
Prince in the making

Kilith ordered the centinels to put the old goat faced cultist that was playing dead in the prison, the prison was a facility inside of the fortress that could imprison creatures and deprive them of any use of magic or energy of any kind.

Before the old cultist could even run, he had his hands and feet chained and was dragged into the prison where he would be deprived of all his power because of a suppressing collar, before going back to see her newborn son kilith gathered her men in a formation, all centinels presented Kilith with all the soul coins they had condensed from this battlefield.

Soon, the centinels started cleaning the aftermath of the battlefield, all traces were cleaned with celestial magic used by all angels, they all returned to their own duties as if nothing had happened just your every day training battle, Kilith on the other hand landed in front of her castle, she dematerialized her silver armor and spear and went back to wearing her white dress walked into the front hall and turned to the left of the big stairs leading to her chambers.

To the left of the stairs, there was a formation that was placed the day she had built the castle, this formation was a formation one could buy with soul coins from any celestial market owned by a Divine family that sold centinels or other commodities, this Formation would allow any true angel to exchange soul coins for manpower, treasures, weapons, artifacts, land or celestial technologies.

Kilith stretched her soft hand over the formation, she activated the formation with her celestial magic, soon a screen appeared in front of her, this screen was a window to access multiple interdimensional markets owned by the celestial angels, Kilith started browsing and buying all she would need for the time being.

Acknowledging the effectiveness of second circle centinels in this battle, it was her first time seeing them in combat, and they didn't disappoint her, so she had used some of her new funds to buy 15 second circle centinels, in her plans 10 centinels would be added to the other 6 as her personal guards and the other 5 would command the war centinels from now on, this addition would bring her more benefits she was sure of it.

Recruiting third circle centinels was also a must as they were the bulk of her forces, she did more than replenish her loses but also expanded her guard centinel regiment and war centinel regiment with 50 000 heads each.

She also got some elixirs that would aid in the healthy growth of her son, Kilith had more than 2 million soul coins left, but she didn't want to use them now that she had a son, she wanted to gather a big amount of funds for her boy to use when he is all grown up.

When most Angelic beings are born, they don't take too much time to grow, as a race that grows and thrives in warfare angels mature very fast, unless mixed with a slow growth bloodlines any angelic being takes only 1 or 2 years to be ready to fight.

Kilith would enjoy all the time she could with her boy before he matured, after buying some elixirs and some toys and clothes for her boy, Kilith went back to her chambers to see her sweet baby.

Raven was playing with one of the maid's ponytails, soon he heard footsteps walking closer to the room he was in, assuming it was his mother, Raven looked intently into the door and watched his mother push the door open.

As soon as kilith stepped into the master bedroom, she found that her son's eyes were locked on her, and he started giggling at her sight, giving her a warm feeling of love she had long-lost, her son with his hands wide open towards her as if gesturing for her to come pick him up.

Raven was acting all cute and innocent to raise his favorability with his mother, looking at the otherworldly woman coming his way, he could see a peerless beauty in a white dress that barely covered her curves and swerves, four white wings swayed with her delicate walk, two grand snow capped mountains bounced with her movement.

He stopped his thoughts from trailing any further, he didn't know if anyone around him had any mind reading abilities, promising himself that he would look into this matter in the future, for him now was not the time for desires but the time to adapt and blend into this new world.

While his mother started holding him and talking to him in a soft voice, Raven gave her his undivided attention, any word from her mouth would warrant a sweet giggle from his.

For an entire month, Kilith devoted herself entirely to pampering and attending to Raven's every need. She embraced the role of a doting mother with unwavering dedication.

The days were filled with tender moments of breastfeeding, during which Kilith would cradle Raven in her arms, ensuring he felt the warmth and security of his mother's embrace. She took joy in watching him grow, relishing the simple pleasures of caring for her infant son.

Kilith also immersed Raven in a world of stories, enchanting him with tales of celestial realms, heroic adventures, and the valor of the centinels. She spoke to him in a soft, melodic voice, creating a comforting environment that fostered a deep bond between mother and child.

As the days passed, Raven, who had been playing the role of a baby perfectly, surprised Kilith by uttering his first word— "mama." The sheer joy that flooded Kilith's heart was immeasurable. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she held Raven close, savoring the sweet sound of her son calling her "mama" for the first time.

Overwhelmed with joy, Kilith felt a surge of emotion that transcended the ordinary. The sheer bliss of hearing her son speak his first word filled her with an exhilarating sense of happiness. It was a moment so profound that Kilith felt as if she could fly into the sky without the need for her celestial wings.

In that magical moment, surrounded by the warmth of maternal love, Kilith cherished the precious bond she shared with Raven and looked forward to the many more milestones and joys that awaited them in the journey of motherhood.

As Raven approached his fifth month, Kilith made the decision to cease breastfeeding him, as he had grown to the size of a 5-year-old human child. However, the abrupt change left Raven feeling a sense of loss and longing. He, being mad about not being able to experience the comforting touch and taste of his mother's nurturing, heavenly, sweet and bouncy embrace, displayed his discontent by acting sad and distant.

This unexpected reaction from Raven struck a chord deep within Kilith. The emotional distance between them sent a chill through her celestial being, stirring a fear of losing the precious connection she had forged with her son. Kilith, who herself had experienced a lack of love in her life after Ravens's father left, was plagued with separation issues and the fear of abandonment.

The fear that Raven might grow distant from her due to the cessation of breastfeeding overwhelmed Kilith with guilt. Unable to bear the thought of losing the closeness she shared with her son, she decided to resume breastfeeding. The moment she cradled Raven in her arms and offered him the nourishment he craved, a profound sense of relief washed over both mother and child.

Raven, realizing the impact of his actions, felt a pang of guilt for seemingly manipulating Kilith with his distress. In response, he began to take more care of her, sensing her emotional vulnerability. Raven, with a newfound understanding, started calling Kilith "mother" and soothing her by gently rubbing her hair as she drifted off to sleep.

This turn of events strengthened the bond between Kilith and Raven, demonstrating the intricate dance of emotions and care that defined their celestial mother-son relationship. The experience became a pivotal moment in their journey together, fostering a deeper connection built on love, understanding, and the mutual desire to nurture and protect each other's hearts.
