
Queen of Ace: Pensive Gentleman 2


"Steph you're making a big mistake here. You know nothing about Hammie. Trust me you do not want her working here, neither would you want her as a wife!" Henry said.

"Henry, try to make me understand you. Are you bothered about Hamda Cale working here or bothered that she is my wife?" I wanted to know what his agenda would be if he really meant well to me or if he just wanted something from me. With Henry, you never know what he is up to.

"Stephen, this isn't about me. It's about you making someone you barely know your wife. Trust me, I know her." Henry tried to sound convincing but he missed the bus.

"Henry, I did my investigation and I know what you're hiding. I know what you did to her! You always feel you can have what you want whenever you want it. Sorry, you ain't having Hamda back, not now, not ever. She stays." I shot back at him. I could see how furious he became, his hands were clenched and his face became so red.

"How are we sure this marriage is not a scam? You're just dumb Steph and trust me if you are trying to get Dad to share the company between us two, that won't work."

"Get out of my office, now!" I tried to control myself in situations like this. Henry has a way of making me angry and I won't let him get to me. "Get the hell out."

He looked at me like he wanted to punch me, he turned around and left with the door slammed behind him.


"Shani, something's gone wrong. Steph isn't leaving anytime soon. He is married." I know Shani won't be pleased with this news, but she always has a way to get things fixed.

"Henry, how on earth did you not know about this? We need to take over the company, with this happening we can't. Who's the bitch ass gold digger?" Shani asked furiously.

"It's Hammie, sorry, Hamda. Hamda Cale." I knew she wouldn't let this go. My past came biting me in the ass.

"This just got interesting, your ex is now your brother's wife. You better fix this. Oh, and one more thing, Zip your pants," She hung up.

Shani is a bitchy one, but that's one thing about her that turns me one. She sure knows I won't be zipping up my pants, that's the only way to get Hammie out of the picture. That's if I don't prove the marriage is a sham first.


Hamda you must be crazy to have played along with Stephen, do you have an idea of what you have gotten yourself into? I have always loved Henry even after he messed up my life, yet there is something about Stephen that makes me want to know him more.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in please," I answered.

Stephen walks right in, looking like a dashing gentleman in a midnight blue suit with a thin green windowpane pattern. Single breasted, but with peaked lapels. This unusual detail, along with handmade buttonholes and functional cuff buttons, gives the suit away as bespoke. The shirt is white, with lavender stripes running up it. The tie is deep purple, solid and sleek. It's tied with an impeccable and effortless dimple. His pocket square is colorful and vibrant, yet tasteful. He is a man who will swiftly sweep any woman off her feet.

"Hey Hamda, I came to speak with you," he stuttered,

"McAllister family once again wants to ruin my life. How did I not know you were his brother?" I asked.

"I changed my last name. I never wanted to be associated with the evils and atrocities that the McAllister family has done to people. I didn't mean to put you in this situation. It's just ---,"

"It's just what Stephen? That you knew who I was all along and decided to play games like you McAllister's have always done, Lure your prey in and then destroy'" I interrupted.

"Hamda just listen to me, when I saw 'Hamda Cale' in you the file set before me it sounded familiar. I did a quick background check and found out that you and Henry once had a thing. He dumped you like a piece of rag for Shani."

"Wait he's married to Shani? That bitch stole my man?" I was beyond furious. Shani was my best friend, she was always there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Every time Henry laid his hands on me, she was there to soothe my wounds always persuading me to break up with him — little did I know she had her claws on him.

"Yes, he is. It was my idea to get Shani to persuade you to break up with him. I always saw you leaving our house with a black eye and a bruised face. It hurt me so much that my own brother wasn't taught on how to treat a woman with respect," He sounded somewhat remorseful but he hadn't done anything wrong. He was actually trying to protect me.

"Then why did Shani get married to him? After I broke up with Henry, I couldn't reach her. Those I contacted had no idea where she was, I thought it was just her wanting to be alone."

"Hammie," he said as he came close to me trying to hold my hands. His hands felt so warm and strong, hands that could hold me close and never let go. "My Dad is dying, and he has promised to leave half of the company to me if I bring a lady to him. Not just any lady, but one who I will spend the rest of my life with. If I don't do this in a month, Henry and Shani get everything which ruins my father's reputation. I need you to help me."

I pushed his hands off me. "Do I look like a pawn you can toss around with?"

"Hamda, I know you're not a pawn. You're an amazing and beautiful woman. Confident and intelligent, and somewhat stubborn. It's time to show Henry you aren't that naive young lady any more."

He sounded convincing and he had a point. All these years, I've told myself I was wrong in breaking up with Henry, it was my fault. But now, now it's all clear to me, he just wanted it to have his way and no one else's. "Let's do this Stephen, I am ready."

"That's awesome," he takes out his phone and starts calling someone. "Hey Dad, I've found her. Yes, we can have dinner tonight. 8 pm. Thanks, Dad. See you soon."


It had become clear to me that Henry and Shani had their eyes on the prize, Black Bels Advertising. Finally, I get to meet the brain behind it all, Alexander McAllister. The rumor was that he was too gentle and kind for a CEO and a big shot in the city. This is going to be one hell of a dinner, Stephen had mentioned Shani and Henry were stopping by. I wanted to look sexy in a tight, sequined gown, as to give Henry a taste of what he lost, revenge. But I decided to switch to a comfortable silk red gown which falls in love with my body. Showing how comfortable I was in my own skin despite the past.

"Ma'am we've arrived," the driver said.

I stepped out from the black car, gaping at the large mansion that was set before my eyes. Uniquely twisted fencing kept the house enclosed and neatly trimmed hedges surrounding the house. The roof looked peaked, slanting down at an angle. The windows had royal purple curtains hanging on the other side of them. I walked towards the extravagant house, down the little stone path to the huge black door.

I stabbed the doorbell, which glowed with a yellow light surrounding the white button. Hearing a faint 'ding dong' I sighed, waiting for someone to come to the door. It was, moments later, that the door was opened by a tall, middle-aged man of average build. He had dark green, aged eyes, his face looked weary but he seemed active and alert. He looked a lot older than Stephen, but you could see a resemblance.

"Hello, Ms. Hamda Cale," he stretched out his hands to meet mine.

"Hello, sir," I stuttered. With the McAllisters, you never know.

"Oh please darling, call me Alex, Alexander McAllister. I have heard so much about you in just a short time. May we go in please?" He sounded so gentle as he closed the door behind us.

We walked into the house and stole a glance around the place. The black and white linoleum floor of the entrance glowed, obviously having been cleaned before I came. Stairs lay across the room, climbing toward the ceiling. A doorway was on either side of the room, one of which led us into the living room. The walls were dark blue with silver brush swipes crossing over it, creating a shimmering effect.

Footsteps came from upstairs and I could see Henry and Shani walk down like they were walking the red carpet of the Oscars.

"Hello, Dad. I didn't know you were back home?" Henry said, looking at me with mean eyes while holding Shani in his arms.

"Oh yes, an impromptu appointment with Hamda here came up. I am sure you remember her. She's Stephen's wife," Alex replied with a smirk on his face.

"Yes dad, I know Hamda and we are not so sure they are legitimately married." Henry handed me a glass of wine and gave the other to Shani.

"And I can't see a ring on her finger," Shani burts in. She just had to at every given opportunity.

They had no idea what was coming. "You think so?" I shot back at her and exposed the huge old-fashioned flashy ring on my finger. "Do you like it? Stephen gave me this when we first met." I said as I swirled my hand so she could have a good look.

"Dad isn't that mum's wedding ring?" Henry gaped.

"Yes, Dad gave it to me when I decided to propose to Hamda," Stephen answered from behind us. Where did he come from? These men are full of surprises. You could see Henry and Shani look at each other wondering if they were being played or if this was for real. This was me beating them at their own game.

Alexander walked up to me, took my glass of champagne from me and walked back to Shani. "Shani can you kindly give me your glass of champagne?" Everyone stared at Alexander, wondering what he was up to. "Everyone please take a seat."

We all sat down staring at each other, Stephen sat close to me while the two supposed love birds sat across whispering to each other. "Stephen, what's going on this wasn't part of the plan," I whispered.

"Calm down, I am sure my dad knows what he's doing." He placed his firm hands on my legs to help soothe my worries. This is a trait of a gentleman, unlike the monster who sat across, giving me a dirty look.

"Henry, I would like for you to pick up one of those glasses of wine and give it to your wife to have a sip," Alex said.

Henry's face went blank, you could see that the color had drained out of his face, then he looked at Shani and back at Alex. "I do not think Shani wants more wine," he said as his lower lip quivered.

"And why is that?" Alex said with a half smile. "Did you by accident slip something into Hamda's drink, and you're scared Shani will pick up the wrong glass?"

"What!" Stephen and I said in unison.

"Dad, I have no idea what you are talking about. Shani let's leave this minute."

"You want to kill a young lady all in the name of greed? I was never going to give the whole company to you, I just wanted Stephen to be able to find someone he can settle down with before I leave this world. I never understood the evil side of you and your wife, whom I thought would tame you. She's enabling your evil deeds, you both suit each other." Alex said with his eyes welled up.

Stephen stood up and went to comfort his father, with sadness clouding his handsome features. "Henry the game is over, take Shani home. She looks a bit shaken up. And I'll see you at work on Monday." Henry stood up and walked out with Shani whimpering behind him.

"Hamda welcome to the family, now let's go eat," Alex said to me as he leaned in for a hug.

That was indeed a way to be welcomed.


Thanks, MoranaGlinka for challenging me to get at least 1700 words ready before Monday, I got 2244 to be precise. ?????? Next Chapter is the beginning of a new Short Story, do check it out.

As the drill goes if you notice any grammatical errors or mistakes feel free to mention.

More votes, comments, and shares are welcome!

Lots of love always!

Cee (back to my reading desk)

hottiesoftiecreators' thoughts