

"Ahhhhhh !" I screamed hitting him with the baseball bat. He screamed in pain but I didn't stop until he stopped screaming. Once his voice went mute I stopped and looked at him. His face bashed in. His stomach blackish blue from the impact he received. His leg twisted in an odd angle.

Is he dead? He can't be after all the shit he put me through. I dropped the bat and kicked him furiously. "Get up! GET. THE. FUCK. UP!!!" I kicked him harder again and again but he never moved or coughed.

"Stop it ! He's dead !" Macy came dragging me away from his body. "He can't die!" I screamed. "After all that bastard put me through. He needs to suffer like I did. " I screamed but she kept dragging me away. "Linda let's go before he comes. This is our only chance. We'll be finally free! " She exclaimed but I rooted on my spot.

"We did it. Let's get out of here then we can call the cops and let them handle it. " She said but I looked back at the dead body of my kidnapper.

Soon this will all be over I can live in peace no more torture, no more suffering, no more pain.

"I'll be with my family again happy and safe." I said smiling with tears. "Yes!" She exclaimed happily. Finally I found that hope that I tried to hold on to. We are free.

"That's cute. You two trying to escape with murder. " A strong male voice resonated. We both turned our heads in the direction of the voice. Travis had his gun pulled out and aimed in our direction. Macy was scared to death her body trembled in fright.

There's no escape no matter where we go he will find us like he always does. "This is your home and there's no escape." He smirked pulling the trigger.