
Caught in the Mafia world.

Akina was a quite girl that moved her life as it unfolded. The change to her life began when she witnessed a murder and she became the target of the Underworld lords as everyone wanted her dead and gone and forgotten to protect their selves. Everyone except... Sergio, the son of a notorious Underworld don. Will they be able to conquer all odds?

Writing_Butterfly · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs


Akina packed her bags getting ready to visit the market to get some groceries, after the incident that happened, she is scared of going out again, and what if they find her?

Her mother entered.

"Akina, are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes, mother." Akina replied.

"Make sure to give me a call when you reach there." Her mum warned.

She bites her lips nervously.

"How am I supposed to tell her that my phone got lost while escaping from the Killers gang? She will be so worried." Akina thought.

"Uhmm mother, I actually lost my phone while running away from the snake." Akina lied.

"But you haven't told me." Her mom said with a frown.

"I'm sorry mother, it just slipped my mind." Akina replied.

"Okay then, just take care and don't be late." She said to Akina and she nodded.

She bade her bye and started heading to the groceries store.

She was walking carefully mAkinag sure no one is watching her, every move used to scare her and make her blood pressure increase.

**Sergio Mafia camp**

Alfredo and Sergio were both seated on their black couch smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

"Have you asked Ricardo about that girl?"

Alfredo asked.

"Yes, he said he lost her track." Sergio replied.

"And you do trust him? He seems not serious about this, that girl is a threat to our lives, I was just trying to help you avenge your father's death not to put my life in trouble because of you." Alfredo asked.

"Of course why shouldn't I? He is my brother and he won't do anything to harm me, you shouldn't worry, I'm sure he got that." Sergio answered.

"I'm having this feeling that he is hiding something from us but...."

He paused as his phone rang.

"Excuse me, just a few seconds." Alfredo said and answered the phone.

"Boss, we have seen the girl at the grocery store, I'm watching her right now." Someone said over the phone.

"Okay, that's cool, follow her and get her here alive or dead." Alfredo replied.

"Okay boss." The person replied and hung off.

"I don't understand." Sergio said.

"Don't act like you aren't a real mafia Sergio, I got all my men surrounding the entire city to keep an eye on that girl, I know Ricardo isn't serious." Alfredo said.

"Don't talk bad about Ricardo, he is my brother." Sergio replied, smoking his Italian cigarettes.

"What's important is that we found her, now let's celebrate, cheers!" Alfredo said.

"Cheers!" Sergio replied with a wicked grin.

**The grocery store**

Akina noticed someone was following her, she could clearly hear the sound of the footsteps, she stopped and the footsteps stopped, she turned her face but couldn't see anyone, she clung her body together.

"This is the market, nothing will happen to you." She said to herself and continued moving. She saw someone dressed in black smoking cigarettes. She quickly turned to run when someone blocked her, also wearing black and a face mask. She turned to the other side and she realized that four hefty men surrounded her.

They brought out their guns.

"Please don't shoot me, I'm innocent." Akina pleaded.

"Unfortunately you have to die; you have seen what you aren't supposed to see, so say your last wish girl." Their boss said.

"Okay, can I get this?" She said and carried a pot of pepper and threw it on them, they all started groaning, screaming and holding their eyes.

Akina began to run, one of them shot the gun but it hit the other guy among them, he fell on the floor bleeding.

Akina was running as fast as her legs could carry her while the hefty men run after her, she hide in a small wooden made table and watched them as they all run in the wrong direction, she immediately came out and continue running, they saw her again and they began shooting but she was able to dodge all, everyone in the market become scared and were all running for their lives, their leader target her back without her knowing and when he shoots, she falls on the floor and coincidentally, a young man stand up and the bullet hit him right on his chest.

Akina almost screamed seeing the man die, her eyes almost popped out and her heartbeat started beating faster and louder, her leg twisted and sweat gathered all over her face, and everyone in the market ran for their lives.

Akina managed to hide inside the grocery store holding her breath.

The gang boss entered, holding an axe in his right hand and an Ak47 in his left hand.

Akina hold her nose and mouth, and even when he stepped on her foot, she didn't scream, just hot tears falling from her eyes, what had she caused to herself, maybe if she just didn't saw them that night all of this won't have happened to her, her life is in danger every single minute because of something she knew nothing about.

He bent down to check what he stepped on and Akina quickly pushed a carton and hid more.

He hissed, disappointed that she isn't the one.

He scanned the whole place with his eyes and when he didn't find her, he walked out of the grocery store.

"Find her, we can't go back to the boss without her, he will kill us all, she shouldn't be far from us, find her and kill her." He ordered and Akina heard everything.

"Oh my God, please save me from this mess, I don't want to die young, I have dreams, please." She prayed silently.

She heard their footsteps leaving and when she couldn't hear them anymore, she peeped through the window and was sure that they had all left.

She looks around staring at all the damage they have caused because of her and the police officers can do nothing about it.

The guy that took her bullet unintentionally died. She cried knowing that if that miracle hadn't happened, she might have been dead by now. She felt so bad that he lost his life and the blame is on her.