
Chained Souls

A boy and his sister orphaned and forgotten soon realizes there family had far more secrets then they cared to know, as they get dragged back into a family blood war that's been going on for hundreds of years, they make many friends and lose some on the way growing stronger mentally and physically, All in efforts to claim the most desired family heirloom that grants whichever family branch overwhelming power and authority over the other branches, only then will the blood war end. : Author, a journey between right and wrong and the thin line in-between and how the MC Armel has to choose which road to take, going through many trails and finding a new home and making new friends and losing some along the way in cruel even grotesque nerve wrenching ways, will these cruel fate's and torment from whom claim themselves and others consider the heroes change him for better or for the worst, after all what exactly is a hero anyway if not a beautiful lie, what is fate if not a twisted truth and can a soul escape these chain's.

Tristen_M_Williams · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Taking The high Road, chapter 6

they next morning they had all gathered at the entrance of the orphanage sitting at the pickup area with there luggage, so what's y'all's expectations for all of this, asked Ben, well I hope to have a giant closet and a king size bed Iris said chuckling, info about are parents and who killed them Armel said with a stern expression.

always so serious Ben thought, well I hope to make this a good family he said out loud, and Iris and Armel looked at him, ya that's right this makes you are brother, I always wanted a brother said Armel smiling, like one isn't enough coughed Iris, and they all started to laugh.

and a red limousine pulled up, what the, they all said simultaneously, they knew Dracul was rich, but didn't think he was that rich, well looks like we're millionaire's said Armel, as the driver stepped out and, I'll get your luggage, go ahead and get In.

Iris didn't hesitate and opened the door omg se screamed with excitement, there was black leather couches all facing the middle and two tvs hanging from the ceiling in opposite corners, and a brand new video game system hooked up to one of the TVs and a stack of movies by the other, and a built-in mini fridge.

wow said Ben as he stepped in, after Armel who had a very pleased expression, and there was a thump and the driver came to the door I hope you kids have a good time and enjoy yourselves, as he closed the and the got back in the driver's seat and we're off they heard over a intercom if you need anything fell free to press the green button and it will allow you to speak directly to me, were will arrive at the airport in approximately three hours.

So Armel and Ben stated up the game system, while Iris was looking through the mini fridge, hay y'all thirsty, yeah what you got, grape soda, cream soda, blue cream soda, I'll take a blue said Ben, a cream soda said Armel, this cabinet is full of snacks too but y'all can help your self too that, and she started to go threw the movies.

three hours later!, a beep was heard band the man over the intercom chimed in we are arriving at your destination, Iris,Be and Armel had all passed out, and we're waking up, we really shouldn't have ate so much junk food, complained Armel, as the limo stopped in the door opened, Dracul stood there surprised and in shock, how much junk food did y'all eat, as he could see empty chip bags, pop bottles and Candy boxes.

too much man explained Ben looking as if he was going to throw up at any moment, getting out of the limo, they dusted themselves off, don't worry about your things they will be mailed, we must hurry so we don't miss are flight as they reached the check in station, Dracul asked a security guard, hay man would you mind watching them for a second I need to go to the bathroom, sure thing sir, and he disappeared around the corner.

entering the bathroom Dracul stopped and hid behind the door and waited, and two men came in and the door closed, were the hell did he go one of the men said, as Dracul walked up behind them and punched one of the men who was sent flying face first into a urinal crushing his skull braking it off the wall and then kick the other and in the crotch, who was now hunched over, he lifted his head up and showing his teeth and red eyes.

vampire's Dracul though I wonder what's going on but no time for that I have a plane to catch, as he lifted his arm up and it started to morph and grew larger than black scales started to grow and his fingernails grew larger and sharper, and he swiped it down slicking the vampire's head into what looked like slices of bologna sliding of of each other onto the floor.

as Dracul returned to the check in station, he thanked the security guard, and they all headed down a hallway with a sign saying private section, wait the boarding line is the other way said Armel, iv got my own private jet explained Dracul, as they reached the end of the hallway, he opened a door going outside were they could now see a fancy jet parked with it's loading door down, let's hurry children, as they rushed over and boarded the jet.

that was close, if they had known I was the one with the kids they would have sent someone much stronger, and that wouldn't have been good and he wouldn't be able to cover it up from the public view, as Dracul thought to himself the security guards will be alerted shortly, let's get this thing going he said into a walkie-talkie, and the door closed, and the jet started moving, at the same time Armel had caught a glimpse of worry on Dracul's face.

do you have any ideas about the story, if so let me know what your thoughts are, by leaving a comment.

Tristen_M_Williamscreators' thoughts