
Going back

After a couple od days the tribe was more peaceful than before. The new priestesses and Kids were purifying the air every couple days so they could make some of the dark energy to change for something positiv. The Lord was doing a better job than before and he was getting better at understanding what he was supposed to do. Nefertiri and Suspiria found two another girls that could be priestesses and they were actually happy to accept the offer for training.

Nefertiri was busy with trainign the girls she was showing them how to communicate with the gods, nature and everything they could call for help in really bad times.

The elders were sitting in a room around a table and waiting for some informations. They were very tense the changes were sudden and they didn't even know about Nefertiri the priestess from the other tribe. The situation was weird they knew that the young Lord didn't undestand anything about being a priestess or even taking care of the tribe. He wasn't good at politics or being a boss of someone. He was useless in their eyes so they could do everything what they wanted just under his nose. They heard about a divorse and a sould connection takinng place between mates. The didn't hear about somthing like that. It was really reasuring that they could connect themselves with their mates even if they were human. Having the same lifeline was something what gave them hope for a better future. This whole testing on humans and colluding with them for the tests was for them to know if they could prolong someones life. After decades of testing they didn't get anything new their hopes were crumbling and fast wih each year passing without new accomplishments. It was even important it they coul create stronger humans but they couldn't do anything without usuing foreign DNA and trying to connect it to the test subject. Almost everyone died or something went really wrong like the zombi fiasco. It's better to leave a corps untouched they learnd it the hard way but it was good to know that some things are better disposed of after death. The elders were getting impatient. The needed information and fast. What was happenig in their own tribe that was chaging it for the better. There was knocking on the door and without waiting for some answer the person went inside.

"Excuse me for being late but it was harder than ussual so sneak out to this place."

"Stop with the excuses! Just tell us what is happening!" One of the old man wanted to know. He was the oldest one amongt the other six males and two women.

"We have a guest from another tribe. She showed us how the connections is being made and she even was seen with the young Lord and the priestesses."

"You want to tell us that some old fox came here to help our tribe?" One of the women spoke up.

"Our guest is a young woman, she came with Zidite Lux that apparently is her mate so it's pretty normal for her to come to our tribe."

"Do you know what's the womans name?"

The informator just shook his head sadly because her name wasn't mentioned even to the Lord or maybe it was but he didn't use it once. No one really knew her name beside Zidite Lux.

"Her name wasn't mentioned even once."

The silence in the room was getting more dense than before. The elders didn't really know what to do but it was good that they had someone with them from the Lux family and it so happens to be Zidites grandfather.

"I guess I need to make a move. The yound Lord can't know about what we are doing."

"Indeed," One of the women was aggreeing with Soren Lux. "I think you should go back and make that child bend to you."

The old man with red eyes just smiled as if mocking this stupid woman for even saying something that never is going to happen. His grandson knows what he wants and he doesn't give anyome the power to give him orders or tell him what to do. His childhood shaped him in the man he is today and everything he has now it was from his own hard work.

"I'm going back." Soren Lux said those three words and he just dissapeard from the room because he wasn't really there.
