
2. Pitch Black

By the time he had realized the lack of his sister the event had already taken place.

Quickly turning completely around he spotted her running torwards the commotion.

"Huh? what the-wait May!!" Catching up to her location he finally realized what was going on.


After running up to the scene I noticed a man bleeding out on the ground, and my sister scrambling to help out best she could.

"Ah-M-Mathew took you long enough." She responded to my presence in an attempt to calme herself down.

"Mikami senpai stay with me!!" A man screamed.(The difference in dialogue is because the mc and company were speaking english while everyone else is speaking in japanese.)

'This dude must be a friend/coworker of sorts.' I dart my head up in question

"Hey can you tell me what happened here. We might be able to help." He turns his head torwards us in response.

"I-i don't know. This guy came charging out of n-no where. S-senpai pushed me out the way an-an-." He said while bawling his eyes out.

"I... see."

"T-tamura." The dude bleeding out struggled to say while I pat him down with spare rags.

"S-senpai what is it"

"Come c-closer."

The now known as Tamura leans closer. "M-Make sure you throw my computer in the bathtub. O-okay."

"Y-yeah ill do just that."

After that I began to see the man in a new light. 'This man obviously has his priorities straight. Rather than just a random passerbye he seems more like a sage now, no maybe even a greate sage. He should definitely reincarnat-.' I shook my head. 'Not the time.'

[p@...&jdhf&#*%! Aquired] 'Huh... what... was... that?'

Noticing movement to my left I quickly turn and grab the arm of the escapee.

"Where are you going May?"

"I'm going to go catch that guy what else." She snaps back in response.

"No you're not this dude is dying and were helping." She begins to grit her teeth. "Trust me i'd love to go myself bu-"

"You should go" I'm interupted by a familiar voice.

"Huh-wait Tod!"

"Me and your sister'll help this guy. Your fast so just go catch him." The now identified as Tod says.

I quickly stand up. "Alright then." I quickly run off in the direction of the perpetraitor.

Weaving through the crowd of people forming around the scene. Only then do I see him a few blocks down turning in an alley way.

"Crap!" I yell I response to his sudden turn. Increasing my speed to catch up I turn left and right through the alleyways. Finding my way through the sound of crahsing objects falling through his path.

Finnaly running out of the alleyway crashing into one or two people in the process. "Sorry!"

The man finnaly realizing he had a pursuer picks up his pace. Running into the street jumping and weaving through passing traffic.

I follow with jumping over the hood of a car.

*BEEP* "Sorry!"

Weaving through traffic I failed to realize the approaching truck. *BAM*

My body flew through the air bouncing on the concrete. Traffic stopping in response to the 'tragity'.

I could feel my bones cracking it hurt. My bones peirced my lungs as I slowly stood. The crowd looking in horror, while I noticed a familiar figure sitting on his butt amist the crowd. It was the killer, but something was off the look in his eyes was different. It was FEAR.

'i was always told i looked a little scarry. but not to that extent. i guess the blood and bones. peircing through my skin adds to the scare.' I think as I slowly aproach. 'my vision is all blurry. i have a huge head ache. it's hard to breath. i'M uSeD tO iT. i can barely hear. iM UsEd tO iT. the cracking of my bones. everytime i take. a step. closer. i'M. UsEd. tO. iT.'

*HONK* I could hear multiple muffled honking noises. lifting my head slowly I finnaly notice the aproaching onslaught of thousands upon thousands of trucks in the sky falling torwards me.


The only thing I could see. The only thing I could hear. The only thing I could feel. Was...

NoThInG aT aLl.


That day at the shallow age of 27 the individual known as Mathew Henson has PeRiShEd.

Wow that one took awhile.

Although It may just seem like the next day or so to you guys, but this one took several days of consideration.

Now fair warning next chapter will be a giant info drop. Specifically about Mathew and his abilities.

*WARNING* Expect refrences and fourth wall breaks( specifically after this chapter. )




-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. = 1st person

---------------- = 3rd person.

Frost_Burncreators' thoughts