
Chasing Ghosts

Jade Covenington was your average every day model, well except for one thing. She was a werewolf and she had a child. Her daughter was 3 years of age and did not know her father. Now here is the story of how Jade came to live in the city and have a child with no father. Well Jade was dating a man back in college, He turned out to be more then she bargained for. She was bitten and turned into a werewolf. Jade was mostly okay with the fact that she was a wolf, she was with the man she loved, things were going good, she had been getting along with her mate till her world basically collapsed in on itself. She accidentally killed an innocent when out hunting due to the fact, the man had pointed a gun at her. She was frozen over his body as the rain poured down her fur. With one swift move she was running through the rain, away from him, away from the pack, unknowingly carrying the soon to be alphas child and heir. When she did find out, she knew she couldn't go to a hospital, she had to go it alone and knew if she told him he make her come, back and she couldn't. For the next 3 years, she has easily raised her child and enjoyed her freedom only changing when her wolf forced her to. She didn't want Lyn knowing that life. She always kept a bag packed in case another wolf showed or their was danger, she would jump out the fire escape and run away. However now the pack is under attack and they need their best tracker.(aka Jade) What will happen when Erin finds out about the child when he comes to find her and how will this reconnect them, will they fix what is broken? And Deal with a new suprise That Lycans still exist. This is written by 2 people on a site, but have permission from said person to post this.

DarkDisney · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

In The Moment

They started to pack up her room and she got lost in the packing and almost half jumped out of her skin when arm embraced her. She relaxed when she scented her mate. Jade laughed and half closed her eyes at his love bites and playful mood. she laughed when he cupped his hand and smacked her on the ass."Nice very lovely." She said with a joking snarl and winked at him. She went back to working but was to distracted by his scent, so she packed a few things she had not meant to. Jade walked over to Erin while he was packing and wrapped her arms around his waist.

She nuzzled her way to the front of his body to hug him fully and just be in his arms. Her eye's finally went up to his, her lips just under his and she moved to kiss him lightly. However her kiss had more meaning behind it. It was full of love, passion, missing him, wanting and needing him. She knew he had been with Alyssa, but he could never get her pregnant like he could Jade. A alpha could only mate with his mate till they died. They could not have offspring with any other wolf or human, it just didn't happen. It is like their sperm carried blanks if it was their mate. Same went for she wolves they couldn't get pregnant unless by their mate.

Her lips finally left his and she let out a small playful growl at him. She would be with him soon. The ceremony was only two days after they got back. The whole pack would have to be their. It was a big thing a Bonding Ceremony, especially for one of the Alpha of the pack. In normal circumstances there would be invitations sent out to the various and important packs in the area, but perhaps they would be able to get away with it just the pack to witness their union.

They would have to prepare the area where the ceremony would take place, a small but spacious clearing in the woods near a burbling stream. Clothes would have to be prepared and pressed, altered even if Jade so chose to wear the dress that she intended all those years ago; everyone attending the ceremony would have to wear white as a symbol of love, fidelity, purity (though the sail's been set on that one), and to honor the moon. The moon, the moon plays an important part in the ceremony and after. The ceremony would take place on the day of the full moon, as a way to honor the moon and the Goddess, Luna, whose said to have given the first werewolf that power to shift in the beginning, and to bring good tidings for the Bonded Pair. Then, that night, when the rest of the pack would be out running beneath Luna's watchful gaze, the Bonded would be doing a different sort of running. Beneath the moonlight the couple would make love to cement their bond, and at the moon's zenith, the Bonded would bite each others neck or shoulder mid climax; though with Lyn being so little and how protective Jade was of her, she may want to stay in the manor for the night of the ceremony, Jade hoped Erin wouldn't have a problem with either way she wanted to do it. However she also kinda wanted to do it in the barn just outside the house.

Jade had moved away from Erin with another Kiss to go pack up. They packed most of the day talking on and off. Lyn had fallen asleep packing her room. She had been whining and crying and Jade finally got her down on the couch. Lyn lay their with her mother crying and whining till she fell asleep with her thumb in her mouth. Jade slipped away from her daughter gently and covered her in a blanket. Jade felt Lyns forehead her daughter never slept this much or got this upset often. A frown set on her face as she felt and watched her daughter. Jade picked Lyn up ever so gently and walked to the kitchen to grab the baby thermometer. She checked her temperature and Lyn cried waking up. "Shhh lynie it's okay, my poor baby why didn't you say you weren't feeling good." Jade frowned even more looking at the temperature on the thermometer."Babe.. will you finish packing up Lyns room, she has a small fever." Jade said. When he stopped and looked at her. "Don't worry probably just a flu." She said as Lyn coughed and puked on her mom's shoulder. "Aww my poor Lyn." Jade slowly took her shirt off and Lyns clothes. Jade walked with her shirt off and took her pants off to go to the bathroom.

When Lyn was cleaned up and cooled down and so was Jade. Jade walked out dressed and Lyn in her comfy pajamas. Lyn was limp and listless on her mom. Jade knew it was just a flu and she be okay. Lyn fell asleep in her arms. Jade went about packing again with her daughter in her arms. She kept a ice pack to her head to cool down Lyn.

Erin had become a bit panicked at Jade's words about Lyn having a high temperature, but, she quelled his worry. He nodded to her request, acknowledging what she had asked of him, but he was still anxious. He was more than sure that Jade knew exactly what she was talking about, having been with their daughter the whole time, but as a new father, he couldn't help but worry. Especially when he had seen her throw up on Jade, he was in a slight panic-mode, he only managed to keep it from showing because Jade seemed so confident in handling the situation. He was still getting use to being a father, though he had the instinct to protect her down to a T. He would kill anyone and everyone for his little girl, but it was situations like this that he didn't quite have knack for. He figured that it would come with time and practice though, so he wasn't too worried about it.

As he packed up Lyn's room, he occupied his mind with other thoughts. He began to contemplate on the Pack and the happenings back home. His sister was finally back from her scouting mission, which made him happy. She always brought the Pack back to life with her wiry and lively attitude, she was forever active and forever lifting everyone's spirit. He chuckled to himself as he thought about her, thinking about how she was definitely trying to hide from him the fact that she had a thing for his best friend. She was his sister after all, so if there was anyone he automatically paid attention to, it was her. He found it funny the way they both acted if he was in the room, as if they didn't even know each other, they couldn't make it any more obvious. Now, while Erin loved his sister and Alex both, he couldn't help but disagree with such a coupling. Alex was his boy, so it just seemed a bit weird to have his best friend tussling in the woods with his sister, and then have to smell her on him. He found the idea unacceptable as a brother, but understood truly that it wasn't his business. However, he felt that her happiness was, and as a brother he would be forced to take action if someone, even Alex, were to hurt his sister in any way.

His thoughts got off of them and then went to a bigger event that was on the horizon. His Bonding Ceremony with Jade. His packing speed slowed as he contemplated on the event to come. Thinking of everyone dressed in white would be quite the scene, although he was a bit let down that the Packs were currently in a state of flux. This was supposed to be a merry time for all Packs, and usually they'd all be present, or at least those that were close by and could easily make it. It was sort of a big deal, especially since he was next to lead the Pack, it gave the others an opportunity to see the newest Alpha and his mate. He shuddered with excitement, his wolf howling in joy, which forced a quick joyous howl from Erin. His face reddening in embarrassment even though there was no one looking at him, the thought of finally being able to be one with Jade was an overwhelming thought. At the same time, it was slightly confusing. She was his mate, for life, no doubt, and he would always pick her over any and everyone. However, it is true that Alyssa had been there before her and had been there when she had left. It was a bit of a complicated situation. He shook his head, trying to get his thoughts back on track.

His mind drifting to the night of the ceremony, and what they would be doing under the blessed watch of Luna. He was visibly smiling at the thought of rolling and writhing with Jade, their two bodies becoming one. The thought of her teeth upon his flesh as they both brought each to climax. He had to quickly stop all thoughts of that, neither he nor his wolf would be able to settle down if that train of thought were allowed to continue down the tracks. A point proven as he noticed that he had completely stopped packing and his excitement clearly visible in the front of his pants. He checked over his shoulder to make sure Jade hadn't seen anything, and not seeing her stare at him from anywhere, he went back to quickly packing. Once he had gotten everything in order, he went to the kitchen quick to get himself something to drink. His physical representation of excitement had calmed, but his wolf had yet to settle completely, which wasn't too big of a problem. It was 2 days away after all, he was sure he could hold out till then. He went back to find Jade packing with a sleeping Lyn in her arms, he smiled as he swooped in and began to help pack the rest up. "I think we're good to go." He said, trying to keep his voice down, as not to wake Lyn.

Jade jumped when he came up to her and started helping her.When he said they were ready to go she nodded her head. "Yeah could you please start putting the bags in trunk I have to do one last sweep and make sure we did not leave a single thing behind." She said quietly and kissed his lips. Jade stood and slowly and walked that apartment check her room and bathroom. She checked Lyns room and the kitchen her hands went over a few things, but she didn't take anything else. She grabbed her jewelry box and put it with the bags however everything she and her daughter needed were packed. Lyn was still passed out in her shoulder. Jade checked her temperature and it had gone down considerably. She helped with a few of the bags and the last one she lightly set Lyn on the back seat in the truck. Her daughter moved slightly but slept soundly.

Jade took one last look and walked down. she stopped mid way when she saw Shaw. She cursed and turned her head."For fuck sake." She growled She walked over and looked at him."Shaw look it's done okay, There are things you don't know about me and I can't be with you I love my fiance more than anything." She said.

He nods and pulls her to the back alley."oh but I know what you are. You stupid mutt I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. You're just like them. All you werewolves are the damn same. Your better than us humans." He snapped."Shaw what are you...." She said and he grabbed her by throat a silver chain in his hand pressed against her skin. She choked and struggled holding on his hand."I knew what you were, but I saw you were trying to be human and you didn't want that life so I let it slide. However I should've known you would go back to a mate who didn't even care enough to come after you or his own pup." He snapped having her pressed against a wall. Her hands clawed at his, the silver had her struggling.

She felt breath go back into her lungs and the silver disappear. Jade breathed in and coughed. Her hands went to her neck and she looked around. Shaw was laying on the ground a few feet from her and Jade backed up as quickly as possible from him. Her hand felt a foot behind her and she saw Erin. His eyes were still gold.

When he helped her up Jade buried into him gasped with small sobs. She thanked him and clung to him. She had no idea Shaw had been a hunter, but it makes sense, why he was careful with silver anything around her and why she couldn't go to his house ever. Jade was ready to go back to the woods and get away from this world of humans. Though she felt she didn't belong their or here. Yet she rather be their with Erin.

They got food on the way home. Jade was quite and lay in Erin's lap as he drove. She slept on and off in the 3 hours it took to go back to the woods and house. when finally back at the cabin. Jade thanked him again and went up to put Lyn down and care for their sick pup. When Lyn was back asleep, she helped with the bags up to her room and just had them set down. she smiled gently at Erin."Thank you for everything today. I am gonna go rest with Lyn. I will join the pack for dinner tomorrow evening. See you later tonight." She said. she knew he join her to sleep. She kissed him and sent him away. Jade knew he needed to speak to the pack and all. she needed to think over everything.

Erin had kept quiet about the whole Shaw-incident, at least when it came to Jade, not wanting to start an argument over a possible I-told-you-so scenario. This also didn't bode well for the pack, seeing as though he had spared the man's life. Had Jade not been there, or if he could do it all again, he would most certainly have torn the man's throat out. He managed to get spared only because he had try to do right by Jade, regardless of his intentions or knowledge of her, he had helped her when she was away from him. Sparing him death in that moment made the two men even, but he would most certainly tear the man's throat out on their next meeting whether Jade cared for it or not. He had already put them in harm's way by letting the man live, because if he knows then he's most certainly going to share that information with others, and it won't be long before Hunters start looking for them. As if they didn't have enough to worry about and deal with.

He chose to simply enjoy the company and sight of his slumbering family as they drove back, he'd bring this up to her another time. When they got back and separated for the night, he went and found Alex to talk to him and blow off some steam in their training room. Alex was already warmed up and ready by the time Erin got changed and met him out on the mat. "So you're telling me you let him live?" Alex asked, throwing a combination of punches.

Erin dodged, blocked, and countered with his own combination, "I didn't want to have to hear about it from Jade," He admitted, "I can sense that she's still a bit on the fence about where she belongs, so it just didn't seem like the right move to make."

Alex blocked the punches and then quickly circled Erin before charging in with a flurry of punches. "So instead of eliminating a threat, you thought it best to let a Hunter live?" His irritation at the situation was quite present, "Jade or not, I don't think that was the best move."

A right hook connected with Erin's side and a follow up hook slammed across his face, he stumbled to the side but quickly recovered. The coppery taste of blood filled his mouth as he grinned at Alex, who in turn shrugged and grinned back. Erin quickly closed the gap between then, caught him in a clinch, threw a few knees, and pulled him hard to the left before throwing a massive right hook down toward his face. The blow connecting and throwing Alex to the ground. "I can't say that it was either, but believe me when I say that it won't happen again," Erin extended a hand to the downed the Alex, "Tomorrow is too important to be ruined with the death of some Hunter."

Alex grasped his hand, got pulled to his feet, and instantly twisted Erin's wrist and swept his leg for a takedown, chuckling as his best friend was splayed out on the floor. "As long as you know what you're do-," he stopped talking as Alyssa entered the room, she was giving him the "leave" eyes. Erin turned his head to see Alyssa entering and his smile lowered a bit, propping himself up on one elbow. Alex raised a brow as he took his exit.

Alyssa had her hair tied back in a ponytail and was wearing black leggings with a workout tank top, and she was wearing a pair of UFC gloves. "Looks like Alex warmed you up for me, hope you like the view down there, because you'll be seeing it a lot." She grinned as she walked out on the mat and began to bounce a little bit.

Erin stood up, smirking. Growing up with her, he had yet to truly beat Alyssa, both because he hadn't ever really tried and because she was quite nimble. Where he excelled in power, she excelled in agility and submissions. Once on his feet, he quickly moved in on her and threw a flurry of punches. "So, what do you want?" He asked as he put on the pressure and continued his flurry.

"Oh, so you're talking to me now?" She retorted as she expertly parried the incoming attacks, finding an opening and managing to catch Erin with a quick hip toss. "Still can't keep on your feet, huh? Guess that was never really an issue with us though, was it?" She smirked.

Erin slapped the ground in frustration. "You know I'm taking it easy on you, right?" he caught his breath and quickly got to his feet, "Let's see how you handle the real thing." Erin's mood changed as he got serious.

Alyssa could sense the change in him and got serious herself, ready for him to make his move. "Bring it!" she taunted.

Erin moved in swiftly and began a series of combos as fast and as hard as he could, making sure to keep her in front of him as he pressed forward. Alyssa had been doing a good job avoiding being hit, only a few punches grazed her, the power of the strikes strong enough to tear her shirt in the places it grazed and putting a bruise on her face as a few whizzed past. Now, while they weren't actually saying anything audible, they were having a non-verbal conversation. Erin's side of the conversation was of the opinion that things were the way they were and he didn't intend to change them, and that while they had had their fun, he would forever remember it, but that it had come to an end. Alyssa's counter being that she knew him best and that when it came down to it, she would be there for him like she always had.

Alyssa's back hit the wall and she turned her head for a second, Erin used this moment to send a powerful right straight to her face. However, it had been a trap, Alyssa spun hard, evaded the punch that cracked the wall, and threw her elbow into Erin's nose. The pain was immediate as white flashed in his vision before blood erupted from his nose. As his vision came back to him, Erin found himself staring up at the ceiling. He could feel the blood flowing all over his face and found it hard to breath, thinking that it was because his nose was busted, but finding that the added weight of Alyssa on his chest didn't help things.

She leaned over him with a smug look on her face, bringing her mouth to his ear. "Just remember...I bit you first." With that, she bit down on his ear hard. Not enough to draw blood, but just enough to leave her teeth marks there.

Erin flailed his arms at her, but she had quickly retreated from his body and hastily left the room, leaving Erin to pick up his bloody body and go clean up and shower in his room before going to bed with Jade and Lyn. It was clear to him that Alyssa was still going to act a certain way, but he hoped that she would settle down in the future. The last thing he needed was more problems added on to the current set, and his patience was quickly reaching its boiling point. His nose would be healed up by the time of the ceremony and he doubted that anyone would even notice the teeth marks on his ear, perhaps Val might, but that aside he wasn't worried. If her scent was still on him at all, it could truthfully explained with the event that took place, obviously omitting the part where she bit him as an act of defiance against Jade.

They were both great women, but only one was his mate.

Little did he know that Val had witnessed the entire affair, but left before Alyssa could see her. Val had told Alex who told the others, excluded, and for good reason, Erin's dad. Val told everyone to keep their mouths shut about it and to not make anything of it as long as Alyssa stayed in line, she was sure that someone would eventually tell Jade, but knew that even they knew better than to talk to her about before or during the ceremony. She told them that she would have the talk with Jade, herself, if it became necessary. It was more of a women's issue and they need not get brought into it, because Erin was far more likely to hurt one of them than he was her when he discovered who brought it up.