
What Was Left Behind(EOC)


A loud bang started reverberating throughout a small room. Said bang caused by the fall of a child of a relitively small size.

His small boney hands covered a growing bruise on his cheek. Hair showing dark as the abys of night, yet the cool breeze and light shine of the moon say otherwise. The breeze pouring in the small apartment through the open window. Giving full light onto the scene a man of a much larger standing, hair of a much lighter hue. Standing almost breathless, the heavy motion of his sholders only giving a greater example of their lack of air.


The larger figure stepping closer to the lesser. Stepping durther into the moonlight fully allowing his entire body to be seen. Wearing a ragy white beater barely keeping his gut in along with sweat pants and a final finish of slightly moldy sandles to withold his chubby feet.


The boy kneeling hand still covering his cheek sat in silence. Not saying a word fearing that they would be used in the larger figure putrid attempt to right himself of his sins. The shadow of his mildly lengthy hair hiding his expression.


'What's the point?'

I've been asking myself that question quite often these days. Well maybe most of my life in fact, maybe even all of it if only if I could recall such times. Too much head truama I guess, though I don't know when or how such a thing came about I can genuinly guess where though.

I mention refrencing up to the tall figure towering above me.

"stupid" The man that the world legally(mostly genetically though) my 'father' muttered under his breath as he began to walk away. Although I personally would not refer to such a person with such a title. Disgusting. The only word I would use to discribe such a horid existence... is the only way I could describe the look on my sisters face. Who was currently peaking her head through the crack of her bedroom door.

Personally(in regards to my own thoughts this time) I couldn't care less. Even though I was mainly and the only one abused between me and my sister. Care about the abuse shure how to refer to such a person never really crossed my mind other than a few suggestions. Although most having definitions currently out of my dictionary.

I gently lift my hand off my face to bring it to my sight of vision. Cracked and dry. Signs of lack of care, not that it was on purpose however. I couldn't exactly put any effort in such endeavors when nourishment was... lacking to say the least. The latest evidence being the money theft. My bony and lack of fat exterior only giving further evidence to such a claim.

With a slight glance to the same door a head was previously poking out of I realize just that. It was a past notion so to speak, she was no longer there. 'Asleep probably' was the only thought that came to mind.

Slowly releasing my self from the grasp of the cool floor, I weakly stand up my skeletal figure barely enough to withstand my own mass. With light creaks of the floor I travel down the halls of the home. Tracing my fingers across the chipped walls. The smell of garbage and the pure smell of nicotine filling my senses as I pass The first door down the long path.

Even though such a path wasn't as long as I made it out to be. Being only a few meters in length having only three doors down it's path. The first being my 'fathers' signified by the lack of... well joy in the scent that past. It truly is a wonder how such a scent didn't pass through to the rest of the abode.

The second being on the opposite side of the hall walls belonged to my mother. Really only one of the few things I cared about in the gray world. Although her lack of presence could be felt by a cool breeze flowing through her open door from the window that layed further in it's depths.

And finally the last was 'mine', even though I wouldn't describe it as so. Slowly turning the knob a breeze stronger than the rest. A slight chill hit my nerves causing a slight shudder to erupt from my figure. the coo- no the cold wind blew naught from an open window but a broken one in it's stead. The shattered glass leaving no room for blinds to block the moons reflection.

Covering my eyes to block such a spectacle. looking up I slowly release my shield learning that such light was not in as much intensity as the sun. Personally my impression of the sun wasn't great. The main reason for such a belief rooting from jealousy. Jealousy of what though? I personally don't understand that much myself. I can only assum that it's of it's brightness. Something so bright that it could light everyones day(in a literal sense). Something so bright it could even make the moon shine as bright as it did at night. Something that he 'hated'. It showed how pathetic he was, how small his existence was to the grand scheme of things.

But mostly, how it lit everyones life up but his.

Looking up to view the shinning of lights my eyes shinned with glimmer in the radience of the starry sky. The scene was... beautifll, Breathtaking even, but still... sad.

Just how many people died today aswell.

'On such a beautifull night may the world hide it's sins' was something I often heard mother saying when she would watch the night sky with me.

'What did she mean by that' I think in wonder before finally glancing at the digital clock on a building in the distance.

Realizing only now what time it is I finnaly resolve to having stayed awake long enough I crawled into bed resting my eyes for the day to come. Maybe Just maybe I could go somewhere far far away being led away from this place.

I could feel the warmth of a single tear trickle down my bruised cheek as I rested in peacefull solitude to return to my dreamscape. The only escape I had other than mothers arms.


1,079 words(not counting this) hot dang new record.

Now I know it's been awhile but by the time the draft for this chapter was done it was nearly summer. So I thought why not yaknow.

So anyways


It's too late for this.

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Frost_Burncreators' thoughts