

There are some questions that people try to find an answer to but those questions can never be answered. It's the same when you are in love and you feel so special, it feels so great and real that your heart flutters. But what will happen when you find out that the person you love does not love you back? It's very difficult to face that hard truth. Your love gets trampled on. Shen Xi falls in love with Lu Chai, her childhood best friend and cannot wait to confess to him because she believes he loves her back. What will happen to Shen Xi when her dream is shattered and her love gets trampled on when Lu Chai introduces his girlfriend, Su Rou who is also her enemy as his girlfriend. Join this story as it starts with the childhood of these two friends from the very start to when she grows up. Love will always find its way if you are meant to be. **Cover is not mine credits to the owner*

Dessy_Success · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

The blue-haired boy

Shen Xi ran to a corner but decided the place was not safe so she hid in the lady's bathroom. Lu Chai checked the whole crowd but she wasn't there.

'Where did that silly girl go?' he thought to himself.

Gu Zhu held some pieces of cake in his hands as he looked for Shen Xi, he saw her running towards the washroom and waited for her to come out. Shen Xi waited for a while and when she didn't hear any footsteps, she stepped out only to bump into somebody. She shrieked out and saw Gu Zhu who held his arm in pain.

"Brother Gu, are you alright?" she asked him

"Oh Xixi, I'm okay I was looking for you"

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"Here, I took this for you" he stretched out his hand which held the cake.

"No thanks, I already ate a lot" she lied

Gu Zhu seemed disappointed but his eyes lit up after remembering something.

"Then let's go and play again, my friends are gone and I'm alone"

"I...I have to go, my dad is looking for me" Shen Xi lied and fled away.

Gu Zhu looked at her back for some time before chasing after her.

Shen Xi run to her mother and hid behind her and soon Gu Zhu approached them.

"Mrs Lu" Gu Zhu greeted her mother

"Little Gu, how may I help you?"

"I'm here to call Xixi to play since all my friends are gone"

"My daughter is not going anywhere" A deep male voice was heard from behind. They saw Shen Kun approaching with a cold expression, Gu Zhu immediately felt the temperature rise after his presence.

"Mr Shen I only want to play with Xixi, we'll not go far"

"Let the children play if she stays with us she might feel bored" Ning Nu looked at her husband with a smile.

"My eyes are on you if you dare to bully my daughter it's the end of you" he looked at the little one with deadly daggers.

"I dare not, Xixi is my friend"

"Go on dear, mommy is watching you" Ning Nu urged her daughter to go with him.

"Okay mommy"

Shen Xi followed Gu Zhu.

"Xixi I am sorry for not protecting you earlier" Gu Zhu apologised.

"It's okay Brother Gu" she smiled sweetly

"Your dad is so scary that I almost peed in my pants" Gu Zhu joked which made Shen Xi laugh.

"He's just protecting me"

"I know, he sure pampers you a lot, how old are you?" he asked and stopped walking

"I'm three years, what about you?"

"I'm five, I have a big sister who's 11 years"

"I have twin siblings who are 8 years"

"Xixi since you call me brother then I hope we are friends"


They talked about many things and sometimes Gu Zhu would make a joke for Shen Xi to laugh at. Ning Nu and Shen Kun observed the kids and breathed a sigh of relief after finding out the boy did not bully her but Shen Kun was jealous of seeing his daughter interact with another male.

Next day...

Shen Xi carried her bag and waved at her parents before running off to class. Shen Ji and Shen Li waved at her and went to their classes.

"Good morning Xixi" Wang Pe greeted her and took her bag to carry it for her.

Shen Xi looked around and did not see Lu Chai.

"Looking for the young master?" Wang Pe asked as she placed the bag on the seat.


Shen Xi looked disappointed but sat down to learn with Wang Pe.

Gu Zhu was passing off to his class when he took a glimpse of Shen Xi.

"Xixi!" he shouted at the entrance of the classroom, Shen Xi turned and saw Gu Zhu waving at her, she waved back at him and he left.

"You know senior Gu?" Wang Pe asked in a surprised tone.

"Hmm, my friend"

The teacher entered and told everyone to go to their seats. As the teacher spoke, she felt someone's eyes on her and saw a blue-haired boy staring at her with his big eyes, when he saw that she had noticed his gaze he immediately looked away.

'Who's that?' Shen Xi asked herself because she hadn't seen him before.

Soon it was break time...

Shen Xi and Wang Pe rushed out to the dining hall with their lunch boxes.

Shen Xi sat and took out her food and started eating, she felt someone gaze at her and saw the blue-haired boy staring at her when he saw she had caught him he immediately looked away.

Shen Xi tugged Wang Pe and pointed at the blue-haired boy.

"Who's that?" she asked curiously

"That's Fang Qingli, his family is the second most powerful family in China, he's a pampered boy and likes to bully other kids, why do you ask?"

"Nothing, just curious"

Soon something stinky splashed on Shen Xi as she spoke.

Discord:Dessy Success#7193


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