

Nathan, a boy with whose race was not determined , a race that is a result of the greed of a few demons and celestials alike,but in Nathan's situation, his was totally different. A soul that's not complete yet is strong enough to make creatures and powerhouses beyond the immortal transcendent plane to be wary of his existance. He retrieves and restores the lost fragments of his soul as he fights with his life always on the line. Existances with the power to anihilate a whole universe in just a single breath without using even 20% of their power were forced to be wary of a boy whose lineage and origin was unknown to many with an aura of a pure peerless Monarch, whose presence and words alone can make gods cower in fear of uncertainty. He had the power to become an existence with unfathomable might and power. An existence that laws that bind the universe can be bent at his will. An absolute powerhouse who chose to forge his own path and destiny with his own hands, blood and effort from the ground up. Who would dare challenge him when mere powerhouses who claim to be gods will be vulnerable against him. Not even powerhouses beyond the god realm. ......... "You carry the blood of a Celestial god, the blood of The Demon Queen and yet you die in this pitiful manner. Pathetic, with those two powerful bloodlines you could have ruled all seven realms and realities yet look at you" Said a voice deep within Nathan's being.It resounded again. "Rise, celestial warlock and rule like the true Monarch you are!! ..... [ Skill unlocked Skill name: Devine Monachory{ level 1} Description: You are the first existence to achieve a skill of this magnitude. You have forged a path only you can walk with pain and hardship...... ...] [ all skills have undergone a change. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have .................] The description alone was unlike he had seen before. Now He knew the Journey has just bagan, he now had the power to transcend the celestial realm to what layed beyond it. DISCLAIMER: Covers not mine

VESPER_ITRA · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

CHAPTER VII- The one to protect

Nathan had yet to check the rest of the activations attached to his sword the "Blood Wolf sword" after checking the first activation. But that would be for another time.

Nathan then became self conscious of his appearance. Dried Blood all over his arm, clothes soiled with blood.

Well he was thankful he wasn't in one of his favourite clothes. He was currently wearing the suit he wore to the interview today, more like yesterday to be exact.

He rolled down his sleeve a few hours ago when he faced the evolved spider earlier.

It was currently 1 am in the morning.

The noice outside seems to have quieted down a bit.

Well it could be as a result of the creatures outside seeking for more prey as the human population in the area was quiet reduced by a massive amount.

There were occasionally sounds of creatures in the distance.

Nathan wasn't bothered about this in the least. All he cared about at the moment was taken a long, bath in under the soothing cares of the hot shower on his skin.

Nathan stood there, on the spot. On a normal occasion, majority of people who were to be in his shoes would themselves for the deaths and miserable state they died in.

They would have blamed themselves for not helping them.

All they had to do was open the door to let them in to save them from that monster of a spider who wouldn't even think twice before taken the down to the afterlife.

Well not Nathan though as he knew whatever happened wasn't his fault.

Had he opened the door, he would have been nothing but prey to the now deceased mutated(evolved) spider .

Nathan stared at the mess in front of him and murmured to himself.

"Had I opened that door, I would me among these people (sighs), it was either me or them."

He turned his back and entered the house and then locked the door and leant a chair under the door know to further secure the safety of his life tonight.

If that door he had was to be left open in the middle of the night while some bizarre creatures were hunting, even he didn't know what would happen except certain death and he wasn't quite ready for that yet.

That's as far as he was concerned. He turned to the direction of the bathroom and headed there with a longing for bath he had never felt in his life except for that one time he fell on mud when he was a child years ago.

As Nathan neared his destination as he bagan taking off his clothes, He started with his upper clothes, then proceeded with the lower half of his body.

He hoped into the shower, turned it on and washed all his vitals and washed away the blood as well.

He spent as much as time he could there. After an hour or so, he finally got out of the bath and his towel next to his body mirror, when he grasped yhe towel and shifted his gaze to the mirror, he was astounded by what he saw, truely breathtaking.

Obviously this wasn't the first time he has seen himself naked.

This was different. What he saw was a man who could be considered breath taking, he stood there staring at his own reflection with a flabbergasted expression on his face.

From his face to his head down to his toes was simply something he never thought would happen not even once.

He had strands of hair dangling on his face which adde to the attractive look of his face.

He ran his hand through his hair out of instinct. Even he had no doubt that he was seriously handsome.

He wouldn't believe it if someone said otherwise.

Nathan's gaze then shifted to his enhanced upper body. He was sthe kinda guy who often worked. His way just the basics for one to be in great shape .

He would do simple workouts every now and then.

He then focused a bit more on his upper body yet not too much, specifically his arms, Incase he ran into some trouble only fists could solve.

He had well defined abs (six packs). Well defined chest area. It was smooth and coupled with the countless droplets of water on his body, he looked ever so fine looking.

He then shifted his gaze to his gaze to his lower torso ,the muscles he had on his thigh and knee calf were well defined yet firm .

Nathan wouldn't lie about this when he says he was gorgeous to some extent without a doubt.

His skin looked like a it has been cleansed from some impurity he didn't know about.

His skin tone was a tone darker.

It looked like his skin was a shade of both the colours of fair and dark.

One couldn't ready tell the difference.

He was indeed a good looking young man, from the ground up.

Nathan just shook his head with a bitter smile as he exists the bathroom.

He soon. Out on clothes, clothes not too comfortable as to feel at ease. For all he knew, he could be forced to fight anytime and at any point tonight.

It's was currently 2 am I the morning as he neared his bed and looked at the safe into he corner near hsi bed.

He opened the safe after entering the combination locks on it, and upon opening, he saw the book his fatehr gave him a week before he left with his sister on a trip filled with suspiciousness as far as he was concerned.

He stared at the book for what seemed like an eternity as he hasn't even opened this book once his father gave them to him.

The pain back then upon the sudden realization that everything might end before even enjoying the fruits of his hardwork.

Those words he said at the middle of his long information he shared with Nathan back then was something Nathan never payed attention to at the time as he was stupified with shock.

Those words hit him like a nuclear missile after remembering those exact words he didn't pay attention to before until now.

If he recalled correctly, his father said something like;

"Do everything you can to support your well being as well as your brother Ethan."