoming audition, and I'm losing my money, maybe one of the upcoming hours I will be penniless… I have to take some part-time jobs.

Yesterday, I tried it in the mart where I and To-chan came from, and the cashier remembered me from back then so she helped me take it to the manager and I was accepted right away and was assigned to do some menial tasks in the grocery like lifting, and assisting some customers in carrying their groceries.

I manage to get 2,500 from it but still not enough to pay a 50,000 rent for the apartment. So I asked Mr. Blondie if he know some part-time job offers.


At the Apartment

Knock Knock Knock

"Oh! Keito!" the landlord opened the door wide "what are you doing here? Do you miss me?" he smiled handsomely, but still it didn't struck my heart, maybe because he's the man who will take my 50,000 soon.

"Hi Mr. Landlord. I just came to ask if you have any information about any part-time jobs… anything legal will be good" I asked him worriedly.

"Part-time Jobs? Legal? I know part-time jobs, but I don't know if it's legal… hehe" he joked, but it's not funny. "By the way, here's a list of part-time jobs… I just remember it now… I really supposed to give it to you, since recently, I heard from someone that you're lacking some income." He gave me the list and I look to it…

"Who's this 'someone' you're talking about?" I asked.

"He said you know him and you should thank him… he really looks suspicious to me though."

"A guy who looks suspicious? …I think I've met him once… should I really need to thank him?" I murmured.

"Keito, don't trust to just in anyone… nowadays people will suck you up until you're drained." He advised after.

"Yes… people nowadays really suck up until we're drained… I'll keep thar in mind Mr. Suck- I mean Mr. Landlord." Thank God I managed it midway… who knows what will happen if I really said it.


I go to Cinema to look for someone with brown spiky hair and sharp eyes. It says here that he is looking for someone to become… a muse? Actually, after I got the list, I hurriedly go here since it's the first on the list… but I didn't read that they are in need of a muse… but since we're here… why not try our luck.


I managed to take the job but the guy is like a crazy obsessed man, he constantly said that he needs a FRESH MALE MEAT for his art inspiration… but nevertheless, I got the job and I can get 2,000 every time I go to him and make myself his model.

I move on to the third job on the list!


On the mall

It is said here that there is a doctor near the department store and just waiting for someone to accept the job.

"A doctor? How would I know who is whom here…" I look around and saw a man wearing an eyeglass, looking so clean and professional "well, maybe that's the doctor, doctors are always clean and sanitized after all"

I approached the man and…

"Hey there!" the doctor called me first. Maybe he saw me walking to his direction…

"Ah-Uhmm… yeah… hey there… hehe" I awkwardly said. Doctors are supposed to be gentle and professional, right? I thought.

"Are you here for the part-time job?" He asked happily.

"Ahh, Y-yes I am… are you 'that' man?" I asked awkwardly and curiously.

"Haha, don't get too nervous… Yes, I'm 'that' man. Don't worry young boy, this job will only be easy. It's a well-paying job with absolutely no risk at all!!" the doctor said enthusiastically.

"R-Really?" as I heard him say that, I suddenly remembered…


"Part-time Jobs? Legal? I know part-time jobs, but I don't know if it's legal… hehe"


"(Is the landlord part of a gang or what?)" I thought to myself.

I'm starting to doubt the list again… the jobs on the list really is something… either the people are crazy, or the people are crazier… should I continue taking on the list?

"Of course…" the doctor said reassuringly "it's really an easy job, anybody can do it. First… I am a doctor at …" he continued to explain what he's doing, why he became like that, and so on, but the main point is…

"Then, I should just take the medicine and give a feedback on how I feel, get my 10,000 and everything will be fine? Is that right?" I said in one breath.

"You're a good listener my boy!" he praised me.

"Wait! It's basically asking me to become a mouse to become an experiment subject for that pill!!" I said my mind.

"Well, I guess you could say it that way." He's not denying it but really makes it clearer… should I take the risk for 10,000? or just reject this for my life's sake? if I die… there will be no 10,000, but if I reject the job, I can get more job and gather money more than 10,000… no way I'll risk my life for this…

"I'll do it! I'll take whatever pill you throw me!" well, what you think is not what you always do I must say… 10,000 can be a lifesaver… when opportunity comes… grab it.

"Okay… here's the pill." The doctor gave the suspicious looking red pill, it feels like this pill is a poison that I always see on anime… oh 10,000, save me.

I take the pill and put it on my mouth. I gulped it in one go. The faster, the better.

"Ahh!!!" I hold my mouth… and…

"So how are feeling after taking the pill?" he asked me.

My heart palpitates faster and my hands are trembling, I started to sweat a lot and even my palms are wet…

"I feel… I feel…nothing. Unexpectedly, I don't feel any difference." I said blankly.

"But you're sweating and trembling a moment ago... " he asked worriedly.

"Maybe because I'm really nervous… but I really don't feel anything." I said again. I was expecting I'll feel dizzy and will collapse, become breathless just like in anime, but nothing feels strange. I'm… a bit disappointed.

He gave me 10,000 for the job and he explained that it's just an empty pill, he's just in research if this empty pill will have any side effects, so… there's no pain, but I got a gain.


The fourth job is said to open only at evening, well as expected, it doesn't look good again… why would I do a job only at evening and cannot also go there at day… hmmmm… suspicious… but I realized that anything that looks suspicious gives me great benefits… hahaha…


I continued my way to the fifth job, it's on a luxurious condominium with exclusive elevators… I approach the front desk and asked for someone called 'Mr. Bot' they called him through telephone and allowed me to enter the elevator.

When I enter the elevator, I saw a poster saying: "looking for a part-timer, requirements: young, good-looking, loves anime and manga"

"Hey, this job sounds perfectly made for me…hahaha…" I pressed the floor mentioned by the front desk, then a voice greets me via intercom…

"… Who are you?" the voice was almost robotic but I still replied…

"Ah… I'm here to apply for the part-time job!" I said enthusiastically, this job is the most suspicious for me… so maybe, it pays well.

"… who?" the voice replied.

"Ahh? You know, the recruitment poster here?!" I replied confusedly.

"… Poster? … …" after a while "… ah… right!" the voice said. I almost thought that the intercom is on static. Did he forget about it?

He put me on a test and asked me a question, and luckily, the answer is a famous cartoon character that happened to be my favorite character,

So after a minute, the elevator door opened from behind. I entered the condo and the first thing I saw is the wide floor to ceiling glass window that overlooks the whole city from above. As I gaze the scene, I saw in my peripheral view a man, I turned to him then…

I saw a black haired man, with white skin and sharp features, he has a regal look on him, but he doesn't have the regal aura, but the innocent aura… it's quite contradicting. What's shocking to him is that he's wearing a white robe and nothing underneath. I can see his bare chest and his upper abs, and the rest is already covered by the robe.

"(he's sexy… yum yum)" I thought to myself. He's younger than I thought.

After some time, he finally looked at me and I can't help but to melt on his stare. Man… this job will be hard… Control yourself Keito!

"…" he just stare at me.

"H-hello there…" I awkwardly said.

I tried to say more but he's not answering nor making any move.

"A-anyway… it's nice to meet you my future employer!" I have to be energetic, first impression is important.

"Hmmm…" he nods his head without looking at me.

"Oh… my name is Hirai Keito… can I know my employer's name?" I tried again.

"…" and I failed again.

Only God knows how long this silence is…

"Since you're not answering, I'll take the pleasure to call you Mr. Sexy in Yukata"

"Please don't" He finally answered. "Nakane Sha"

"Ah… so it's Sha… Nice to meet you Mr. Sha." I said enthusiastically… I'll never get tired of doing this... go and try me!

"…" then he nods again. I'm starting to lose my hope.

"Be my talk-mate" he suddenly said.

"What? T-talk-mate? Oh... o-okay… hehe" I smiled to him awkwardly… I think this job will be easier than expected, at least my only difficulty is not to try holding his chest, and rest will be easier.

"…" and another long silence enveloped the whole room.


It's only been an hour since I got here, and I still have 3 more hours to finish… what am I supposed to say to someone who's not speaking at all.

My employer, Sha, is not speaking at all and just typing in front of the computer while I'm leisurely going around the condo and he's not stopping me at all.

I really wonder if this job is still called a job.

Whenever I start a conversation, he only nods or shake his head and he even didn't batted an eye on me.

I don't' think I'm suitable for this job, to become his talk-mate… but this job still will give me income, so there's no going back now. There's no such job that only looks for appearance and hobby, and also a very easy job… I have to hold this job forever.

"what are you typing for Sha…" he asked me to call him casually, so I can call him by his first name as long as it's not Mr. Sexy in Yukata. "You're typing quite fast."

"… I type a lot" FINALLY!! I managed to get a reply from him… he likes this topic… let's continue moving forward.

"Ah? So your work involves a lot of typing, right?" he nods. "Then you could be a social media buzzer?" I continued.

"…" he stopped typing for a moment then continued right after.

"You know… those people who writes article to create a buzz… guess I'm wrong... then you could be uhmmm-"

"I write stories" he answered for me to stop guessing anymore careers.

"Ohh, like a novelist? So that explains why you type so much for the past hour…"

"Tomorrow is the deadline." He added.

"Ah? So I should stop bothering you from working…" I said.

"n-no…please continue." He said, I look at him then he added, "listening to you is pretty interesting… I like it."

"Got it, I will talk as much from now!"


Before I realize it, three hours had passed which means my job today is done… it thought at first that this will be boring, but Sha is quite interesting to talk with.

"Here's your payment" Sha offered me 3,000 just for making a small talk. "You can come as long as you have time."

"You finally started a topic by yourself… is it a progress then? Hehe" I said half-jokingly.

"See you again." Sha said, but he didn't look at me.

"Sure… I'll come regularly!" then Sha nods again, and again.

I got to the elevator but Sha didn't saw me out. Since the condominium is near the apartment, I'm at ease even though it's getting dark… I really hope I can be closer to Sha.

There are errors here and there, so please help me when you saw one...

you can leave it at the comment section, and we'll see if I can amend it

Happy Reading!

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