

Once I became conscious, I was now in a dungeon cell which was 5 meters in width and 5 meters in length. I was held up by chains attached to the ceiling.

I tried to break free but to no avail, because I couldn't channel enough physical strength or magic to break these chains.

A Vampire Maid came over with a tray in hand. She had a slender figure, small bosom, pointed ears with sliver hair going down to her mid-back, wearing a black and white maid dress, and red eyes.

"I've brought you some food. You have two options: eat it on your own or we can force feed it to you; either way, you will eat."

"I'm going to unlock one of your cuffs, and even if you try to kill me, you won't be able to since you've been infused with a poison that weakens you." With a cold expression on her face, she said.

I wasn't stubborn, so when she unlocked my cuff, I didn't try attacking her, since I knew she wasn't lying about the weakening poison.

"Why didn't you just kill me already?" I asked.

"My Queen needs you for something, so you will stay alive". She said with a cold expression.

After hearing what she said, I guessed it must've been important, since Vampires would never keep a human alive this long or feed them unless they need them for something.

"In seven days you'll find out it is currently being prepared". She said with a cold expression.

I felt an ominous feeling from her words, which gave me a premonition that something bad would happen in seven days.

She left shortly after putting the tray on the table nearby and closing the thick dungeon door. I chose to eat since I need energy in the future.

I savored the food even though it wasn't that good, because for some reason I felt these next few days would be my last time eating human food.

After I finished my food, the same vampire maid cuffed my hand and took the empty tray away.

Ten minutes later, I sensed someone coming close to the dungeon door with my heightened senses. When she opened the door, I thought she looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out who she was.

She was average height with a slender figure, medium-sized bosom, pointed ears and silver hair flowing down to her back, wearing a black and purple dress, and red eyes.

"Do you remember me?" She said with a smile that reminded me of Watanabe Kurenai's smile.

"It can't be you, Watanabe Kurenai?" I was shocked.

"Yep I am, by the way, since you are going to ask, I have been a vampire since I was born. I came to Ockress City to watch you. I decided the easiest way was to become your childhood friend". She said coldly, with some irritation in her face.

I was utterly shocked because the last person I knew the most turned out to be a vampire.

"The expression on your face makes me happy, it was worth it to do this task that took 17 years". She said while smiling.

"Anyway, I'm leaving. I just came down to see your expression when you see that I am a vampire, bye". She said while leaving with a smile.

After she left the room and closed the dungeon cell door, I eventually came back to reality after figuring it out. It made sense that she was a vampire, since she always went out after I went to sleep in the mansion at the academy.

I decided I would try to escape from this castle before the event that's supposed to happen in seven days. Since I was weakened, it was impossible to use my magic or physical strength to break these High Silver Tier Cuffs.

A few hours after trying, I still didn't make any progress, since I didn't have enough energy from the food and the weakening poison, which made it impossible to break the chains and cuffs.

Five minutes later, the vampire maid came in with another tray of food. He unlocked one of the cuffs and took it off my wrist, he then put the tray close to me on a table.

"I see that you've been trying to break free of the cuffs. It's no use, you're too weak to break free". She said with a cold expression.

"It's around 8:00 pm so I will prepare your bed". She said.

He went behind me where the bed was and started preparing it. The bed was at least a queen-sized bed with all white sheets and blankets, as well as white pillows. The frame was a dark wood which I hadn't seen before.

After he finished preparing the bed, he cuffed my left hand to the bed and began cuffing my free hand to the bed. He also put on the leg cuffs on both of my legs, while taking off the ones attached to the ceiling.

He then uncuffed my hand once again and brought the table over with my tray on it, so I could eat.

"Finish your food, then go to sleep, you'll need it in seven days". She said while leaving after locking the dungeon cell door.

I was once again alone in a dimly lit dungeon cell, I knew I wouldn't be able to break through that door with my strength after breaking through those cuffs and chains.

I tried to sleep but only got a few hours since these chains and cuffs are uncomfortable, but surprisingly the bed was very comfy.

Next day, I woke up, and found myself chained and cuffed to the ceiling. I guessed that the vampire maid decided to hang me himself while I was sleeping.

A few hours later, the door opened and the vampire maid came in with a tray of food. He once again put the tray and a cup of water on the table next to me, unlocked one of the cuffs and left after shutting and locking the dungeon door.

I once again slowly ate my food. After I finished my food, he came in, put my cuff on and locked it. Then he grabbed the tray and left after locking the door.


It's been 15 days since Tadashi Akira went on his first mission to Clovine City. The mission was supposed to take at least 1-2 nights, which would mean he would have been here 7 days ago, but he has been missing for nearly two weeks.

"Where are you, Tadashi Akira?" Sylvar Advyre muttered.

I sent the Ash Corps to Clovine City to find him and if he completed the mission or not 3 days ago.

3 days later, the leader of the Ash Corps came back from Clovine City and entered my office.

"Reporting in, we found multiple dead human and vampire corpses in the city, while we searched the Dark Forest we found traces of a battle in which we think Tadashi Akira was captured by a powerful vampire that probably went to the Demon Continent". Kharis Falynn said.

"OK thanks, is there any news on Watanabe Kurenai and her family?" I said with a sad expression.

"We have nothing on the whereabouts of the Watanabe family," Kharis Falynn said.

We can't do anything with Tadashi Akira's current situation". I said.

"As for the Watanabe Family, we should investigate them. I think they may have something to do with the vampires". I said.

"Alright, we'll start investigating the Watanabe Family Immediately". Kharis Falynn said.

"OK, you're dismissed". I said.

After Kharis Falynn left my office and said "I hope Tadashi Akira can escape if he was truly captured". He muttered to himself.

I decided I would start looking through documents about the Watanabe Family to see if I could find anything suspicious in them.

After searching for a few hours, I found one thing which was suspicious. When they moved 17 years ago, they could have moved into a nice mansion, but they chose the old mansion near the Tadashi Mansion.

I started to think they might have been sent to watch the Tadashi Family. I decided I would investigate their house for any clues. So I communicated with the Ash Corps leader to come to my office.

After a few seconds, Kharis Falynn came into the office.

"I need you to go investigate the Watanabe Families Mansion, to see if there are any clues to them being on the vampire's side or if they are actual vampires in disguise". I said.

"We will head out immediately and begin investigating as soon as possible". Kharis Falynn said.

Shortly after Kharis Falynn left, I decided to keep searching for any suspicious things in the documents we have of them.


It's been three days, but I haven't made any progress on my escape. Every single time the vampire maid comes in, she checks and tightens the cuffs on my wrists and feet, while tightening the chain around my waist.

I figured it would take at least half of the day to break out of these cuffs and chains and 2-3 days to break the dungeon door, which is impossible since the vampire servant comes in every 3 hours.

I don't want to give up, because I know that something bad will happen in 4 days from now because of how the Vampire Queen is a part of it.

Noon eventually came. The Vampire Servant -Mia- came in with a tray of food on it. She unlocked my cuffs after putting the tray on the table, then left after shutting the dungeon door.

After finishing my food, she came back and tightened up my cuffs and chains, then left after closing the door.

I started loosening up the cuffs and chains again, hoping I could find a way to loosen them up faster, but to no avail because of the tier of the metal.

Eight hours later, I still couldn't get it to loosen before she came in with a tray of food. She once again cuffed and chained me to the bed, leaving one hand free to eat food with.

I slowly ate my food after finishing. She came in, cuffed my free hand and left with the tray, leaving me once again alone in the dungeon cell.


The Ash Corps just got to the Mansion, which was completely deserted like they ran from something.

We searched the first floor and found no human food at all, which was odd even though everything else was there.

We also found some maps of the city with circles drawn on where this mansion is and the Tadashi family's mansion, which further proves that they came to this city to spy on Tadashi Akira.

After searching for a few hours, we didn't find anything more suspicious, so we decided to head back.


I was going through documents on my desk, when Kharis Falynn came in.

"What did you find out?" I asked with a curious expression.

"We found no human food even though everything else was there. We also found some maps with the Watanabe mansion on them as well as the Tadashi Mansion. There is some unknown language written on the maps which we need to decipher". Kharis Falynn said.

"OK, get someone who is good at human language as well as other languages to figure out what is written on the map". I said.

"I will right away". Kharis Falynn said.

"You're dismissed". I said.

After he left, I decided to report to the headquarters about the news I found out.


I woke up to the sight of two vampire maid in front of me. I was cuffed, but I wasn't cuffed to the ceiling or the bed. I then realized it had been seven days. Today is the day I meet the Vampire Queen and figure out what she wants with me.

I was still weakened by the weakening poison, so even if I tried to resist I wouldn't be able to. They took me out of the dungeon cell that I'd been in for the last seven days.

I realized even if I could escape the dungeon cell, I wouldn't be able to escape the dungeon itself without running into a monster or running out of energy and getting captured again.

We started walking through hallways that could have a width of 3 meters by 3 meters in height. After walking through the maze-like hallways for 10 minutes, we entered another room.

We entered the throne hall. The throne hall was dimly lit by crimson light coming from the crimson moon through the windows, the rug was crimson with black stripes on the sides, which led to the throne. The throne was black and crimson colored with a young woman who had an above average height sitting on it.

She was a slender and elegant woman with a large bosom, she wore a black dress, which slightly outlined her figure, she had silver hair that disappeared behind her shoulders, a delicate face, pointed ears, a slender neck, and crimson eyes that exuded a bewitching feeling, but the thing that was even more attracting than her appearance was her imposing aura that she had.

She was the Vampire Queen. Who was the Queen of Vampires, Demons, and Monsters. I knew I would eventually meet her in the future, but now I am meeting her without the strength to fight her.

The Vampire servants took me three meters in front of the Vampire Queen, forced me to kneel and chained me and cuffed me to the pillar right next to the throne. They then left the throne hall, leading only the Vampire Queen and I left.

"If you are going to kill me, then do it. I've got nothing for you". I said without hesitation.

She stood up from her throne and walked over to me, and leaned over, while putting her cold hands on my chin, raising them up to make eye contact.

"I won't kill you, but we will be doing a special blood ritual which will give birth to my pure-blooded daughter". She said while getting closer to my neck.

"I know humans can become vampires, but it is impossible to turn a human into a female vampire that has blood". I said with a cold expression.

"You shouldn't think you know everything about us, so things you consider impossible could be possible".

She moved closer to my neck with every passing second going by slowly. I tried to move away from her grasp, but was unable to with the chains keeping me tied down at the spot.

Small fangs pierced into his neck, sucking the strength from his body.

There was a moment of pain in his neck and Tadashi Akira felt himself growing weaker and colder with the blood drained from him.

Something sweet began flowing into my neck, circulating throughout my near empty veins, causing excruciating pain.

I tried to resist it, but it was no use with my minimal strength against the unstoppable tide that was circulating throughout my body.

"No…". I gasped out, but the darkness crept in from the edges of his vision without any mercy. As the darkness swallowed him, a beautiful voice sounded next to his ear.

"When a human is reborn as a vampire, they would normally be reborn as a half-breed, since their rebirth is incomplete, which sustains some of their human characteristics".

"But that doesn't apply to me, so you won't be born as a half-breed, but a vampire princess with very pure blood, the woman said with a blissful expression.

I was now barely conscious when I started feeling excruciating pain. I could also feel my body shrinking, parts of my body starting to disappear, while new parts started to appear. I then fainted from the constant excruciating pain.

After I fainted, the Vampire Queen broke the chains and cuffs, but before I could hit the ground, she caught me in her embrace and carried me in princess carry to my new bedroom.

After he, now she was fully reborn. The Vampire Queen changed her clothes.


I made it to the headquarters three days later, and told one of the servants in the Headquarters I needed to speak to Ranatar Helvith and Ilivarra Daevass.

Ranatar Helvith is an High Human with an innate magic in ice and space. While Ilivarra Daevass is a High Human with innate magic in Fire and Space. After losing their families' lives when they were young, they decided to join the Vampire Slayer Union when it was formed, which made them founders of the Union.

The Vampire Slayer Union doesn't depend on social status at all, it only depends on your strength, which determines the rank you're in the Union.

After I asked the servant if I could meet with Ranatar Helvith and Ilivarra Daevass, he asked for identification to see if I had a high enough rank to meet with them.

He checked it for a few minutes. After verifying I had a high enough rank, he went to go ask them if I could have a meeting with them.

Five minutes later, he came back and said follow me, which I followed until we were at a door.

"Their waiting inside". He said while pointing at the door.

After the servant left, I entered the room. The room was very spacious, it had wooden floors with a special type of black metal for the walls, the room was surprisingly bright for how dark the floor and walls were.

There were two people sitting at a desk. The man had a muscular physique with short black hair, he was wearing a white T-shirt with black pants. The woman had a petite figure with an, a mid-sized bosom, a white dress with black hair flowing down her shoulders, she had a flat butt and ruby-colored eyes.

I sat down at the opposite end of the desk and began reporting.

"After we got the mission to investigate vampires in Clovine City, which you set it for the newly recruited Vampire Slayers, all the newly recruited Vampire Slayers were on missions, set for Tadashi Akira who was in The Lurking Shadow Dungeon. Shortly after Tadashi Akira finished his one year's time hunting in The Lurking Shadow Dungeon and came back to Ockress City."

"The next day, he went to the Vampire Slayer Union in Ockress City, to report to me that he finished his one-year hunting plan in the dungeon, after which I informed him of the mission in Clovine City. He left the next day, killed tens of vampires in Covina City and is now believed to have been captured by a powerful vampire, who went back to the Demon Continent ''. I said quickly.

After finishing his report, the room was quiet for a few minutes.

"OK, most likely Tadashi Akira has turned into a vampire or has been killed". Ilivarra Daevass said coldly.

"If we ever find him, we'll consider him a vampire who will be killed on sight". Said Ranatar Helvith with a sad expression, since he was friends with Tadashi Keito.

After they finished speaking, I expected this from the start, since if Tadashi Akira does come back, most likely he will probably be a vampire.

"If you have anything else to report, please say it now". Said Ilivarra Daevass with a cold tone.

After pondering how to say my words, I started speaking again.

"After Tadashi Akira left for his mission, the Watanabe Family disappeared. We decided to investigate them. I looked through documents from 17 years ago and found out that they could have moved to a new mansion but chose an old mansion by the Tadashi Mansion. I ordered the investigation team to check their mansion, in which we found a map of Orkress City with circles around the Watanabe Mansion and Tadashi Mansion". He said.

After he finished what he wanted to say, it became very quiet in the room for the next few minutes.

"So most likely the Watanabe Family was a Vampire family from the Demon Continent, which came to the Human continent to spy on Tadashi Akira is what you're saying". Ranatar Helvith Said.

"Yes". I said.

"OK, what do you think we should do with the Watanabe Family"? Ranatar Helvith asked.

"Since we are labeling Tadashi Akira as a vampire now, we should also label the Watanabe Family as a Vampire Family, which caused us to lose one very talented Vampire Slayer". I said.

"Alright, I'm fine with that, what do you think Ilivarra Daevass?" Ranatar Helvith asked.

"I think it is a great idea, but there might be some human traitors who worked with them to deal with Tadashi Akira". Ilivarra Daevass said,

"If it is possible, we will label both of them as vampires, while secretly investigating the people who have bad odds with Tadashi Akira. Since you're done with your report, you should leave Sylvar Advyre". Ranatar Helvith said.

I shortly left and went back to the Ockress Main Branch Vampire Slayer Union.


I woke up thinking being bitten by the Vampire Queen was all a dream, but when I saw my small slender hand, I then looked down at my chest, I found breasts. I didn't believe what I saw so I decided to check my crotch, and I found nothing, which further proved I was a woman.

I then decided to take a look at myself in the mirror next to the bed I was lying on. What stood in front of the mirror wasn't a nineteen-year-old man, but a stunningly beautiful young woman with an average height.

She had a slender and elegant figure with a large bosom, she wore black and crimson-colored dress, which outlined her figure. She had silver hair that fell down her back like a waterfall, a delicate beautiful face, pointed ears, a slender neck, and crimson eyes that exude a slight bewitching feeling giving her overall balance to her looks.

Once I saw myself, I realized I wasn't dreaming and that I had become the daughter of the Vampire Queen.

Shortly after ,Utsukushī no Lilith, the Vampire Queen, came into the bedroom and took me over to sit on the bed, while holding onto my waist, which further made me believe that I was now a woman.

"Your name is now Utsukushī no Lily my daughter, from now on". Utsukushī no Lilith said.

After hearing my new name, Utsukushī no Lilly, I tried to push away from her embrace, which made me go further into her embrace, since she was so much stronger than me.

"You're so cute when you try to push yourself away from my embrace". Utsukushī no Lilith said.

After hearing what she said, I blushed, which made me feel ashamed of myself.

"You'll be living with me from now on, OK, my cute daughter". Utsukushī no Lilith said.

After hearing that, I decided I would act as her daughter until I get a chance to escape, then I would start hunting vampires and demons to redeem myself, even though I am a vampire myself.

Here are my current stats.

[Name: Utsukushī no Lily]

[Level: 1]

[Race: Vampire Princess]

[Tier: Low Bronze]

[Age: 19]

[Sex: Female]

[Health Points: 5,400/5,400]

[Chaotic Mana: 6,000/6,000]

[Stamina: 500/1225]

[Strength: 1000]

[Agility: 1150]

[Dexterity: 1285]

[Constitution: 1850]

Intelligence: [1645]

[Resistance: 2,072]

[Skills Points: 5,000]

[Magic Attunements: Chaos Magic - Tier 1, Elemental Magic - Tier 2, Healing Magic - Tier 2, Space Magic - Tier 2, Enhancement Magic - Tier 2, Blood Magic - Ancient Tier]

[Magic Skills: Intermediate Elemental Manipulation, Heal, Teleportation, Space Barrier, Space Needle, Disruption]

[Magic Elements: Chaos Magic, Fire Magic, Earth Magic, Water Magic, Ice Magic, Wind Magic, Lightning Magic, Healing Magic, Light Magic, Space Magic, Enhancement Magic, Blood Magic]

[Active Skills: Shadow Dive, Slash, Shadow Stealth, Shadow Manipulation, Stab, Swift Strike, Silent Step, Swift Movement, Nimble Step, Silence, Footwork]

[Passive Skills: Enhanced Daggersmanship, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Aerodynamics, Enhanced Regeneration]

[Arts: Assassination Arts]

[Resistance Skills: Elemental Resistance, Pain Resistance, Sun/Holy and Light Resistance, Blood Resistance, Soul Immunity]

[Perception Skills: Sense Presence, Sense Kin, Blood Flow Vision, Blood Sense, Night Vision, Enhanced Senses]

[Innate Abilities: Chaos Mana Manipulation, All Attribute Affinity, Appraisal lvl-Max, Blood Absorption, Semi-Immortality, Shapeshift (Vampire), Nail Manipulation]

[Titles: Chaos Mana User, Dual Weapon User, Vampire Killer, Drake Killer, Progenitor, Vampire Princess]

[End of Summary]

2nd Author Note:

The higher rank Vampires can see their reflections from any reflective surface.

Side Note:

Mc has light magic it is just combined with elemental magic, and Light Magic Resistance, which was replaced by Ancient Sun/Holy Light Resistance, which has three elements, which are Sun, Holy, and Light.

2nd Side Note:

Normally when turned into a vampire from another vampire you wound become a half breed, but the mc's situation is different, which you'll find out later on.

3rd Side Note:

half breed vampires, or any half breed monster, human etc, can evolve into a full breed through evolution.
