
Most Compassionate Person

Sophie was staring at the phone screen in her hand. "Sophie, what are you staring at?" she asked herself. 


She had managed to get her picture taken with Junwei and posted it on social media to create a stir so that he would contact her and beg her to remove that picture.


But no such thing happened. 


He didn't call her. Every time there was a notification ping, she would check if Junwei had messaged her. She was wrong about him. Junwei wasn't even bothered about what was going on around him. 


Though his secretary, Wang Zexi, had contacted Ciao earlier, asking him to remove that post. Sophie had refused because, in her opinion, it was the only way to make Junwei agree.


She scrolled the comment section and encountered many comments where it was speculated that those two were in a relationship. Most comments were on Junwei. The CEO, who was never involved with any woman all these years, would surely trouble everyone. She bit her nails in nervousness, wondering if Junwei would file a case against her. 


She decided to delete the post until she saw the comment from Yu Ziyang. She was astonished to see that comment.


"These two look good together," was the comment from Yu Ziyang, with a smiling emote. She giggled to see that and realized that Junwei was her first love. 


"How can he change so much? He lacks empathy. His eyes look dull," she mumbled, "or did I assume wrong when I first encountered him? I could not see that time, so his beautiful words made me think he was the most compassionate person I ever met." 


She put her phone on the sofa table and went to the kitchen to eat something. After she returned from meeting Junwei, she was not in the mood to eat anything. Her appetite had gone, as he called her dumb and insane. 


She would not ignore the fact that her haters always used such words for her, but hearing all this from Junwei's mouth had hurt her. He was the last person whom she could ever think of saying such words to her. 


"I thought he would recognize me. He was the one holding my hand when I fell," she murmured and put a pan on the stove. She took out a packet of ramen and decided to eat ramen for dinner. In the boiling water, she put the noodles and let them boil. 


Her phone started ringing, and she quickly ran to the living room to lower the gas flame. She checked the name on the screen and found it was an unknown number. 


"Is it Junwei?" she wondered and answered the call. 


"Hello." She softly responded. 


"This is Wang Zexi, the secretary of Mr. Yu Junwei. I would like to request you to remove the post from social media before my boss takes legal action against you," Wang Zexi politely requested her to take down that post. 


"But I didn't do anything illegal," Sophie answered. 


"Miss Lin, taking someone's picture without permission is illegal," Wang Zexi stated. "Also, this way my boss will only get angry," he added. 


Sophie hummed and asked him to tell Junwei to contact her, then she would delete that post. 


"Pardon me, Miss Lin. But my boss isn't interested in talking to you. Also, he is already asleep. I do not want to disturb the sleep of my boss. I again would like to request you to remove that post before things heat up," Wang Zexi asserted. 


"It will not affect my boss in any way, but Miss Lin may get affected. Her previous day's incident is already creating havoc on social media, and if Mr. Yu files a case against Miss Lin, it will be difficult for her to survive in the entertainment industry," Wang Zexi threatened her. 


It was the only way to make her delete that post. Junwei had already given him the responsibility to handle the matter, so by hook or crook, he would make Sophie delete that post. 


Sophie chuckled at hearing him. "Fine. I will delete that post. But let me tell you something. The speculations about Junwei's relationship with me will arise more. That will affect your boss ten times more. Currently, my post only says that I visited his office for some business work. You should tell it to Junwei before making any decision in a rush," Sophie explained to him while giving him appropriate reasoning as to why she should not delete that post. 


Wang Zexi fell silent. He hadn't thought of any such thing. He told Sophie that he would contact her again after talking with his boss. 


"Sure. You can ask him to call me personally. That would be better, Secretary Wang," Sophie asserted.


"Sure, Miss Lin." Wang Zexi hung up the call and Sophie returned to the kitchen. 




Junwei was unable to sleep, so he had gone to the park of the housing society. After running for ten minutes, he sat down on the bench in front of the pond. He inhaled and exhaled sharply and looked up in the sky. 


"The beauty of the night sky has lost thanks to the pollution," he mumbled. The phone in his pocket vibrated and he tapped on the earbud inside his ear. 


"Sir, I asked Miss Lin to remove the post from the social media, but she told me that people might speculate there's more than a business relationship between you two. Currently, there are comments regarding that but then many thinks that Miss Lin met you for business," Wang Zexi explained to Junwei. 


"Just tell her to delete that post. I gave you one simple work, and you could not even accomplish that," Junwei snapped at him. 


"Sir, why don't you speak to Miss Lin? I have sent her contact number to you," Wang Zexi said. 


"No, you will do it. Also, I had told you to contact her manager. Why did you call her!?" Junwei was slightly annoyed at him. 


"Because Miss Lin's manager phone is switched off," Wang Zexi said. 


"I will talk to her," Junwei hung up the call and took out his phone. He checked the message and saw Sophie's number. He dialed her number and waited for her to answer the call. 


"Hello," Sophie answered the call from the other side. 


"Delete that post, now. I will handle the rest of the matter," Junwei sternly said. 

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