After some time, Evelyn had no idea how long it was her cries were reduced to small hiccups and sobs.
She sniffed lovely trying to get rid of the snot but she failed miserably in doing so.
"Here," Alexis extended her arm that was full sleeves with cotton cloth. "Wipe it."
Evelyn looked at Alexis horrified by what she had said. She shook her head side to side refusing to do it.
Alexis chuckled. "I have had four children who wiped their snot and vomited on me. Now I have two grandchildren to do it. I don't think I would mind if you do it as well."
Evelyn refused to believe that Alexis was actually offering her something like that. However she is able to why was not on the sleeve of a woman that was the mother and former donna of an organisation so huge and dangerous?
"Thank you, Donna." She said but ended up sniffing loudly at the end of it. "I can't do that.'