

Alright, hear me out i can explain.

There was a reason for my absence.

What's the reason you might ask.


Now I don't mean anything by it I promise.

Just a fair warning, when she says go faster take it in moderation. believe me I had to sacrifice an arm. (God that can be taken the wrong way.)

Although, in actuality that was just a small piece of the puzzle.

Alright so here's the jist of it. After my arm recovered(honestly never thought it would) I wrote a few chapters, and during post-write clarity I thought it was time to pick up a new novel. So i'm just strollin' through webnovel on my way to find either a cliche or a god-novel, and what do ya know I found both in 'Raid shad- *cough* sorry too much Lythero.

Anyways I found it, it seemed pretty good at first, nice characters interesting descriptions, but the direction after chapter six was terrible I mean what was the author thinking...

until I realized...

it was mine. No, I ain't rewriting again, I'm mainly talking about future chapters I had written. The story so far was pretty good(atleast I'd say), although you could tell the constant change in ideas for the future of the story in total, like a change in censoring or a random crossover that originally had a purpose which is now voided. *cough* Satoru *cough*(So to say the story was originally going to be in Tensura, but I opted otherwise.) Though if you guys want a tensura fanfic i wouldn't mind grabbin' outa the idea stash.

Anyways this is just an announcement saying why and for how much longer this story will be on hiatus.

Answer: Probably for a month or two it really just depends on how long it takes me to go through my 'process'(a.k.a laying in bed questioning life).

Although the hiatus wasn't planned it might turnout to have a better effect on the story in total.

But that does not mean I'll just be idling around young reader!!

No this Frost here... has come out with yet another great idea!!

So get your cheeks ready! (Wait that sounds kinda wrong should I rephrase that?)

Another story is on the horizon... and It is the complete rewrite of my other completely original story.( not like this one is original )

For those who might've read the garbage that it was I dearly apologize. But fear not(insert dramatic almight pose) for you will not be disapointed!!

It'll probably come out next week or so by the way. So make sure you check it out.

Oh, and if anyone was wondering the difference between actual 'thoughts' and (side comments). 'Thoughts' are well self explainatory, while (side comments) are a little on the more difficult side. Them primarily being three things, one being a sort of wisper from the character, an actual side comment, or three left over notes from yours truly that I left for comedic purposes and or later added statements. Example: (The actual notes and 'raw' chapters are a lot messier)

Just an fyi most characters that I create, you might notice simularities. That is because they are for the least part modeled after me.(atleast personality wise) But I can assure you there are major differences between them, that ranging from actions to thought processes. And if something happens you can assume there was a ligitimate reason for it to be so. Like the main characters appearance, it's a super long reason so I won't really get into it.

And I kinda realized the title 'Celestial inquisitor' doesn't really fit the direction of this story anymore. So if you guys got any ideas i'll take suggestions.

Anyways expect to see more of me as my schedules startin' to look nice and clean these days(making it spiffy was also a focus), and more story ideas are rakin' up by the day. I just can't hold in my exitement for the future, but anyways make sure ya comment and stuff to let me know how you guys feel about the story(it'll help speed up the 'process'). A lot of thought and filtration goes into each and every chapter so it helps to know you guy's opinion. Eventhough it's been a minute and you should expect breaks in the future I hope ya guys stay for the journey.

Till next time.


I strongly encourage feedback.

Frost_Burncreators' thoughts